Hog Cutting Order

Yes, My local meat market does a good job for me with both cattle and hogs. I am looking for what you guys do, why, and for anything I havent tried before. Thanks
Back when I raised hogs, I never had the hams cured. 'Just don't like the taste of it. ALWAYS ate it fresh and uncured. Cooked right, it tastes just like a good pork chop.
Barrow or gilt?

Learned the hard way that gilts can have as bad of meat as a boar if you butcher while in heat. Tossed 200 pounds that wasn't fit to eat.
We do our own butchering every year , and fresh ham is pork roast to us . Sometimes we run it through the saw and cut it into pork steaks . Someday I am going to learn to cure my own ham .
(quoted from post at 08:59:01 11/13/13) Ever get fresh ham ? I never have, how do you use it? Tastes good ?

Just to clarify a bit for you. Hams are not a flavored meat, they're a portion of a hog. The hind quarters, haunches, butt, etc.

Picture a whole ham as you know it, and leave out the brine and smoke and you have a large hunk of pork. Usually it turns into pork slices and roasts.

If you smoke it, then it's commonly known as ham slices and ham ends, or a whole ham, but in fact it's ham either way.

Think of fresh ham as just plain pork, and smoked ham as what you're used to buying in a store.
You ever hear of the foxfire books, back in the 70's I was raising pigs sheep and chickens and doing my own butchering and smoking.I read in one of the foxfire books that you could smoke meat by hanging it down the chimney and burn hickory or apple wood.Well I tried it fortunately with a small shoulder, after soaking in salt brine for 2 wks I hung it on a rope down the chimney like the book said, it was awfull couldn't even eat it.So I made a smoker out of a 50 gal barrel and a 5 gal pail with rods to put the meat on and that worked OK with hickory and apple wood. But then I had to go back to that dagnabit book 1 more time and try corn cobs. OMG.was that bad I can laugh about it now, Those books went in a yard sale.Eventualy I got OK at curing and smoking and even the kids liked the ham and bacon and sausage.I could never get the kids to like the lamb though but if it was on there plate they ate it.It was years later when I learned how much my daughter hated that lamb still won't touch it.
We use a meat band saw to slice ours . I doubt you could do it with a knife .You could try , but use a sharp knife and get the meat good and cold . Getting the meat good and cold so it is as firm as possible is the key to any slice job .

Fresh ham or ham steak, is just like pork steak, but much leaner.

We use to grill it, or fry it. It is actually pretty good fried up for breakfast with eggs and grits.

The outfit that does my hogs will smoke the porkchops. They are just heavenly.

Last one I got I did standard. Bulk sausage, breakfast links, brats, pork burger, pork cutlets, chops, loins, hams, etc. She was a big girl so I have been selling lots.

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