Winter time farming

Erik Ks farmer

Well-known Member
A few pics of the project I've been working on this week, cutting trees back from a field.
Its amazing how time consuming that task is, and how often it needs done. It seams like every 4 or 5 years a field should be done. I quit cutting the branches, now I cut the entire tree down....
Been doing some of that too. On a MUCH smaller scale. Trying to clear a place for a garden near the house. Spot was tater patch 37 yrs ago. Small maples, poplars, poison ivy, honeysuckle, multiflora rose, sawbriar, etc. Just about to get it licked. All this is done by hand, no power tools or tractor.
A neighbor and I cleaned up a few spots on my mother in laws fields and front yard area back in Dec.


I have been doing the same but with larger trees. I cut and split 7 cords of wood over the last week or so. I love doing it in this weather. We will sure be glad it is done when it is 100 degrees!
Hey gang....looking good!
I"ve got alot of that to do yet but we got started last year clearing back trees that were too close too our field also. I"ve been thinking of a pto driven brush chipper too help with the chore!.
Looks great Erik. No snow?! Must be nice. LOL
I did this same thing after field work last Fall. Trying to burn the brush pile all Winter long, wood is too green yet. Good luck.
Kow Farmer (Kurt)

Snow is coming tomorrow, 5-10" with a 30mph wind forecasted tomorrow night, may be interesting Thursday. I hear the towines were making a run on all the stores this evening.
It's amazing (and a PITA) how fast Mother Nature takes over. I shoved a ton of brush back around my hayfield this summer.
Ahhh tired of the snow, been blowing lake effect all day. Another month or so and I will be able to go out and do what you have been doing, clearing trees with the chainsaw, will be very welcome to do. Ready for spring.
Erik Ks Farmer;

Is your cutting for quail habitat or just to be rid of the trees? I've cut edges for rabbits with good success. Wish we had quail.


I have one of the early Hicks built saws, I used the chain saw for 2 reasons. Many of these trees were 12" and larger and it is hard to see in the pics but I was cutting on a steep grade, just pushing the trees far enough to get them off the field.

I cut the trees to get them off the field and to season some wood for the stove for next winter. Lots of Hackberry, and honey locus and some oak.


Depends on what you want, mine is an early one and cuts slow and is limited to smaller trees. It is also fixed, I bought it with the motor out and replaced it. All said around 1500. Works fine to clear small cedars and hedge from pastures. The newer saws with the blade set out further from the machine cut much faster and some of them can be angled to cut vertically. They run 6-7k.

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