Safety, again OT

Last Friday I was working on a hay wagon in front
of my shop. The neighbors were hauling haylage by
me at full bore. Late that afternoon I stopped one
of them on his way home to ask him if he would
speak to a younger driver about easing up on the
throttle a little bit.

While we were talking, another neighbor came by on
a motorcycle. As he drove by, I made a remark
about people who won't wear helmets having nothing
inside the head to protect.

Half an hour later the man I was talking to came
back and said he had found the other man lying in
the road with his shoulder all torn up, and blood
running out of his ear. He was in no shape to tell
anyone what happened, but it looked like the rear
wheel of the bike had locked up and skidded,
dropping him on the ground.

I haven't heard anything since Sunday, but at that
time he was still in the hospital, with some
slight bleeding in the skull, and a partially
collapsed lung.

A helmet wouldn't have prevented the injury to his
chest/lungs, but certainly would have helped his

This was evidently a very low speed accident, he
should have been able to walk away.
Helmets are a good thing....But wearing or not is a personal choice.Should not be mandated by the governmant.Same with seat belts.There some safty rules that are nessesary to protect others/general public....
That individual liberty thing might be ok if we the general taxpayers didn't get stuck with the medical bills and a lifetime of nursing home care for the head injury victims. People who won't wear helmets don't tend to have health insurance. We are all in this together.

(Waiting for the poof in 1, 2, ....)
Yep, can't wait till the gov'mint mandates with a federal law that all occupants of cars have to be wearing a helmet, after all, the politicians know best.
No helmet = 4X insurance rate, or 1/4 of coverage. Seatbelt same thing.
Repairing idiots for doing in themselves on my insurance bill is disgusting. Jim
Just wait til the Healthcare mess hits really hard, then we'll all be paying for both the idiots and illegals.........
Helmets or seat belt laws are unconstitutional in my opinion. I do wear my seat belt 90% of the time. The only exception is on the farm usually.

Helmets are not an issue with me any more. I do not ride anything with two wheels any more. LOL

Those that think they can dictate to others "BECAUSE" they help pay for it are deluded in what they actually pay. We would have to include many of the following things if we want to really stop paying for anyone else.

1) Flood insurance. Why should I help pay for some fool to live in a flood plain???

2) Crop insurance subsidies. Should have your own resources to protect your business. Just like every other business has too. Farmers have their hand out too much.

3) People on the government dole having more kids. I had to pay for my own they should have to pay for theirs.

As for the government getting involved in all things. Here is Franklin's view on that.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Most people die from head injuries in auto accidents. It is only a matter of time before we will have to stop paying for these brain dead bums that ride around helmetless in the car.
It"s just common sense to wear protective gear. Ride with what ever you want but pay out of your own pocket for extra medical bills.
Going out on a limb here. Modern cars have lots of features to prevent injuries that would not be practical on a motorcycle.
To name a few-seat belt, padded dash, front & side air bags, pop out windshield.....
Some safety items that have been around a long time, we would't even think about driving without them- brakes, tires with tread standards, lights (head, tail, stop, turn), windshield wipers... the list is endless.
Michigan passed a no helmet law last year.
My motor cycle insurance went up 28% this year. I was told it was because of the helmet law. I left the company that raised my rate and the best I could find was still 20% more than I paid last year. I always wear my helmet. I could care less what other riders do except when their right to their choice cost me money.
(quoted from post at 11:16:15 07/16/13) Helmets or seat belt laws are unconstitutional in my opinion. I do wear my seat belt 90% of the time. The only exception is on the farm usually.

Helmets are not an issue with me any more. I do not ride anything with two wheels any more. LOL

Those that think they can dictate to others "BECAUSE" they help pay for it are deluded in what they actually pay. We would have to include many of the following things if we want to really stop paying for anyone else.

1) Flood insurance. Why should I help pay for some fool to live in a flood plain???

2) Crop insurance subsidies. Should have your own resources to protect your business. Just like every other business has too. Farmers have their hand out too much.

3) People on the government dole having more kids. I had to pay for my own they should have to pay for theirs.

As for the government getting involved in all things. Here is Franklin's view on that.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Last time I checked . Ambulance, fire, police county medical and long term chronic care are all tax payer funded.
We're already paying for them. If we force them into managed care it will cost less. Missouri has done this with Medicaid and the savings have been documented.
No one has a constitutional right to drive down a public road or highway. Think back to when you took your first written driver"s test...the instruction booklets state that driving on public roads is a "privilege", not a "right".

Can you imagine what kinds of people we would encounter on the roads if driving was a right...things would be far worse.

I personally don"t care if you wear a helmet, or fasten your seatbelt as long as you are not in my vehicle.

My friend is an EMT and he says they consider people who do not take safety precautions when behind the wheel to be "improvers of the gene pool".

My neighbor, a surgeon, watched a motorcycle driver roar at high speed past our houses without a helmet and he said "There goes a future donor".

LA in WI
I agree with JD Seller.

Any "victimless crime" in my opinion is not a crime. There should be no law against doing anything to yourself - or not doing anything for yourself.

I wear my seatbelt, I wear a helmet, I have health insurance, I don't smoke pot, I don't visit prostitutes etc.... I do/don't do these things because they are/aren't very smart things to do. If I choose to do the dimmer thing, that is my choice, it is not for anyone else to tell me what I can or can't do unless it will harm someone else.

It is not the job of the government to save people from themselves.
I mostly agree with what you wrote. I wear my seat belt whenever my vehicle so equipped is going to move on the road, and whenever I have ridden motorcycles, I wore a helmet, on road or off. But I don"t do either because of some law. I do it for myself and my family, and because I have decided that it is the right thing for me to do.

Unconstitutional? I disagree, and from what I have read, the courts have said such laws ARE constitutional.

I generally disagree with any law that arbitrarily hinders a person"s choice about what he does when it really doesn"t affect anyone else. But someone getting badly busted up does affect the taxpayers, because sooner or later the taxpayers end up paying for care, or care for the family of the injured.

I live in Eastern Washington, but drive over to Idaho often. It is strange to see people riding motorcycles down the highway in Idaho without helmets. And in our local newspaper, I often read about people being injured when something bad happens while they are riding their motorcycles. I wonder how often the injuries in Idaho wrecks would have been less serious if the rider would have been wearing a helmet?

Unfortunately some people are knuckleheads. If you don"t have laws requiring seat belt and helmet use, they just don"t bother.

I once saw the body of a young man who slid on his back and the back of his unhelmeted head after falling off a motorcycle at high speed. His brains were leaking out of the hole in his skull, onto the pavement. He died right there, but might have walked away if he had worn a brain bucket. An ugly sight, which made me decide that I would ALWAYS wear a helmet on my motorcycle.
I have to agree with JD seller here. You shouldn't have to wear helmets, and anyone in the front row of a vehicle shouldn't have to wear seat belts. Who's it going to hurt besides the idiot that makes a stupid decision? In your situation, we have this exact scenario, and guess what, no one but the idiot got hurt. It's common sense to wear a helmet and seat belt(except for certain people that are comvinced they'll cut you in half.), but it hurts no one but the one making the decision. Nobody says that you have to wear a helmet on your own property regardless of what you're driving/ riding, and nobody would dare suggest a law be made to make wearing a helmet on private prorerty mandatory. Yet no one bats an eyelash over helmet and seat belt laws.
(quoted from post at 06:13:51 07/16/13) That individual liberty thing might be ok if we the general taxpayers didn't get stuck with the medical bills and a lifetime of nursing home care for the head injury victims. People who won't wear helmets don't tend to have health insurance. We are all in this together.

(Waiting for the poof in 1, 2, ....)

I used to supply to a very big nursing home in NH, that specializes in head injured patients. This company is a chain operation that has units all over the country. Guess what is far and away the most common cause of these head injuries. Right, motorcycle crashes. And are those who are injured paying for their own care? Very rarely. They ride, you and I pay. Now is that freedom and democracy or is it socialism?
You can't make common sense into law. Just let evolution do it's thing, and the worst of them will be weeded out. Otherwise the idiots are breeding and making more idiots. It seems that most people that ride motorcycles are eventually involved in an accident, so you may as well just cut to the chase and say that it's common sense to not ride motorcycles, with or without a helmet, and nobody would argue with you unless you stated that they should be outlawed.
FArmer Boy and Matt,

Again, I don"t care a hoot whether you guys agree or disagree with me because none of our opinions matter with this subject.

YOu fellows are using the word "should" or "shouldn"t", and "in my opinion".

Sorry, but this is not about what we feel, wish, or think what is the law in our collective opinions. I think little old ladies "should" have roads of their own, but my thinking has been ignored so far! I wish the state would listen to me because of my intelligence, but nothing so far.

I might not like what I read anymore than anyone else.....but the state I live in does not care what I think or I believe or what I feel I should or should not be able to do once I get a vehicle on a public road.

If it is a right to drive, why do we have to get a driver"s license? And when they take it away they say they are "taking the privilege of driving away from you".

Look up your state"s rules. Just go online.

Tip of the day: Stay on the right side of the road, that left side with big trucks coming at you is scary! (Our friend from Scotland will tell us the right lane is the scary one.)

LA in WI

PS It is agreed then: Farmalls are the bestest of the best.
Driving is not a right, we are paying for stupidity in our insurance rates.

Put a helmet and seat belt on.
I rarely used a seat belt till the state mandated it and made it a moving violation and about a $140 fine.
Now I wear them all the time - in daylight.
Never at night though.
My own homespun way of defying the nanny state.
"but it hurts no one but the one making the decision. "

Our state highway patrol runs a TV ad showing a man and wife driving, the wife has her seat belt on , but the man refuses to wear it. They flash forward to where this couple has had a rollover accident. The cops and ambulance are cleaning up. The husband is in tears when the cops tell him his wife is dead. He asks, "How can she be dead, she had her seat belt on ??" The cop replys," she was struck by the unrestrained driver and her neck was broken. Good AD.
I know a guy who can"t wear a seat belt. Separated sternum. The way they braced his spine after having a helicopter fall on him in the military, his sternum couldn"t grow back together.
(quoted from post at 16:11:50 07/16/13)
(quoted from post at 06:13:51 07/16/13) That individual liberty thing might be ok if we the general taxpayers didn't get stuck with the medical bills and a lifetime of nursing home care for the head injury victims. People who won't wear helmets don't tend to have health insurance. We are all in this together.

(Waiting for the poof in 1, 2, ....)

I used to supply to a very big nursing home in NH, that specializes in head injured patients. This company is a chain operation that has units all over the country. Guess what is far and away the most common cause of these head injuries. Right, motorcycle crashes. And are those who are injured paying for their own care? Very rarely. They ride, you and I pay. Now is that freedom and democracy or is it socialism?

So if I'm reading these posts right, the helmet and by
extension the law is not the problem.
The problem is that we as a society have decided to
support the injured for the rest of their lives.
I NEVER ride the scoot without a full face helmet, but it pizzzes me off that someone says I have to wear it, same with seat belts, after age 18 it should be a choice, not a law. Are you OK with someone taking all your personal freedoms away? Telling you what size Pepsi you can buy, what decibel maximum your ear phones can go, what guns you can own? Well great but not me...that's why I am in process of moving accross the border from NY to Pa where ther are still some personal freedoms and a Governor with a half a brain cell!
I know of three people in the last two years that have wiped out on their motorcycles and filed for disability and all of them are collecting social security disablity and benefited from lawsuits against insurance companies. None of these guys together could have pooled their money for one of them to retire let alone all three of them. They are all living better than then were before the accidents. It was like winning the lotto for three idiots. Only one of them had a full time job and he didn't have a pot to p@ss in either.
When a person kills themself or becomes a vegetable because of not wearing a helmet or seatbelt, it has a major effect on their family forever. But the selfish riders never consider that.

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