Pop vs Soda map


Well-known Member
No matter what you call it,here's a map that shows what it's most likely called in different parts of the country.

Pop vs Soda map
I've sen it before, but it's still interesting. I live right by the blue & yellow line. Grew up calling it pop, now I usually say soda. Either way works though.

Donovan from Wisconsin
It really has to do with distribution rights. In the south ,well Coke. In the St. Louis area , we had Coke, Pepsi,7up,IBC,Dr.Pepper and Vess all being made locally so soda was the simple request. I the sout it was Coke and everyone knew what that was called as pop.
I still remember going to a restaurant "down south" as a kid and asking for a Coke.
Waitress asked me what kind.
It took me a minute to understand what she was asking.
Interesting - but my main reaction is that someone had way too much time on his hands!
Had someone asked me to color the map, I sure wouldn't been the same as that...
Yep, I grew up in Kentucky and we called everything
'coke'. Moved to Missouri when I was in college and
a girl asked me if i wanted a 'sody pop'. I didn't
know what she was talking about.
I'm in a dark blue county here in Buena vista county NWIA and it's true we have always called it pop. When I went south to Oklahoma on the harvest I had to acclimate myself to calling it soda. Thank goodness coffee is a fairly universal name. Jim
The sign at the recycling center says pop cans so maybe that's correct.
But I'm with Jay, I almost never drink the stuff.
A couple times a year - usually in the hottest part of the summer - I'll want one. And then it's gotta be a root beer.
Funny story... We called it pop in Illinois when I was a kid. Just moved to Texas, was having the driveway poured by a "imigrant" crew. It was hot so we asked them if they wanted something to drink, and they asked for soda water. Wife thinks, "no soda water, but we have some Perrier water". Gave it to them. They took it and thanked us. Neighbors were rolling in the lawn laughing when we told them later. In that part of Texas, soda water is pop. Still chuckle about it 30 year later.


I'm with you. A soda fountain in a drug store sold various soft drinks and ice cream sodas.

Wikipedia sort of agrees, but says that soda is a flavored water.
You got it right in Washington- its been "pop" all my life, although my educated son calls it "soda".

But let me get this straight- all across the south, they call it Coke, but they mean any kind of pop, not just Coca Cola? So what if you want a Coca Cola? Ask for a coke coke?
Mike, Friend, It isn't that complicated! John, Joe, Bill, & George are at work, Hunting camp, going to a ball game, Don't care what.....Joe says to the rest of the guys.....Say Lets go get a Coke! They all load up in the Ford F350, 4x4, Crew cab and go to the the 7-11 type convenience store, all walk in to get a 16 oz bottle of something......
John gets a RC Cola, Joe get a Coke, George gets a Big Red, and Bill gets a Frosty Root-Beer all pay for their drinks and get back in the pickup and go on their way.
Coke in the question form is Generic for just about any sugary sweet drink that is banded in cups over 16 oz in NY.
Same as a Cresent Wrench is an adjustable wrench, or a Channel Lock pliers is the same as an adjustable pliers. Yes down here it is that simple if you want something different get it, it isn't laid down in stone.
We Do Not Say,, Soda, Pop, or Useguys down here!
John A.
Soda is that nasty carbonated water. I've always called it pop and never heard it called anything else. As far as I'm concerned that's the correct word, but then I also call a candy bar a chocolate bar and buy my milk in bags, so what do I know?
Important Queshtion #1: Do you have a "SEMI" VS "TRACTOR TRAILER" map similar to the one for soda pop?

Important Queshtion #2: Do you have a "RUBBER NECKER" VS "GAPER" map?

I'll take mky anshwer over the air as I POP another cork. With SODA this time. Hic. (;>))
I guess I get it, since you put it that way- but Crescent wrenches and Band-aids don't come in different flavors.

But I do have to wonder at your example- Actually, wouldn't John, Joe, Bill(y Bob) and George each get a 6 pack of Pearl and a Moon Pie?
Around here we drink Dr. Pepper. When we're out of "Cokes" we're out of Dr. Pepper.

Can also be called soda water, pronounced "Sodee water"

As a side note, Coca-Cola lost the war when they introduced "New Coke".
Mike, In their younger days,....Perhaps! But since all 4 of them are Texas D.P.S. Troopers and their work cars are Ford Crown Vics, Police Interceptors. the Pearl beer in not in the Picture at all. Now the Moon Pie, H3LL Yea!!! Chocolate, Vanilla, or Banana LOL!
John A.

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