OT Any Stones Fans?

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
I saw them live in St Paul in about 1980 or so.
That is still the best concert I've ever been to. I'm proud to be of a generation that has produced so much great music. Music that like Bach, Chopin and Beethovin will still be getting play in 200 years.
It sounds like they are still rocking the house.
Wish I could have been there.
Geriatric Rockers in England
Im not a fan,but they sure do hang on! I have to practice stairway to heaven on the harmonica,that is a challenge,dont know if I should post that on the tractor site...lol
I've been to several of their concerts...most recently in COMO...just GREAT...all I can say is
"Start Me Up"......CMore
Hey Udog,

Count me in!

I like almost all music with the exception of country.

Oddly enough with the Stones I like the Beastie Boys and Mumford and Sons.

Count me in. I saw them live once and barely missed them a couple other times. The ticket prices on this tour are kind of discouraging.
I didn't know any of them were alive anymore. I flew those guys into Forest Hills Stadium in Queens, NYC on July 2nd, 1966. Or something like that. Boeing-Vertol 107. 25 pax capacity. 2 GE T-58s. Tandem rotors. MGW 19,000 lbs. Nose gear and two mains. Landed on a tennis court on three sheets of thick plywood well staked down. NYPD all over the place. Young kids in crowd that all seemed to be in some sort of trance during the show. Drugs??? Cops locking arms up in stadium trying to keep them from falling out of front row seats (about a 12 foot drop). Patrolman yells to supervisor (three gold stars on his white shirt collar) "WE CAN'T HOLD THEM." Supervisor yells back: "TO HELL WITH THEM. COME ON DOWN." As for me, I had, and still have, no appreciation for that kind of noise , and that's all it was - noise. I have no idea what sent those kids into that kind of stupor. I could have stood right next to the stage but instead went onto one of the courts and found the grass (not the grass the kids were smoking) there to be something amazing. I had never seen anything like it and asked one of the security guards if he knew anything about it. He said it was from Scotland and a Scottish guy was hired to take care of it. All the while, this so called "concert" was going on. Before it ended, the guy with the three stars on his collars came over and told us that we should plan on a hasty departure with the band because he wasn't sure how long he could hold the crowd back. The band loaded, the air stair door was slammed shut and we pulled pitch. As I looked down from perhaps 50' or so, all I saw was a sea of humanity rushing in to the spot we had just taken off from, all reaching upward, strange looks on their faces. After we landed the band back at the West 30th Street Heliport, the stewardess, Astrid, presented each of us with one of our seatback schedules with their autographs. It meant nothing to me so I gave it to my 12 year old sister-in-law, thinking it might mean something to her but it didn't and she promptly lost it. I was too old and she was too young to appreciate. I believe that was when and where America started to slide downhill. That was and is, IMHO, "The Music of The Devil".
saw them a few times myself back in the 80's

They were old THEN.

I was more a led zeppelin fan, but stones were always up there on the list.
Actually prefered the Stones over the Beatles during the sixties but over the years have gotten tired of their later stuff and don't listen to much that post dates Brian Jones. In contrast now appreciate the Beatles much more and they top the list.
Beatles, all the way. I should tell you that my Brother plays in a Beatles cover band from Omaha,Ne called "Yesterday and Today". It's audience participation and a lot of fun. By audience participation you can request a song and give a reason and they point you out and read your reason and play your request. we're Norwegian so we always request "Norwegian wood" for obvious reasons.
I was always Stones over Beatles. I will admit the Beatles portfolio is more vast and varied. Mick was always concerned with the Stones keeping up and competing with the Beatles [ like Her Majesty's Satanic Requests album being an answer to Sgt Pepper ] Brian Jones wanted nothing to do with Beatle competition and only to concentrate on R&B or even just Delta and Chicago style blues. After the death of Jones Jagger got his way and it was not the best path the Stone should have followed. All these early Rock Brit bands were heavily influenced by American blues music . Without Howlin Wolf there would be no Stones . Zepplin or Doors ,Cream etc. . Without Elmore James --no Allman Bros. At least with the sounds as we know them now.
If you want to see a good Stones movie see Shine a Light. You will enjoy it.
Sounds like you were trippin' on acid. Heck you found the perfect grass and even met Scotty from the Scotts commercial.
Well, "No" on both accounts. That grass (on the tennis court) was so close to the turf, thick, tough (almost like wire), smooth, uniform in appearance, and growing on a surface as level as a billiard table, that I was amazed. Being a farm boy, I was naturally interested. I got down, touched it, pressed down on it, smelled it. I had never seen grass like that and haven't seen any since. I did read a story about it in the New York Times some years later. I wish I could have talked to the Scotsman but he wasn't there.
Wherever any band gets it's influence doesn't make any difference if the band sucks. Been tons of one hit wonders. The Beatles and the Stones would have have been good regardles because they worked hard at it and had the right stuff to form a band. If you can find your life's calling is half the battle.
LOL Actually the Stones were at their absolute best in Brussels Belgium with Mick Taylor back in October '73.
I never liked the Stones, they copied a bunch of southern black bluesmen like Elmore James, Mississippi John Hurt. Muddy Waters and didn't pay them anything, despite the bluesmen having copy rights. Other English groups did the same. Muddy Waters finally got compensated by the Stones, for taking their bands name from one of his records. Buncha copycats, I like the Allman Brothers, Marshall Tucker etc.

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