

Well-known Member
I see California passed a law that all pistols sold in the state need to have a firing pin that will imprint the pistol's serial number on the primer of the spent round.

Don't these rocket scientists realize that all it would take would be to swipe across the tip of the firing pin with fine sandpaper to erase the imprint? At the most, spend twenty bucks to replace the firing pin?

At least two manufacturers are going to refuse to sell firearms in California rather than submit to this stupidity.
The bad guys already have all the weapons that they need, so it won't affect them. Watch the crime rates go up in CA.
Imprint the serial number on the primer?
Well,,,,Ummmm.......The casing can just be picked up and thrown out somewhere else, The bullet would need the serial number imprinted....Right?

Stupidity at it's finest.
(quoted from post at 22:56:42 01/24/14) I see California passed a law that all pistols sold in the state need to have a firing pin that will imprint the pistol's serial number on the primer of the spent round.

Don't these rocket scientists realize that all it would take would be to swipe across the tip of the firing pin with fine sandpaper to erase the imprint? At the most, spend twenty bucks to replace the firing pin?

[b:62b5cca68c]At least two manufacturers are going to refuse to sell firearms in California rather than submit to this stupidity.[/b:62b5cca68c]
And that's exactly what the state wants.
What is really sad is that they think that will stop and slow down gun crime but in reality it will do nothing to help it. Fact is it is people who kill people nit the gun and till the people in the Government get out of the rut of guns kill people they will keep on trying stupid things and aren't they the ones who are suppose to have all that education???? Or maybe it is so the government can flat out take of this nation
"At least two manufacturers are going to refuse to sell firearms in California rather than submit to this stupidity".

This is just what the politicians in California want to hear. Politicians are inching closer and closer to their goal of gun control.
Maybe one of the geniuses will require that same serial number be imprinted on the bullet, and then test it on himself to see if it works as promised.....
Almost all handguns used by criminals are stolen so all they will find is the guy who it was stolen from. Stupid laws
But a neat idea.
Ruger has announced that they will no longer sell guns in California. You can't fix stupid. The government of California is stupid. You couldn't pay me to live there.
I also recall that one of our abundant congressmen said during a gun outlawing debate "perhaps we need some high profile killings to get something passed". Perhaps not exactly those words but that is what they meant. ABSOLUTELY STUPID!!
Oh you mine like what Hitler did in the late 30s in Germany. He imposed gun registration then after that was done had is Kastopo (sp) come in and take the guns so then he took over Germany and that in turn lead to WW-2
In the name of saving the world , these same morons are outlawing plastic grocery bags in a couple of months . I'm waiting for the blast of fresh air from it.....
Hitler confiscated guns in germany but that is not how he ""took"" over germany, he was VOTED in by a goose step admiring majority who swallowed his lies and false promises hook line and sinker, does that scenario sound familiar? It should because we have roughly 53% of idiots in this country who did the same thing two times in a row and are going to do it again as soon as nnalert throws her hat in the ring.
Ah but if it had been by popular vote external_link would not have gotten in a 2nd time but it goes by the electoral college thing which to me is not right but then I also believe if the person is a muti millionaire he/she should also be a true servant and live on there own money. Ya maybe have room and board payed but the same as what our military gets
You need to go back and look at the election results. He won the Electoral College and the Popular Vote. Not to my liking. I prefer to keep the Electoral College so maybe someone other than CA,NY can elect a president.
"At least two manufacturers are going to refuse to sell firearms in California rather than submit to this stupidity."

Yea, the crazy libs are still getting their wish though slower than they would like.
The electoral college works fine. It is the "low information voters" that are the problem. Too many people on the dole.

I think that in order to vote you should have to own real estate. Those who do not own real estate could vote provided they can pass a test on basic government, economics and civics.

When we started you had to be a land owner and male boy
have we changed over the years.
I think that we need to go back 21 and over it would change a
lot of things.
EVERY thing I saw said he did not win the popular vote. As for the Electoral college again it is a number that does not go with the popular vote so if a state wins in vote then X number goes that way even if the popular vote says other wise. But no matter what they are public servants and should be payed as such like the military and housed the same way and none should be Muti millionaires and severe the people because they do not understand being the real people of this nation
Actually Ruger and S&W will continue to sell guns in CA. They're not going to abandon the huge California gun market; it is after all the most populous state in the country. They will not introduce any NEW models in California, because the law only applies to new and redesigned semiautomatic pistols. Most, if not all of the other manufacturers will probably follow suit. They'll sell nearly as many guns as they would have without the law. No crimes will be solved because of the law, since none of the guns on the street will have the coded firing pins.
people think technology can solve ALL their problems, and have left common sense behind.

Just look at the new 'pot' laws. Shear stupidity and it is spreading. The backlash is going to be worse for the country than dumbing down the schools. Talk about a lost generation. You will now see a big one coming along. Very sad.
(quoted from post at 21:40:52 01/24/14) EVERY thing I saw said he did not win the popular vote. As for the Electoral college again it is a number that does not go with the popular vote so if a state wins in vote then X number goes that way even if the popular vote says other wise. But no matter what they are public servants and should be payed as such like the military and housed the same way and none should be Muti millionaires and severe the people because they do not understand being the real people of this nation

external_link DID win the popular vote. The problem with doing away with the Electoral College is that if you do the nations 7 or 8 largest urban areas control the vote. I think what you'd rather see is what I'd like to see- my states EC votes divided up by percentage of the vote received, I believe Maine and couple of other states do that. That way if a state is split 49/51 that the way the EC votes get cast.

What really needs to happen is for the right, the conservative right not the RINOs, to offer up a good candidate. nnalert is eminently beatable- Rose Law firm, cattle futures, Vince Foster, the Arab Spring and BENGHAZI. That's just the tip of the ice berg. She's a lousy candidate, but the right offers up even worse.
The electoral college does need modification. Most states have a winner-take-all program. If Cali goes 60% Dem and 39% Rep, the whole state goes for Dem. Same for Tex the opposite way.

Maine and North Dakota are doing it right. The two senate votes go to the one who gets the majority vote. Then every district goes to who wins the district. EVERY state needs to go with this method. Reps only want states that tend to go Dem to do this (like here in Wis).

Frankly neither party has my loyalty. they both espouse values that they claim they have BUT they really only have ONE value - stay in office and get more members of their party into office. Beyond that, either side could give a crap about their constituents.

We need more parties. 1-2-3 runoff elections would get us this. Right now, it's about impossible to vote out an incumbent because the voters don't want to "waste" their vote on an "unelectable" candidate. How many here would have voted Paul instead of Romney, but were told there was too much at stake?? With 1-2-3 runoffs, you'd vote the person you REALLY want as number 1. If that person gets less than 10% of the vote, your vote automatically goes to your second choice. same goes for that choice. I guarantee you that you'll NEVER hear a Rep or Dem talk about this...
If everything you read says Mitt won the popular vote, you need to find new sources of information. The only candidate in recent history to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote was your old pal Al G. (By most accounts he actually won both, but Dubya got a little boost from the Supremes.)
Algore ''won'' the popular vote in florida the same way all nnalert ''win'' recounts, perform about a dozen recounts until they ''discover'' enough cartons of ballots in car trunks, under voting machines etc. to finally talley up. Recent examples would be Al Franken and Washington States female governor, both of whom benefitted from creative counting. I was born and raised in Louisiana where just because your dead doesn't mean you have to stop voting for nnalert.
Hitlery is a lousy candidate to thinking people, that is the problem, thinking people are the outstanding minority. I doubt that even 30% of the people in the US of voting age can correctly state what happened at the embassy in Benghazi and who were the principals involved. I wish it it were true that her atrocious record disqualified her, but these days I doubt it, most of her type of voters want one thing, to be taken care of with others peoples money.
I also think that for the person to be commander and chief of the Military one should have also did his time in the Military so they know what if going on. Hard to do things like protect the land if you have very little knowledge of what the military is and how it works
I'm trying to figure out why and how that law would effect me if I lived in California. Can someone explain why i would not be able to continue to shoot my guns as I choose to?

It probably is a silly law, with no value, but how will it effect me and my guns?
Increase in manufacturing costs, probably minimal. Higher cost of enforcement for paperwork etc. Same way its a giant issue if someone owns an assault rifle, if you are not breaking any laws why shouldn't you be able to own one?
Seems like people get all worked up about the darndest things. Law makers need to focus on real problems and we need to quit letting them distract us and crank up our blood pressure over nothing.
Like Justin Bieber crying at jail lol. Depends what trips sometimes trigger. Some are horribly offended by having to say God in the pledge of allegiance or look at a plaque of the ten commandments. Heck, some people get upset when someone else answers a question for them on this forum! Every one is different which is why a one size all approach usually creates more issues that it corrects.
(quoted from post at 22:56:42 01/24/14) I see California passed a law that all pistols sold in the state need to have a firing pin that will imprint the pistol's serial number on the primer of the spent round.

Don't these rocket scientists realize that all it would take would be to swipe across the tip of the firing pin with fine sandpaper to erase the imprint? At the most, spend twenty bucks to replace the firing pin?

At least two manufacturers are going to refuse to sell firearms in California rather than submit to this stupidity.

This is just another piece of the puzzle. Eventually they'll make it illegal to modify the firing pin to remove the imprint, or illegal to possess a gun with the imprint modified or removed. The law you mentioned won't have much effect now. The anti-gun crowd is looking down the road 10 or 20 years.
The Nazi Party never won a majority vote in Germany. Hitler became head of state through a parliamentary deal in 1933 and then in 1934 in a vote the top offices were merged by a very large majority of the vote. This was used to proclaim that he had the support of the German people (maybe he did), But he never won a majority vote. And there were no more free elections until after the end of WW2, in East Germany there were no more free elections until reunification.
(quoted from post at 09:02:37 01/25/14) Algore ''won'' the popular vote in florida the same way all nnalert ''win'' recounts, perform about a dozen recounts until they ''discover'' enough cartons of ballots in car trunks, under voting machines etc. to finally talley up. Recent examples would be Al Franken and Washington States female governor, both of whom benefitted from creative counting. I was born and raised in Louisiana where just because your dead doesn't mean you have to stop voting for nnalert.

Bingo! A lot of people forget all the mysterious, previously uncounted boxes of ballots that were discovered in dubious places under extremely dubious circumstances. Truth be told, the nnalert are pros at that and the nnalert mere amateurs.

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