Who left the door open

You guys up north can close the door any time now cause enough is enough. They are talking near record lows for Monday morning.
Well guess I better check the anti freeze in my tractor and turn on the pump house light cause its looking like a let the kitchen faucet drip all night kind of week to keep my water pipes from freezing.
john, I live in NW Wisconsin,weather man said sub zero temps for at least 96 hours,not much fun being out doors feeding the livestock.
Shoot those numbers are not close to cold. They are saying the high here in Missouri Monday will be maybe 5 tops and wild chill down to 15-20 below. Plus there calling for 1-12 inches of snow depending on where you are
so do we,pal.lol. Wife heard from radio,tonight another sub zero temps with 30 mph wind,somewhere close to -30 to-40 below. We chuckle when we read the complaints of just 10 above.lol.
The Southerners can't say we're stingy, we share the cold with everybody.They keep the warm temps to themselves this time of year.lol

We went thru the dumpster spring garden seed,only going to need to plants onions,and sweet potatoes, if the ground ever thaws out. My guess is around August.lol

Isn't January 2014 a swell start?
Don't really feel all that sorry for you. My house is in the pink. lol I know that is cold for you folks down there. Blizard tonight and tomorrow then cold for us.
Pretty cold here too, but I don't mind. I guess my temp gauge is wrong for outdoor. Indoor is right, other thermostats say 71!


We're in central Iowa, in the blue (-30 to -50), we used to live in Florida, trying to remember why in the heck we moved. You know the sound a grapefruit makes when you hit it with a lawnmower?.......I Miss that sound!!!!!!! But on the bright side I don't have to mow the grass this week.
Lou from Wi,the weather john from la,has is t-shirt weather for us,lol,sure wish those southern boys would invite us down for a week or so!
Hahahaha, that's to darn funny," the sound a grapefruit makes when u hit it with a lawn mower" that made me crack up.
Come on down, I wouldn't wait for an invite, it would be a matter of survival for me, drop below 50 and I'm miserable!

But come at your own risk, what cold we've had has started a flu epidemic here in north Texas.
I don't mind the feeding but today I spent half the day with a froze waterer. Started at -20 this morning. Better today than Monday I guess.
When it comes to weather the northern folks are purty generous and more than willing to share. There is plenty to go around. In Minnesota we have not had low's like this in 20 years or so. In another couple of weeks or so it should start looking better.
That would be typical October weather in central Minnesota. We're getting ready for another three days of sub-zero highs again next week. It's an old-time winter here.

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