Nursing Home Report


On July 4th I will celebrate my 84th birthday I was born in a rural farmhouse in Northeast Iowa. Most of you know I am now in a Nursing Home with my wife of 63 yrs. I made the decision with the family that it would be best for everyone involved. I was living with my son and with me having more trouble getting around it was a worry for him that he might find me on the floor or ground. Margery had been in the Nursing Home for eight years. We would see her every week end.
But had I really kept my promise. “To love, honor, cherish and care for till death do us part? She seemed happy and well taken care of and the staff loves her.
From my previous posts You know I was a regular demon for some of the things that were physically wrong around the facilities. No one would listen to me at the top. My communication and visit from the State Dept of Health and a new Director plus a visit from sixteen Federal Health persons seemed to do the job.
Now that I have been in the Nursing Home for nearly two has my mind changed? Yes- No It is quite a change in Life Style. For me I was hurting so much and having trouble getting around it has been a blessing. My son and family are free to do their thing without the constant worry about us.
Being back with my wife is great on her good days we talk and she is very aware. On the bad days her brain does not get put together right and all you do is endure it hope for a better tomorrow.
They have a staff of six LPN’s five are on duty all day one at night. Plus a RN Director of Nursing They have five CMA’s, These are the pill pusher in charge of your medicine, No worrying about when to take or if you have taken It. They see to ordering so you are never out or worry about making a trip to druggist. Your clothes are washed and clean whenever you need them. They help me to get dressed and get up. They have a special lift so they do and can set me in my electric chair not pull on my shoulders. Then I am free to roam. To the Dining Room for meals, I can go to the activity room for Cards, Dominoes, Puzzles. Arts and Crafts. I can go to our room and spend time at the computer Sunday morn is Church. Thursday afternoon is Choir with a Concert open to the Public once a year. I serve on the Residence Council who meet and take up greaviences to take before Management.
Health wise, The Nursing staff really keep an eye on you. Blood Pressure is taken at least two times a day on everyone, finger stick for every one with diabetes is given three times a day. Insulin is given as need and your diet is different.
The answer to my question? We are happy where we are we are together. One thing I have learned in my life. Life is like a football game you have a game plan if things do not go right you back up punt and go again. Margery and I have had to punt several times in our lives. This is one of them.
Always enjoy hearing from you.

Might want to have your kids read this message. ;)

And happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Graydon. Thanks for posting. Been there done that with my folks who passed away last year.
Happy Birthday, Graydon.

It was certainly a blessing to your family that you were willing to take that big step of moving into the nursing home- its never easy, but especially hard when one of the couple is still able to care for himself, at least with a little help. You've done a great thing for your family, freeing them of a big responsibility so that they can concentrate on their lives and families.
A very Happy Birthday to you sir. Thanks for the great advice and your update. I always look forward to your postings.
Kow Farmer Kurt
Happy birthday Graydon and my best to your wife too.
You are an inspiration to this 71 year old "young man"!
Happy Birthday,Graydon!We're glad you're doing well and continueing to be active.Always enjoy your posts.Best wishes to you and Marjery,Take care of yourselves(and each other)! Steve
A Happy birthday to you again. Glad you are keeping things under control at the Nursing Home. Have you thought about writing a story of your life. My Mom did a short story of her life on the farm in ND in the 20, and 30's, and comming to California when her Dad died. Mom is gone now, but some of the little things of her life will live on for the next generations to come. The best to both of you. Stan
Wishing you a Happy Birthday! As always thanks for posting and giving us a update.

Happy Birthday, GT. What a Milestone!

Married for 63 years! Another great milestone of which you and your wonderful wife can be very proud.

My Mother grew up on a Century Farm (1868) in Tama County, and I've spent many summer vacations at the homestead, which is still in the family.

I've known some wonderful people from Iowa. Though I've not met you and your wife, I'm sure that both of you would be included. My Mothers older sister was also named Marjorie, FWIW.

congratulations happy birthday and 63 years!! I am an LPN in a long term care facility. We have a couple who just celebrated 71 years and he is now in the same area she is. they are quite the couple. Up until 2 months ago he would take her 2-3 times a week for supper or just a ride. Their love for each other is priceless.
I truly love what I do and know that I make a difference for all of my people. Best wishes!!
Happy birthday Graydon. You are one of the tallest Oaks in this forest of trees on this website. Your roots are deep. and all around you look up to you.
Loren, the Acg.
Gtrib, glad to hear from you. I am happy to hear the sound of being content in your words. It is great you have such a outlook on the situation, and are appreciative of the time you get to spend with your wife. Best of wishes for you, and hope days ahead find you well.
Happy Birthday!
This just game in today. Thought it was cute

GCF: Marriage Vows

Ken and Marjorie finished their breakfast at the retirement home and
were relaxing in the library.

"You know," said Marjorie, "today, in most marriage ceremonies, they
don"t use the word "obey" anymore."

"Too bad, isn"t it?" retorted Ken. "It used to lend a little humor to
the occasion."
It's good to hear from you and happy birthday. Glad to hear things are going well for you two at the home. Jim
Gitrib I realy enjoyed your story it realy hit home with my wife and I. You see we had to put her mom in a home 2 months ago ( dimentia) and hip and back problems. She needs a walker to get around and at 87 Dad could no longer give the care she needed. Well today is there 67th anniversary and we had a picnic outside at the home. Mom, Dad my wife and sister inlaw and myself all had a nice time. It was good to read how you are now there as well and together with your wife. I wonder if it will work that way with Dad. I am glad to hear it is ok. By the way my wife made a copy of your story to show her sister and when the time is right we will show Dad.

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