Get all you can................

Sounds about right. Every time they announce a storm is coming here you can't buy bread or milk because people buy 10 loaves and 10 gallons of milk. Why on earth do they do that? How are you going to eat all that before it goes bad? Why aren't the diapers sold out too or any other aisles lol.
Yeah, I've been getting reports from all over on my reloading boards of ammo shortages, and guns practically flying off the shelves. (Particularly military look-alikes.)

Randy, are you running short? (Give me a call.)
Problem with ammo is one never knows how much they'll need,I rather have 5,000 rounds to much than to come up 1 round short.Plus its a great long term investment these days right up there with Gold and Silver.
a freezer? we have always bought in that kind of quantity. Guess that is what you do when you live 40 miles from the closest grocery store.
Just being led by cattle with this nonsense. You know what needs to be done and its not political, you need a group of investors, jointly to embark on creating a manufacturing ability, it sounds like a lot, but if we can hand load, we can manufacture, only concern is raw material. Are the raw materials, powder and brass restricted or hung up on this situation or are the raw materials available ? Is it like crude oil whereas the refining aspect is the bottleneck ?

If so, with all the darned machinery that this country still has in the hands of people that know how to use them, and fabricate the equipment to manufacture ammunition, we can't get that done ?

I realize BATF and feds are somehow involved with regulation, I won't state an opinion on that, but aside from obtaining the necessary permits or legal ability, what in heck is stopping us or someone from doing it, even small scale ?

Same thing with magazines, I just cannot believe that the tooling needed to stamp metal parts, (aside from 3d printers)follower, springs and so on could not be easily fabricated and put into production behind the scenes.

Personally speaking, I don't have a demanding or urgent need for a large cache of weapons, ammo etc. including high capacity magazines, but for cripes sake, .22 LR being hoarded and price gouged by some retailers, upwards of $150/500 as per some listings I saw, ( can't verify but Midway and similar were listed), its ridiculous.

Political scare, this too will pass, but in the interim, it is a problem and I think the situation is not very favorable, downright sucks for the common person who uses firearms like a .22 LR

Now here it is spring time, I have a serious canada goose problem until they find some forage or other source of food, I will get the depradation permit and any other permissions to keep them out of our fields, by either killing or harassing which the latter takes more ammunition to do. They're all the way up onto the lawns this year, 3 flocks of 20 or more, and I can't get some darned .22 LR or am afraid to use my current stock, in fear that I should conserve heavily due to the above ? I've got enough stock of .22 after rooting out some from a friend who had bought over the years. Had I the crystal ball then I 'd have done it too, but led like cattle to believe that this would not be a problem, when was .22 LR ever in shortage ? WWII ? maybe ?

Need to get some people together and bypass this in the manner of which built this country, people did not stand down, they rose to the occasion.
Got a flyer from Midway today - not one bullet or loaded ammunition advertised in it. Looked at their website a week or so ago, practically no ammo available - all out of stock/no backorder.
That was in my favorite caliber, I didn't research everything.
I think the wife could use some .22s. I saw a woodchuck out by the corn crib while I was grinding feed today. It'll be time for her annual war on those things before long.
Just reminds me of that story somebody told on here one time about the old guy who heard there was gonna be a shortage of bibbed overalls,so he went down to the general store and bought five pair. The storekeeper asked him why he was buying so many? He said he wanted to get all he could before the dammed hoarders got'em all.
I think you're right. Ammo is a huge business right now. I'm sure some manufacturing wizard somewhere is eyeballing a couple of his idle punch presses.
I've always buy 100 cartridges at a time for my high powers. All the same lot and set the scopes accordingly. I always buy 2000 .22 lr, 1000 .45acp,&.40sw at a time and they seem to last a couple years. It would figure I run low when the shortage hits. Not out mind you. :)

The Hoarders will be broke in a few months or years and that's when you'll be able to buy ammo cheap. I bought case of 1000 .223 after the last run up and down. Got a good deal from a 20 something with a black rifle he couldn't afford or afford to shoot.
I'm not going to run out any time soon, but prices are sure up there.
I only have one that I have trouble finding ammo for, a 38 S&W.
I went into Cabelas this week to buy some .22 magnum shells. The shelves were empty that held the .22 caliber shells. The guy behind the counter told me that they had received 500 boxes (100 rounds per box) of .22 long rifle shells that morning and they were all sold that day. They were limiting purchases to 3 boxes per customers. When from there to Walmart and they had 4 boxes of .22 magnum shells and I bought 2 of them. They had a 3 box limit as well and no .22 long rifle shells. I thought it odd that Cabelas had assault rifles and no .22 shells.
Looking for reloading gear? Check out LEE Precision,everything I wanted to order was out of stock, What the HE!!??? Think things can"t get any worse? Google the international arms treaty. Our country has been blocking this treaty for decades but our pres is pushing hard for this. If this is ratified, it doesn"t cover just things like tanks, missiles and RPG"s. No more 7.5x55 from Switzerland,7.62x39 from Russia Aguila from Mexico, no more surplus military rifles from anywhere in the world. Think prices are high now? Wait till that happens.
Kim Jung Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhnnn Is gonna blow this country to bit anyhow. What does it matter?

I shot 7 raccoons in one night with a .22.

That was a raccoon apocalypse night. i'll do it again if I have to, but pray to the Lord I don't. Shooting things is not my bag of tricks. Live and let live, unless they eat everything.

If some commie raccoons invade, then i'll have to take them out as well. I figure 2 rounds of .22 in the eyes will stop anything that walks. That's all I need.

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