OFF TOPIC Question for The Red

On a cross country flight in aT 38: what would be cruise alt.,IAS,%RPM,EGT and F/F? Just curious.
Can't remember what the F-5 did on XC, rarely did that.
Made many in the F-4 and usually flew low 30's, 480 TAS,(.85 mach) 6000 lbs fuel per hr, about 90% rpm, basic engine, burner only for climb on a short leg.
Thanks Gordo,Got many hours doing ground runs in the "B" model Phantom,you know, the one with the skinny main mounts.Didn't go above 75% without being tied down.Hammered burner every time we got the chance and nobody was looking!

Were you in one of the agresser squadrons flying F 5's?

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