Slightly OT: How to do everything book...Not Goggle.


Well-known Member
I think we need to select an executive committe of members from this site, who's function will be to create a (How To Do Things Book). This book can be sold on line and will surely generate mega bucks. Time in and time out there are lots of suggestions on how to do things on various subjects. Some of them are very good, while others are just "Old Wifes Tales". We must not continue to confuse the younger generation with BS, as they are confused enough already. But of course maybe you just can't fix stupid about some things. Sales of this book or rather profits from the sale of this book could be donated to worthwhile charities to be determined at a latter date. I guess we will be able to measure the merit of this proposal by the responses. Be kind as I still have one feeling remaining and we don't want to hurt it. Imagine Holiday morning waking up and finding that publication in your stocking!
You are absolutely correct about stupid. Ignorance is curabale but stupid goes clear to the bone.

Let's not be so quick to discount BS. Some of our prospective customers for this set of books might want want to go into sales or even politics, and without a good line of BS they will fail. I will volunteer to start the introduction to BS, but there are others here who are much more skilled than I, to finish the section.
Trouble is who and how would it be determined what is BS and
what is truth. Most guys think what they say is gospel.
For some of us that lost their uncles that farmed or didn't have grandpas or dads for that matter...this forum is pure gold. This "tractor talk" section is kind of my own "How to do things in the modern age" journal. :wink:

By the way, thanks again folks!
We'd have to appoint a committee to decide who's right and who's wrong. That could take years to decide. By that time senility would set in and the ones who were right wouldn't be able to remember the right way anymore and we'd be back to square one.
While this sounds like a worthy endeavour, it should be thought out a bit more. How to charge for such services, for one. After all, we are the professionals, and those guys (like the vet bill I just got) charge far more than should be expected. As far as a charity, I'm on social security, and have been called a charity case by my kids, even though they keep borrowing money from me! So, if there are any proceeds, I want a piece of the action. Besides, all of the kids already know everything, or so they tell me, so I'm not sure of how well it would sell. While farm journal may have put out a book in 19- whenever, they never were smart enough (being city type press people) to understand the finer workings of such intricate machinery as the ETD or rotary encabulators. Simpler macines such as fountain pens and scissors are about as complicated as they can digest in one sitting. Which brings us to the real meat of this conversation. Why shouldn't the real farmers of us (less than 1%) not recieve just compensation from the rest (more than 99%) for the benefit of our vast knowledge, intelligence, integrity, good looks, longevity, and downright country friendliness and years of interaction with the vagaries of the world? Comments may be returned to my phone at BR-549 or circular box 13.....
That part of the Farm Journal later became the monthly "Home-Made and Handy" section.
I used to love to look at all the nifty ideas average farmers came up with when I was a kid back in the late forties/early fifties.
I guess you could say it was the fore-runner of the "Farm Show" magazine.
Here's a page from the early 50s.
I think you should just appoint USAonly as managing editor. He has such a positive attitude about all thing and all people on Yesterdays Tractor. LOL
Loren, the Acg.
If anyone thinks that a sense of humor no longer exists, they need to read some of the subjects, such as this one, and all the comments that follow! Thanks fellas, I needed a good laugh!
If I want to listen to old men talk about their new case of SCOURS I will go up town to the cafe! I was under the impression this site was for YESTERDAYS TRACTORS-----Not METRIC tractors!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You USAonly.

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