Thoughts from the County Fair

Had my tractor at the County fair last week ,, Had a few thoughts about things
First got me to think about why some folks feel the need to point out flaws in my restoration. Things like not correct fenders or carb etc.. Do they think I don't know that? I used what was best available. But others remark on how they prefer to see "working" tractors the ones held together with duct tape and dirt.. Do they think that my tractor was never used?
That got me thinking.. so I wrote this story.. Enjoy

A tractors life story..

I was born in May of 1952 in Racine Wisconsin. I left that factory building as strong and powerful as I could be. I didn’t drip a drop of my blood. I got a job working on a small Midwest farm for a man, his wife and 3 children. Everyone of them put me to work at one time or another. I gave them all I had everyday without question. After a while other tractors came to this farm, each one bigger and more powerful than the one before it. My work load got smaller and smaller every year. The farmer always kept me while the others were traded away. I knew I was always special. I stayed and worked with the farmer for 50 years helping to feed the world. Then the time came when my farmer friend and I said good bye to the farm and the farm work.

I didn’t retire just yet..

I still had some more life in these old parts so I went with this young man from town to town on a trailer most weekends to pull a sled straight and far. I did what that young man asked me, he said “ pull it far enough so I can brag to my buddies, and impress the little hotties” . I did even sometimes earned enough money to pay for gas and maybe buy a beer now and then. It was a fun time. But my young friend and one of the hotties got married and started having a family of there own. So my pulling time was cut back to next to nothing.

I didn’t retire just yet..

I went with this middle aged man, he brought me into his garage and started to paint and polish me .. he fixed all my oil leaks, pounded out my dents, put on some new parts that couldn’t be repaired. Bought me new tires and shined me up just I was when I left Racine almost 60 years ago. My new job is to drive slow with the American flag upfront and wave at everyone I see.

I still haven’t retired..

I have a new bright paint job and I sit at shows in parks with other tractors some as shiny as me some not so much. Our job is to show up at these events smile and let the adults take pictures and the little children sit up in my seat.

My first job was helping feed the world…
My new business is making people smile, and let me tell you business is booming!!
I agree with Dusty about making a sign with the story you wrote. Since people are pointing out the flaws, include the line "I am over 60 years old and some people might point out my flaws. Will you be perfect when you are over sixty?"
I seen your tractor picture in past postings. From the picture, I would have given you a first place ribbon. Your tractor story is very unique in my opinion and well written. I agree with the other guys. It would make a great story written on a board. Keep your chin up. Your tractor looks great! Just my nickel's worth of thoughts.
Kow Farmer Kurt
Great well written story !

Two Blue Ribbons to be awarded by me :

First, to you and your tractor.

Second, to Dusty for great idea about your story on a sign next to your tractor at shows.
Thank you for the story. Very well put together. As for the nit-pickers, they're the ones who don't do good work themselves so they have to prove they're good by running someone else down. The guys and gals who do a spotless perfect restoration are generally not the kind who pick other people's work apart. Jim

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