o/t Father passed away

My father passed away on wednesday moring after a long battle with COPD. He worked most of his life on the land, mainly at two adjacent farms owned by different farmers before moving to lighter work with the local water department.
Hard working guy who enjoyed the simpler things in life. He never had any desire to travel far from home and seldom went farther that 100 miles from his place of birth.
He had his 79 birthday just a few weeks ago and lived with his wife of 57 years.
Its been a sad few days for all of us but mother is positive about the future and we are all around to support her.
Funeral is on tuesday which Im not looking forward to.
This now leaves me as the oldest member of our branch of Thomson"s, I have two son"s but as yet no grand children.
I guess things will get better with the passing of time.
Sorry to hear about your father's passing away. Good to hear your Mother has a positive attitude. My sympathies to your entire family. Chris
Know what ur feeling, just lost my father last july 4th (just happened to be my sons birthday) still not over it, he was 89!!!
Sorry to hear your loss. My Mother passsed away 2 months ago today. Treasure your memories. You'll think of him everyday. I do...
Very sorry for your loss, I can say i know how you feel its been 15 years since dad passed and seems like yesterday.
It will get better with time.
Prayers are with you and your family.
Sorry for your trouble, Bill. My own father passed away in 1997.... I still miss him a lot, he never got to see my children. My Mother still says she is lonely even though she lives beside me and my children are always in her house. My sympathy to you and your family.
Sorry to hear that Bill, not much one can say to make it better. Just contine to be the man he wanted you to be and make him proud of his son.
Lost my own dad back in 1994 and still think of him every day. Can feel him looking over my sholder some days. Take care.
Beyond the darkness, light . . . Beyond the sorrow, peace. We wish you everything you need to get through this difficult time.
Sorry for your loss. Have lost both my father and mother in the past 10 years. Not something you will get over, time helps but always those good memories. May god bless you in your time of sorrow.
Condolences. Sounds like your father did an oustanding job of passing his values forward, and I am sure he had no doubt that you will do the same.
My sincere condolances offered. I lost my Father in '99. Another simple hardworking man. It takes time, to ease your grief. I still miss my Dad. Dale
Deepest sympathies Bill. Make sure your mother has someone to lean on also, she needs it as much as anyone.
Sorry for your loss. As time goes on you will get used to him being gone, but still miss him a lot. My dad has been gone 30yrs now and I miss him.
You have my sympathy Bill.
I have some good friends loose their oldest of 3 daughters at age 26 last year. The mother never has gotten over it but now her one other daughter is expecting soon and now my friend (the soon to be Grandmother) is real excited.
Prayer Being Sent Your Way Bill.
John here in Illinois of USA.
Sorry for your loss, Dad is 86 Mom passed 8 years ago, time helps, tell all the young ones what he did that is special and you remeber, so they can pass it on, Mark and Pam
Sorry to hear of your fathers passing. All of the comments from all of us about our Dads just shows the influence we all have on our kids. Sure hope mine will think about me that way when I'm gone. And, yes, mine passed away in 1995 and I still ask myself "What would Dad do?".
The character and strength he provided your family, and those around his sphere of contact shows in your nature (even through this modest portal)
May the strength he possessed remain and flourish. Jim
My condolences to yourself and the entire family. It leaves a void that cannot be filled, but with time we learn to cope with it. BTDT.
My condolences to you and yours.
It is hard to loose a father. Mine passed away two years ago and the questions I'd like to ask him just seem to multiply.
Best Regards.

Sorry to hear that. I lost my dad about three months ago. My thoughts and prayers as you get through this.

Bill, very sorry to hear of your loss. My sincerest condolences and prayers go out to you and your family. The hurt eventually goes away, but you'll always remember him and think of the times that you had together.

My Mother passed in 2001, we buried her on my Fathers 91st Birthday, he died 1 year later of a "broken heart" the day after his 92nd Birthday, they had been married for 68 years. It's especially hard for me as I've outlived 2 wives and all 7 of my children, I'll never see grandchildren. I just hope someone remembers me when I'm gone.

Take care neighbor, love and prayers to you all.

Sorry to hear of your loss. I went through that twice last year. Still trying to settle the estate.

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