OT Grieving the unknown!


Well-known Member
Our youngest daughter had found herself pregnant with twins! Things were not good with the Dad! Yesterday she had a Doctors appointment, neither heart was beating! Today she has a procedure to remove them! We have not met them but it hurts plenty! She just called her Mom as she could think of nothing else! Anyone who thinks life is complicated when the kids are young knows very little!
My deepest sympathy to you and your family. My wife and I went through this 20 years ago when we were wanting to start a family . We had two miscarriages before our daughter and one after she came along. They were all tough to take but the second one a little boy we lost at 30 weeks was the worst. The wife and I could not watch tv or see a child without crying. As time passes the hurt subsides , but seems to still be there at times. Hang in there . The wife and I send you our prayers and sympathy.

Sorry for your loss. No words can describe. It took us about 3 years and a fair amount of doctoring to get our little girl, she will be 12 weeks this Friday am. Best thing ever happened to us. Was ROUGH road to get here, but worth it.

My point? Hang in there, it will get better.
So sorry to hear it. A miscarriage is a very large emotional loss for the mother. The two little fetuses were living children even if they weren't fully developed. The emotional attachment to the mother is very strong early in pregnancy. A good friend's wife miscarried twins many years ago and it still affects them emotionally when they hear about other miscarriages. Your family has my sympathy. Jim

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