O/T Funeral cost


My lady friend went yesterday to pickup as they call it the invoice for my mom funeral we have 30 days to pay it what a shock 11,000 dollars the money is not important it just that they have the family over a barrel at the time of their loss for a basic service the exact same thing we had for my dad 19 years it almost tripled the casket double in price thing the funeral home did for free they charge for now just done understand it.
It is a racket.
11K is not a bad price,
Wives grandmother died in 2001, 16k for that funeral. Wives father died in 2005, 12k for that funeral. My FILs casket was cheap at $2,600. (nice all birch wood I think) some of the caskets were 7 and 8 thousand dollars. (a nice piece of furniture to be buried is a waste)
Now I will admit that you call a funeral home to pickup your dead relative from a hospital or home, embalm them, dress them, make them look presentable, then view them in the casket for 3 days. They have to get paid well for their services.
You got off cheap. My nephew's funeral back in February cost my sister $15,000. When and if I die I am going to have them put me in a cardboard box and bury me. No funeral, friends or flowers wanted.
My late wife and I agreed to just be cremated,no notice in the paper,no viewing,cardboard box for our ashes. This is almost exactly how her finals were handled. Did buy an urn for her remains. I am going to go the same way. Her funeral expences amounted to $1600. Expect mine to be a little higher due to inflation.

Have a good friend who owns a funeral home and he also can't understand why people spend so much for a funeral. He dose have a big beautiful house on the lake.
Walmart sells caskets now and there are a few other places on line that sell caskets. I would imagine funeral homes have a special charge to use someone's own casket though. They sure have you over a barrel when the sell you their "service". I wonder who told the legislature what to put in the laws concerning funerals.
Good friend passed away last year and the family had her cremated. I don't think it was over a $1,000.

They have most all of their family buried next to the house in the yard. No big headstones and no real markers.

I have no reason to be made a fuss over and figure that's about as elaborate as I want to be too.
And to think that is only part of the cost to be buried, then there is the cost of the headstone if you choose to put one on the grave. Two of my cats passed on, last August. I buried them side by side and wanted a stone for the grave. Checked around and finally settled on a small people sized stone. Two by four foot granite base with a two foot square one foot thick rose colored granite stone with writing set me back $1500. The cats were very special to me so I don't mind the cost.
Sounds about right. Buried 2 grandparents and my sister, right about $10k each.

Service, visitation, casket, picking up the body at the hospital, its goes on an on. Amazing the amount of charges on the form when you sign your name at the bottom.

When its time, prop me up with my hunting rifle, a nice steak, then let the vultures take care of the rest.

Two years ago I had my son's body cremated. His daughter wanted a viewing at the service so his body had to be embalmed at considerable extra cost. Lock, stock, and barrel was about $3600. TDF
Sorry for your loss. I helped my Dad with my uncles affairs. No funeral, just cremation and ship the ashes UPS to Kansas. Almost $3000. What surprised me were all of the fees and taxes from the state of New Mexico just to be cremated. Environmental fees, transportation fees, you name it, they had a fee and/or tax for it. I guess the old saying does say "Death AND Taxes".
I think the next group to be drilled by congress is the funeral homes. The way things are going it will be a while before that happens. Funeral homes are totally out of control, in my opinion. Stan
Do you plan to have your wife's urn interred in a cemetery along with your remains? We are trying to make a decision on what to do with cremains of my Mother-in-Law. My MIL had donated her body to a medical university and we have been notified to pick up the cremains.
The funeral home will claim they do grief counceling (sp) and on-and-on to justify their fee. One thing we have to remember is in a small town the funeral home doesn't do may funerals so the money doesn't come in very often. Big funeral homes that do a couple a day are a different story.

My dad, who has the money because he's been conservative his whole life, wants to be cremated and he wants me to dig the hole by his gravestone. The service will be in his house. I think that's a very good way to do it. Marilyn won't have me cremated, no way, so I guess she'll just have to pay the price.

About ten years ago I went to a funeral that took place in the home out on the farm. The music was played on an old pump organ and the casket was taken to the cemetery in the back of a wooden wheeled triple box wagon pulled by a pair of Belgians in show harness. It was so meaningful and pleasant it brought a tear to my eye and I barely knew the guy. The funeral home still probably got a big cut from selling the casket and embalming the body. Jim
My Mom and Dad were cremated. I took them to the woods on the farm we sold 50 years ago, because they always loved it and hunted mushrooms there. I will be there when I go.
Sorry to hear of the original posters loss.

If Walmart sells coffins they need to be better quality than the jeans I buy for work. give them a month and ya butt falls right out lol.
Several years ago we had a minister that told us that there is no requirement in scripture to have a funeral. I guess funerals are a "man-made" invention.

Costco.com has casket and urns available online. I don't know what you do with the casket after you receive it.

Knew a guy who got special permission from the county to be wrapped in burlap and buried on the back side of his property without a funeral, so it can be done.
prepaid mine. $1650 and going to spread my ashes on the farm. I do have to pay taxes on the interest earned every year. but that ain't much now adays! paid upfront and is guaranteed!

I can't understand having your remains taking up space here for a couple thousand years, and who goes to cemeteries and looks at stones? I am going to be cremated and have my ashes spread over my fields. Our church handles the service and sharing time after, so no visiting hours are needed. So I think that my survivors will get out of it pretty reasonable. I have heard that one of the greatest costs for funeral homes is the special tissue that they have available.
I made my own pine box coffin few years back- about $100.00 in materials from Menards. If the state allows it- a quick viewing with dry ice in box can mean no embalming required as long as death wasn"t from something contagious. Usually need to apply for a Jewish (or other known) practice religious exception or skip any viewing. A good supply of brush, dug hole, a pipe to the pit connected to a welding bottle full of O2, a splash of gasoline to start the pyre and then turn on the oxygen valve will get most bodies fats burning, then pile some dirt on top, plant some flowers or some beans- so the final reading will note you amounted to a hill of beans at least. RN.
Father-in-law donated his body to science. When they sent the ashes we put them in a container made of PVC pipe and buried them ourselves next to mother-in-law with permission from cemetary. Just used an old fashioned post hole auger and dug a hole. He would have been proud of us for doing it, just the type of guy he was.
It is usual and customary for the Funeral Director to discuss the fees and options with the family at the time the services are ordered so there should not be any surprises. This is required in many states. If cost is an issue there are ways to minimize the cost. 1.Cremation, 2. Limited calling hours.3. Limited use of limousine, 4. Low cost casket. 5 Cardboard box for cremation. 6. etc.
My mother passed just before her 99th birthday last year, just before Thanksgiving. She wanted to be cremated, and her ashes buried next to my Dad. We had a memorial at the church just after burial, on her birthday. Total cost was about $3000, even with almost minimum participation by the funeral home.

On a side note, when my G-father passed in 1966, the funeral director was going over the bill with my mother. She questioned a $400 charge for a mattress. "Doesn't the casket come with a mattress?", she asked. "Sure, but it's cotton ticking. Why, this mattress is a 4" thick foam rubber msttress. You wouldn't want Dr. Gross to rest on cotton ticing, would you?", he asked. Mom told him he could dam well rest on the concrete bottom of the vault- she wasn't gonna give him that much for a hunk of foam rubber!
Sorry for your loss.

My entire family; mother; father; sisters; wife; kids; grandkids; nieces; nephews; ect will be buried in 1 of 3 grave sites. The only rule that could make it difficult is we can only open each grave site once every 2 years.
While we can use a coffin I have told my kids to wrap me in a blanket.
Yes, they take advantage of the family when they are most vulnerable. All the time, acting real concerned. It cost my mother $11,000.00 for my fathers funeral. Same as you, she had 30 days. It took 31 or 32 days for the life insurance check to arrive by mail. They actually charged my mother for being a day or two beyond 30 days. What a bunch of crooks! They could give a dammed about the family. It"s all about the All Mighty Dollar. The total life insurance check was something like $14,000.00. My mother could have really used that money.
I've always had this special place picked out by the bend of the creek. I told Marilyn when I die just hire a backhoe to dig a hole and throw me in there. The reception to that idea was the same as the reception I got when I told her I'd like to be cremated. LOL Jim.
Dick - the Catholic priest here in our town has a nice old time wooden coffin, like you'd expect to see on Gunsmoke. He has it set up in his living room as a coffee table. He's gonna be buried in it.

It's cremation for me. No visitation, no funeral, & no preacher. Just a private family service, then dump my ashes out by the waterfall here on the farm.
Sorry for your loss.
Yep they have you coming and going now days. Sad that what should be something that should be held in high regards is now all about big $$$
My Son in LAW was buried for under $1000.00 in a pine casket in what he had on at the hospital. See if you have a "green" cemetery near you.

Grave site, Opening & closing included, head stone simple name & dates & epitaph was 250.00.

See "dust 2 dust dot com" for details here in SC this is spreading nationwide & about time...
Here in The Netherlands simple caskets made out of wood fibre board can be had for $350, including a cotton lining.
My wife and her brother run a funeral service. Total costs for a funeral really depend on what you want to have and what kind of services you like to order from the funeral home. Talk to the funeral director about services and prices before ordering. Yes, a funeral can be as low as $2000 and as high as $30000. Do not just blame the funeral home for perceived high costs. Bear in mind that they and their staff and facilities are available and ready round the clock.
Here, the fees for burial to be paid to the local authorities are high to extremely high. For them it is a way of financing other things in town...
HTH, Hendrik
One year ago I burried my wife for $8,000. and it was a nice funeral. I paid up front but the director said I didnt need to, could make any arrangments I wanted to pay
That's what I heard that I would have to pay first I asked they said 30 days to pay I will pay it before that we. When she call and said that she had her death certificates ready I was to stop what I was doing and run down to get the bill I was out planting beans we had her obit put in several out of town paper that all free not had to pay for both of them don't mine it will let her friend out of town know.

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