moving from norcal to lewisville texas

the better half has dicided texas would be better than norcal. ... any thoughts on this?? at 51 and not even ready to slow down i wonder will there be oppurtunities? unless i buy acreage and start growing hay, i'm going to be a fish out of water.
ANY PLACE is better than Californication . I saw the "handwriting on the wall", many, many years ago and got out while the getting was good; and have NO desire to EVER go back, even though I still have family & friends still living there.
The lower taxes would make the move financially better.

How about your Job??? The wages in Texas could be lower too.
Getting ground in Texas for growing hay will not be cheap as any ground that grows a crop needing rain will bring good money
There must be a lot more to your story. Are you selling property in CA? No doubt land values are high there, but you're not going to find bargains if you try to buy farmland elsewhere in the country. So you just about have to make the assumption that you're getting out of farming for good. Fifty-one is, in my opinion, too young to retire; you'll quickly burn through your savings if you don't go back to work.

Rather than burn bridges, maybe you can spend a month or two in the Lone Star state this winter and decide whether it's something you want to do for the long haul.
As my handle implies I live in Southeast Texas about 30 miles north of Beaumont/ 90 miles east of Houston/60 miles from the La. border. I am subject to Hurricanes.
Lewisville is at the very southern end of tornado alley. North of the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex. Cost of living there and prices of any acerage is going to be higher than in most other areas of the state but job opportunities should be plentiful. State/Local taxes are going to be a lot lower than California.
I work in a refinery and we had some folks transfer in from the Bakersfield area and they reaped a huge windfall from selling their modest homes there and buying small(5-10) acre tracts of land with much larger nicer houses here with money to spare. Texas is a very diverse state and has many wonderful travel opportunities. If you like to fish there are several nice lakes in the Lewisville area. Good luck and God Bless Texas!
I used to live in Dallas. Lewisville is quickly becoming part of the city. That will stretch from Dallas to Denton about thirty miles.Traffic is a nightmare an hour wait from Dallas to Lewisville. Around fifteen miles is not uncommon. Some land is still there but cost lots of money.

I would look west of Ft Worth or north of Denton. Still land up there. Jobs should not be a problem.
I live in N/E Texas, been here all my life. I am not going to move. I think E Tx. is A good place to live and make I good living.

I am like Billy said, Lewisville has got so big and traffic is heavy, property is so high, I would get more out in the country.

Where is Norcal, I could not find it.
Good luck, come to see us.

Hammer Man
If you're are selling property you will love the lower prices here as opposed to CA. Get away from the city's and the countryside is nice. Taxes lower, no income tax , and far less useless regulations. Sure it's hot in the summer but everything is a/c equipped except outdoors.
I live in SE TX, moved to TX in 1967, couldn't get me out of here with dynamite.
There are plenty of places in Texas that hay land and pasture land are relatively cheap, especially compared to California. Van Zandt and Smith counties come to mind, to name two of many.
Me too I left 25 years ago when I turned 50 and the gummit gave an early out. Came north settled near Salem, OR nice country was cheap when I drove in but has jumped up a lot now. You couldn't pay me enough to move back to CA.
Ps was in a restruant in NorCal last year and the bill just didn't add up right. I call the waitress over she look at me and said " your not in Oregon any more". Bummer they tax everything.
I agree with the others. Lewisville is pretty much a northern extension of Dallas.

You can go west of there and find some good country. East is growing up a lot. You would have to go a pretty good ways east to find reasonable land.

You couldn't pay me to live in any part of California.
Why Lewisville? You need to think out your future. You being over 50, you are not that far from retirement. I commuted to work 84 mi. RT for over 20 years to Richardson from here. Had a house I built in the country and enough acreage to enjoy, not work myself to death.

Thought about moving to E TX. when I retired but thought about it and I was within commuting distance of a tremendous metroplex, all the services one could ask for, all the big box stores, super roads and all. I really liked my place and decided to stay. When you are retired, you can go and come while everyone else is at work so the traffic problems are not there.

Retired in '05 and staying put was the best decision of my life. I have spent the last 7 months with a life threatening health problem and I got her solved right here at a hospital in a town of 25,000 just outside the metroplex. First rate health care, second to none.

Lewisville is in the N. Dallas expansion corridor and everything in that area, McKinney, Frisco, all the other little bergs and all are all upscale urban and higher prices, cost of housing, taxes and all that than a cat's back. Plus commuting is stop and go.

Rent before you buy and check it out. If you think you found something more suitable move over there and experience it. Spend your weekends looking for what you think you want. You won't be sorry.

I lived here, went to CA for 5yrs, got up every morning and tried to get back to TX, finally made it. I am not going to tell you exactly where I live if I did you would probably come and the next thin you knew there would be a bunch of Calforny people here. I ask a neighbor where she was from said, I was born in Pennsylvania but got here as quick as I could. All these foreigners moving in, next thing you know Texas will be like the rest of OB's country, screwed up.
Transfered from ohio to texas and live in godley, hate it. In my opinion the most backwards state in the union.
(quoted from post at 02:01:11 10/23/13) Transfered from ohio to texas and live in godley, hate it. In my opinion the most backwards state in the union.

Since you dislike Texas so much have you considered transferring out of Texas? Best site for a Texan is a illegal alien towing a loaded U-haul trailer headed North or South on I 35. :wink:
I didn't have to edit mine. He can pack his sheaat and get. Good
riddance. Another yankee to not have to deal with.
hey all thanks for the great comments and wisdom. im going to spend some months in texas and see if it all fits for me. going back for haying season in spring. santa rosa is 50 miles north of frisco. a city i dont like to visit. jeff.

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