Held hostage in my shop

Richard G.

Well-known Member
Was working in the shop a while ago and the dog went nuts. Looked out and saw this looking in. Finally got the dog calmed down and it sat at the door for over an hour before moving on. Never a dull moment around here.
Growing up, we would have had fried turtle tonight. I want eat one now unless I get very hungry.
Richard in NW SC

best i can tell from photo, it's a mud turtle, or least thats what they are called around here. one lives in the woods behind our house near a small creek. came up in the yard yard last year and laid its eggs and then back to the woods. noticed eggs hatched last fall when birds gathered in back yard to eat. some hatchlings were saved when she placed in the the woods.
Yep, a mud turtle. 18 to 20 pounds by the look of it.
Picture makes it look smaller. Finally got the dog to leave it alone. It could have taken the dogs nose off if it got too close.
We just had one that same size a couple days ago. About 50ft from the pond. Dogs had it cornered in the woods. Was pretty easy to get it to snap. Must have already been mad.

That turtle will never see the pond again...
Yea, they can eat a lot of fish. This one was wet when I first saw him and my pond is about 75 feet away from my shop. So he must have been headed down toward the creek.
I would have taught him some voice commands, then crazy glue a hydraulic jack to his shell....
back, back, OK left a little, little more left, OK! Never mind, move over to under the shock absorber....
James and I were driving down the state highway along our property and saw a very large snapper. It was the biggest turtle, snapper or otherwise, we had ever seen. It was at least 14 inches long. I got close enough to snap some pics, but other than that, left that big guy alone.
I was in the shop talking to a friend a few days ago and across the yard comes one of the biggest snappers I ever saw. Took care of him and half hour later another came by the same route.

I never had snappers till the last couple of years and I have 3 so far.

Isn't that 'Mr. Turtle' from 'My Name is Earl'?

One of my favorite things to do is to order turtle soup at a restaurant and tell the waitress to 'make it snappy'.
Turtle story:
I have 2 German short-haired pointers and only 1 used to be a "hunter". She'll point and "work" as long as she's outside. The male just follows her around, tongue dangling, reminds me of Odie from the comics.

One day, the female came running from around the other side of the pond (4 acres) toward me on the dock. I could see she had something in her mouth but couldn't tell what it was. She waded in right next to the dock and dropped a turtle very carefully into the water and watched it sink, then looked up at me. Backed out of the water very slowly, took off around the pond again. Couple minutes later, came back with another one. Very softly dropped it into the water right next to the dock where she put the other one.

I can imagine a couple of p*ssed off turtles talking to each other. "WTF, we were fine right where we were!"
"Once, I was swimming across Turtle Creek, man them snappers all around my feet. It sure was hard swimming cross that thing......"

Anyone recognise it....?

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