Learned cayenne pepper get you if you grind it


Well-known Member
I had 2 pints of dry cayenne pepper so I ground it up in a small food processor. Well I got to noticing I was sneezing a lot and now my nose and lips are burning. NO I did not touch them with my fingers. Seems grinding it up made just enough dust to cause it to burn some. Bit on the good note I new have to shaker bottles full of home grown cayenne pepper. I save the spice bottle from the store so I can use them for my home grown herbs etc. By the way half way done I grabbed a bandana and put it over my mouth and nose and that helped.
Hope you guy get a good laugh out of this one LOL
What in heck is going on over there, you making pepper spray in the event chaos comes your way? LOL!

PS, when I was a kid I somehow got black pepper in my eye, oofla....., won't let that happen again, not sure I remember how I even did that, think it was in a container on a high shelf, loose top or something.
Years ago we had a training class about pepper spray. The administration wanted us to EXPERIENCE oleoresin capsaicin, as it was to replace chemical mace on our duty belts.

Most of our group got sprayed in the face. Instantly, I could not see because of heavy tearing and the pain was incredible. We tried to wash it off, but I didn"t have much relief. After a couple of hours, I was ready to drive a car again and go home, but I continued to have eye irritation and "feel the warmth" for a couple of days. Needless to say, the OC impressed me.

I carried an OC cannister off and on the rest of my career in law enforcement, but I never saw fit to spray it on another human being. I had not liked using Mace, because I could never seem to spray it without getting it on me, but I had used it a few times, though mostly on menacing dogs. But in my opinion, the pepper spray was MUCH worse than the chemical mace. I suppose I would have used it if I had to, but luckily I never did.

I never tried grinding cayenne peppers. What we get is already ground, and from your account, that is probably a good idea. Hope you get over it soon!
Shoot cayenne pepper is real good also known as red pepper like you get in those little bags from Pizza Hut. Also real good in Chile
Guess if you had a blow gun of some sort it would do a good job as a pepper spray. I know it sure did not take long for me to notice it and my wife walked into the kitchen when I was doing it and started having problems also
Shoot no my wife already knows if she walks in the kitchen when I am in there that she best stay out of my way sine the kitchen and my shop are my places and she only get to use them if I let her LOL

I really like it like that, but I ruined our blender chopping them up to shaker size. The blade seized up. Had to go buy her a new one. She wont let me do that anymore.
I have note I said I have a small food chopper that has blades sort of like the big food processors have but holds only about a cup of stuff and it does real well.
Yep that is why O grow a few types of hot peppers every year. I like them all and love the Jalapeno jelly I make and or the sweet jalapeno slices I can
(quoted from post at 17:00:21 03/03/13) Yep that is why O grow a few types of hot peppers every year. I like them all and love the Jalapeno jelly I make and or the sweet jalapeno slices I can

Old could I buy a jar of that jalapeno jelly from you?
I was one of those kids that made parents nervous about the three stooges and bugs bunny being on tv.

When I was about 10 - I took a big handful of black pepper and waited in my brothers room - hidden right near his door.

I knew he was heading in there, so I waited in ambush...

must have been 10 minutes, I stood there giggling like an idiot - the anticipation killing me.

He finally walked in and I jumped out, put my open hand with the pepper in it up to my mouth and blew it all into his face before he knew what hit him.

- I wanted to make him sneeze like I saw on tv.

It all went into his eyes.

Man did he howl.

Now I"m sitting here almost 40 years later giggling like an idiot again just thinking about it.
Cayenne pepper is not only good, but good for you. I use it on every meal, except breakfast. I buy the pre ground stuff from the health food store.
Well that is why i grow and can a number of hot pepper types. Jalapeno is one i do a lot of as is the cayenne. I have also from time to time done the hot banana peppers and I grow them all organic

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