Today's Feature The Best Prank You Pulled

John B.

Well-known Member
Years ago we stuffed some clothes and made a dummy and set it in our dad's outhouse. We even put shoes and a Halloween mask on him. Next morning dad went out to feed the chickens and glanced over at his outhouse and could see the shoes on some one sitting in there since there were boards off around the bottom of the outhouse. Dad got all excited. Telling the dummy to come on out and not thinking the door was locked on the outside. Dad still turns red when we tell someone that story.
3 of my friends, after church one Sunday evening, decided it was time to 'TP' someone! So, we go and buy a large quantity! First girl had no trees, so tossed em back and forth over the house! Second place had at least 6 girls, so they really got it!!! They had a huge tree over a major residential road in Sioux City. We got that really good! The Dad was MAD! My best bud, who was not in on the prank, had just broke up with one of them, so he got the blame! I had to wait till a break in class to tell him that I had done it!!!
Omahogreg that reminds me, our 14 year old at the time son did same thing. He and a couple of his buddies did that at a house with 3 girls and a neighbor reported them to the cops. Well we and another mother made him and his buddies go back and clean up what they could. The mother who lived there yelled out to the boys and asked "Why did you do it"? The one boy in the tree pulling out what he could yelled out saying, "We did it for Love". I had to admit the lady and her daughters were very pretty.
Put grease on a co-workers door handle. He was always the first one out the door and parking lot. He got the slime on his hand when he grabbed the door handle to open the door, he was furious. He ran back inside to clean off his hand and while gone I went back out since his door was now unlocked) and greased his gear shift lever. Now he was really mad, got out and went back in to clean his hand off again and while gone I greased the steering wheel. When he came back he looked at the door handle before grabbing it, so he opens the door and gets in and looks at the gear shift knob to be sure all is well. Yep, safe to go. Fires up his car, grabs the steering wheel and got it again.

Had another guy who was always bragging on the great gas mileage his truck was getting so we started adding a gallon per day to his tank. He was really talking it up telling everyone how his 302 was getting 35 mpg. We let it ride for a few weeks not adding any more and he quit bragging so much, then we started siphoning some out each day. Every day on his lunch hour he was in the parking lot with the hood open trying to figure out why his mileage was going south.

And then there was the guy who rode a motorcycle to work every day. He would pop a wheelie every evening on the way out of the parking lot. One of the guys got the wise idea to Armor All his seat. That didn"t go well at all.
This was at my best friend's wedding. I was to be the best man and take care of hiding the car. Too much responsibility...

He had 1955 four door Buick that looked pretty good but kinda used oil and smoked some. It was affectionately call Smokey. This was in 1967, so it really wasn't an old car but not a classic by any means. I bought one of those kits where you add windshield washers to a car that didn't have them. It had a heavy quart sized plastic bag with a little motor and pump in the bottom of it that was to be mounted on the firewall. Kinda looked like a setup for a catheter. I wired the thing to the ignition switch and ran a tube into the car, hiding it up under the steering column. When the key was turned on the driver got a whole quart of luke warm water in his lap!

On the day of the wedding I had about two hours to myself with the car to get it all installed. Things went as planned and to this day his wife swears he wet his pants thinking about the honeymoon...
A long time ago my father used to sit at the picnic table and take shots at a woodchuck. One day I went and shot the woodchuck and propped it up on a rock. When he came home he started shooting at it and couldn't even scare it into running down it's hole. Wish I hadn't done that there wasn't another chuck within range of the table.
On the jobsite we would take a nailgun or screw someones toolpouch to the floor over lunch. Also had a carpenter that would walk around the job picking up scrap pieces of Romex off of the floor. One day I brought a glue gun in and glued some of it to the floor. Greased a few door handles and wiper blades here and there. I had a smoke detector that was defective and would "chirp" about every 5 minutes, so I hid it above the headliner in a friends Chevy cargo van. It took him a week to find it. Jacked up a girls car one night and put the axle on blocks. Ended up she had a huge fight with her boyfriend that night and was in tears when she got there and then her car wouldn't move! Felt a little bad about that one. Always had a few tricks in mind involving capacitors, but never followed through with it.
I have got so many, it is hard to pick the best. This one is near the top. The factory I worked at had large air conditioners on the roof. We had a guard who had to punch a watch clock on the roof each hour at night. This guy looked like Barney Fife on the andy griffith show, and was very goosy. One night pitch black I got upon one of the units where the key station was, and waited for him. when he got there I reached out and put my hand on his head. He screamed the clock went one way he went the other. Stan
I can't compete with most of these!
Don't know if it's the 'best', but it's a memorable one... In small engines class in h.s., we had 2 girls in a class of about 15 students. The one at least was there because of the attention she got with that ratio, not because she liked working on engines. She was always asking a couple of us for help. She finally had her B&S back together, but wanted my buddy or me to check it out before she had to start it and get graded on it. Asked her if she remembered to put the piston return spring in. Somehow kept a straight face as she said 'No' and asked if it would run without it. Had her convinced she had to tear it all back apart. Teacher asked her what she was doing when she was carrying wrenches over to her engine when he thought he was going to be checking/grading it. Still remind her about that when I see her. Still embarrasses her after 20+ years.
Well, as far as i know there is no statue of limitations on practical jokes so i will stick with my "halo" image.
I have put neverseize under a drawer handle on a toolbox.....Of course the tech is in and out of the toolbox throughout the day and usually they unconsciously touch their face throughout the day and always wonder how they are getting this silver stuff on their face. Most techs never figure it out.
Bought a case of Vidalia onions one time, and hid a big one in the back of my buddies desk. About a month later, he said You know, I can still smell those Vidalieas. I started to laugh, he stared at me and said you S-O-B, and startreed pulling desk drawers. (Learned that in the shipyard, except they"d hide a big blue-fish in some guys desk, after pumping drydock. Not THAT would smell!!!)
I didnt do this but son and some friends got big roll saran wrap,the stuff palets are wraped with. Senior h/s wrapped princlpes trailor on hallowen with it. Not shure how he got out next morn.
Did somewhat the same thing at work back in the mid 1960's. The janitor would come into the rest room and start a conversation with who ever was in the crapper. He would blanter on even if he didn't get an answer. I always came in an hour earlier than anyone else on Monday mornings to turn on machines and start the lube and add oil process.
I took in some sticks, shoes and jeans. Set them up locked the door and crawled over the top of a center crapper stall. After morning chores were out of the way I had a helper running 3 inch pipe for air lines up above that area about 20 feet up where I could see every thing going on from one end of the plant to the other. About three hours into the day I see the janitor, plant superintendent, plant manager and two foreman. They were in the restroom for several minutes and all came out with only a couple with smiles. I never told anyone that it was me. It sure was a subject at breaks for some time.
My buddies and I got us an outhouse one night. We dumped it off at someone's house, then a couple nights later it would wind up somewhere else. This thing got passed around till it was just about to fall apart. So we figgered the grand finale for this piece of folk art would be the High School principal's house. We dropped it off in his drive way one weekend. The following week he let it be known that he appreciated whoever dropped off the out house cuz he was needing some kindling.
Somebody else posted about blocking a car up. We did this pretty often as well. Usually, whoever got their car "blocked" could figure it out. However, we did one, the guy came out, fired the ole Ford up, nailed it. Not going anywhere but throwing gravel. He got out, looked it over, same thing again. He finally had to call a wrecker.
One more, tying a short piece of wire to a u-joint.
I could go on for quite a while. We were ornery, but never mean.
About 15 yrs. ago when I worked in the foundry,my boss would take a shower at the end of our shift,Well one day I went into the locker room while he was showering and rubbed bengay cream in his clean underware then I hid in the shop 4 a while to watch what happened.He came running back into the shop from his truck and had to take another shower and put his dirty underware back on.He took it pretty well and never got me back.
Hahahaha! That reminds me of one, that I never did, was to zip tie a nut to a driveshaft just long enough to barely reach the floorboards.
I've done so many over the years, but one of the best is one I pulled on a close friend who just passed a few weeks ago. He wrote a column for the local paper on hunting and fishing, and was working for a local sporting goods store when I did it. I put an ad in the local paper just before deer season opened that went along like, "Wanted- one buck, ten points or more, standing broadside, staked, no more than 20 yards away. Would appreciate help dressing and dragging. Contact H....." He blamed everyone at work, the paper, and his hunting club. Took him six months before someone tipped him as to who did it. He swore he'd get me back if it took him ten years. Even though he's gone now, I still look over my shoulder...
When you lift up the back end of a VW Bug, the axles will hang down, and when you put it back down, wheels will be at an alarming angle. We did that to the head cheerleader's VW at lunch hour, then we all stood around looking and pointing until she came out. We pointed out the problem, and began speculating on all the dire things that may have happened.

She called the local mechanic- he came down, looked at all of us and rolled his eyes, then told her to pull ahead a few feet to see if there were any noises- of course, it was fine then- he told her not to worry about it. He took our ringleader aside, and told him he wasn't charging her, he was charging us- "take up a collection, and have 10 bucks at the garage by close of business tomorrow. You've got to pay to play." We did, without protest, because we were so relieved that he didn't bust our chops. Nobody wanted to be sideways of that girl- she was just too cool.

My sister also had a VW- she found out, the hard way, several times, that a VW was exactly 2 inches shorter than the distance between the Jiffy Lunch Cafe and the power pole in front of it, in downtown Tenino, Washington. Took her two hours on one of the occasions before she could find enough guys to carry it back out. She learned to park a block or so away.
Only got time for 2, tonight. 1st was back in HS, 2 guys fighting in senior class, 1st guy took all the innards out of the other guy's senior biology project (a Cat), and replaced same, with fresh horse caca! To get even, the 2nd guy took the little chrome ring offa one of those click ball-point pens, that say property of the us gov't, on the barrel. Turns out that that little chrome sleeve is the EXACT same OD, as the hole in a HS locker, get the picture?? He slid the ersatz speedy sleeve, into the hole on the other guy's locker, where the lock goes. These lockers had the combo locks, on the top, so nobody used the lock hole. It took the dean of students, and a team of janitors about 4 hrs, to figure that one out!
My personal favorite, is when I went to an auction, one time, I left about 6' of space in front of my truck, for maneuvering room, cause I was pulling a trailer. Sure enough, some arsheluh (I'll leave the swabish translation of that word to the gentle viewer!), blocks me in, by perpendicular parking his tiny little car, in the space, in front of my truck. Did I get mad?? No, I got even! I chocked his rear wheels, as his front wheels were already in the rut of the road shoulder. I heard from a friend, that he got royally stuck, and no one would pull him out, as it started raining, shortly after I left the auction!
Just last night at the cabin I was staying at one of the guys had some kind of new recorded sounds to call in varous game,He said Im going out in front in the woods to see if I can call a coyote,When he went out the front ,another friend snuck out back to return a coyote call,The guy figured it out when everyone was laughing when he came back in ,
While working at a chemical plant for 32yrs I have many. The best one, we had a small 3/8 air hose coiled with a quarter turn valve near an entrance to a control room. In one area of the plant it was very dusty and everyone working in this area would grab this hose and blow off before entering. I would fill this hose with water and watch as someone would wet themself down.One guy got wise so he would hold the hose in a downward position to drain it then blow his clothing off bragging how he was smarter than the average person.So I pumped it full of grease with a grease gun and showed him who was smarter!!
Mail carrier"s Jeep::Removed sparkplug wire insulation the span of an inch or so. Fastened a small chain to the bare part---just long enough to drag on the ground. Taped up the sp wire. Then wait for a rain or snow to wet the ground. Effect? Soon as the guy touches the first metal box, he gets the full jolt of what the sparkplug would have gotten. You want to see one MAD mailcarrier?!?
When I was 18 yrs old(many years ago) my uncle was getting married. I got to his car and decided I would pull the high voltage lead from the top of the coil. I grabbed it and yanked and it broke in two, now what!! He finally jury rigged it and got off on the honeymoon.
One of the guys I worked with had a girl scout daughter, and we all ordered cookies from her, and he delivered them to work one morning. The boss had bought one box of thin mints, which he was craving, and left them sitting on the corner of his desk while he went to a project for the day. I had two boxes of thin mints, one to share with the guys at work, and one to take home. I opened the "share" box like an animal, and we tore into them, saving the last one, with a bite taken out of it for effect. Then I hid his full box in the desk and replaced it with the ripped open box, and the one half eaten cookie. The boss was red headed, and red complected, and I thought his hair was gonna catch fire over that box of cookies. We kept him going 'til quitting time, then told him where his cookies were.
Had a bathroom at the office with only one light fixture over the sink, vanity light with 4 bulbs. Over a period of several weeks I started unscrewing one bulb at a time every few days so the bathroom gradually became dimmer. No one in the office would change a light bulb. Finally get down to one bulb burning and left it like that for a week. Everybody got used to a dark bathroom and no one would check the bulbs.

Wrapped the toilet with Saran Wrap and put the lid down. Was not long before it was discovered. Now, a burnt out bulb in the bathroom gets changed very quickly.
My son and his friend did the best one to a teacher. She got called to the office and my son and his friend turned the teacher's desk 180 degrees and then moved everything on top of the desk to where it had been before.

The teacher came back to class, sat down, and bumped her knee on the modesty panel before she could reach the desk. The she reached for the drawer that wasn't there. Then she started laughing.
All of these are good, and most are harmless. I have more but a couple that I had really forgotten about comes to mind.

I worked at a grocery warehouse where one time we had a really cold spell (for Lubbock, Texas anyway). We had had an ice storm and the daytime temp was below zero for several days. Having too much time on our hands one of those days, we took a five gallon jug of water out to the parking lot and poured it around the tires of several of the cars parked there. It froze immediately and, even when the cars were started and the ice broke, they wouldn't move because the non-driven tires were still stuck.
I had a remote office at the plant back in the early 90's. I called the office lady, one afternoon and asked her to send more paper for the printer on the mail run the next day. Knowing that she is a nice lady, but not real up to date with technology, I mentioned if she would mind faxing some paper to me now since I had to finish my report, 6 pages should cover it.

A minute later the fax rings and picks up, 6 sheets of blank paper come through and it disconnects.

She calls me back a couple minutes later and makes sure it came through fine and said if I need more paper, just give her a call. Right Over Her Head... :lol:
4 good farmer friends one fall that helped each other out when ever they could, standing there talking, they had just got their machines ready to go for the day---- one fella had a pump oil can, and casually filled his buddys pocket with oil while they were standing there talking

Have you ever had your pickup beat you home from town ??

Have you ever found a rock in your pickup seat behind the steering wheel that you had to have help removing??
I don't recommend this one, its more for kids... But put a ketchup packet under each of the bumpers on the seat in the john sometime. When they sit down they will explode.

Don't do this at home. My son did it to me once. Grrrr..
The old mechanics that I started working with where all pranksters. The best one was when they rigged up a magneto to a work bench that was close to the walk door into the shop. They took a window weight and a small cable an wrapped that cable around the impulse on the magneto with the weight hanging off the bench. They then stuck a nail into the mag just far enought that the impulse would not turn. They ran a wire over to the door knob from the coil on the magneto this wire had some slack in it. They then ran another wire to the door and the nail. So when you would open the door the wire would pull the nail out. The window weight would spin the magneto. The coil wire carried the spark back to the door knob. I swear that felt like your arm was going to come off when that spark hit you while you where gripping than door knob.. LOL Those guys would cackle about getting some one for days.

Sad thing is I am the only one left. They all where old guys when I started there 28 years ago. Great bunch to work with. They all taught me many things. Not all of them about mechanical stuff either.
(quoted from post at 19:51:17 02/17/13) I had a remote office at the plant back in the early 90's. I called the office lady, one afternoon and asked her to send more paper for the printer on the mail run the next day. Knowing that she is a nice lady, but not real up to date with technology, I mentioned if she would mind faxing some paper to me now since I had to finish my report, 6 pages should cover it.

A minute later the fax rings and picks up, 6 sheets of blank paper come through and it disconnects.

She calls me back a couple minutes later and makes sure it came through fine and said if I need more paper, just give her a call. Right Over Her Head... :lol:

(quoted from post at 19:55:27 02/17/13) I don't recommend this one, its more for kids... But put a ketchup packet under each of the bumpers on the seat in the john sometime. When they sit down they will explode.

Don't do this at home. My son did it to me once. Grrrr..

A chip off the ol' block! :lol: :lol:
Had a guy at work that brought a subway sandwich to work every day, one day I took out the meat and replaced it with cardboard. He was on the third bite when he figured it out.
My brother in law told me this one....he was the HR guy for 36 years where he worked. One day he's setting on the head and can see other guys standing at the urinals that were just outside. In comes a guy he knows that works there, a practical joker of the first order....he can tell by the color of his slacks and those shoes, he always wears those shoes. Soooo...he reaches under the door, grabs the guy by the pantleg, and yanks it as hard as he can a half dozen times up again the door!! The pee is flying everywhere and he's going Ha! I finally got the son of a gun. Take that. He flung open the door and looked into the face of a perfect stranger!! It was a salesman he'd never seen before with exactly the same shoes as the prankster. The guy had pee all over the front of him and my brother in law about died on the spot.
, one day years ago i caught the dozer boss going into the porta potty,which sat up against the back fence of the yard, i backed a dump truck up against the door of the potty, shut it down, and went to lunch, returned in a hour, and "rescued" a very angry guy, lol i never claimed i was also the guy who put the truck there too
Many, many over the years, but one of my favorites dates college to my college years. The dormatory was designed with suites, with two rooms sharing a bathroom. We would extend the cord on one telephone s the two phones could be near each other. We would then take the receivers apart and run a jumper wire across.

The fun was about to begin. We'd then dial the numbers of the most unlikely people: The class nerd with the beauty queen....two hot heads...connect a bashful guy with someone he really wanted to ask out, but would never have the nerve. Endless laughter as we listened to people argue about who called who...embarassed calling...promises to give the telephone company a heated complaint.

I"m not sure I'm adequately communicating the humor her, but it was absolutely hilarious. One time hooking the beautiful, single girls dean with the pimple faced assistant men's dean. Such embarassment and apologies as I have never heard before or since.

And then there was the time I convinced my 8th grade teacher if I could remove the center doorway post in less han two minutes, the boys in our class could put the principal's beetle in the hallway. Well, this country boy may not have been top of his class in writing poems, or composing wonderful essays, but I sure new what to do with a wrench in my hand. It's hard to say which was funnier to observe, the look of shock and then anger on the beetle owner's face upon finding her car in the hallway, or my teacher's explaining to her how us boys had put the car there under his watch.

Glenn F.
I am only mentioning one other one that I am fond of. 8)

One day, long ago, there was a coworker that I was going back and forth with doing pranks. One day I opened my desk and it was full of corn starch, then I did something to him, and another day, there was corn syrup on my door handles of my pickup.

So, I was sitting in his office and at 12 exactly he leaves for lunch. This time he forgot to lock his computer....
I do into the control panel and change everything to black. Background, border, etc. The IT guy was out there all afternoon trying to bring that computer back to life. Meanwhile, his office buddy watched me do it and laughed the whole time.

They had to do a fresh install of windows since they couldn't fix that issue. I didn't say anything. I told him a few years later after we both left the company...
My wife does daycare. One day or 15 passenger van needed repair, took it to the shop. The loaner car was the same body color, and the same interior color. Came home acting mad, I had 12 kids convinced I had washed the van and it shrank. 15 years ago still get comments from the now adults.
My Father in law had a small grocery store with a wood floor. He soldered a nickel to a roofing nail and drove it into the floor near the door. Had a lot of fun until a stranger lady came in all dressed up fine. He was about to tell her it was a trick when she pulled out her change and claimed she had dropped a nickel. She reached down to pick it up and fought it until she broke a finger nail, by then she was mad and kicked the heel off her shoe trying to get it loose before hobbling out of the store without buying anything.
We hadn"t been married for very long when I went into the bathroom while she was showering and pulled back the shower curtain so she saw me standing there with a glass of water. She of course was saying not to throw the water on her. I did, but what she didn"t know was that the water in the glass was nice warm shower temperature.
One more, I was a witness, not the perpetrator. While working the night shift at a NYS prison camp, we had a fella who was a taxidermist on the shift and would pick up road kill and stuff it. One night, he brought in a skunk, and put it just inside the door of the dormitory as if it was eating from a tuna can. The night supervisor has to make around and sign the log book in the dorm. He came in the door one step, saw the skunk, and turned around and hightailed it out of there. Never came back that night.
Another night, he brought in a bear about 3 ft tall. and put him about 20 ft from the office door the LT came out of to make his rounds. He stepped out spotted the bear, turned right around went back inside and stood watching the bear. The bear never moved so he went to the candy machine got some candy and was throwing it out to the bear with everyone watching. Then he went back to his office to answer the phone while the CO ran out got the bear and the candy and hid it around the corner. He never found out he was throwing candy to a stuffed bear, but he had a story to tell.
And who could forget the time someone put a lifesize centefold postet of "Miss January" on the movie screen in the chemestry lab. Well, as Mr. No-sense-of-humor professor pushes the button to roll down the screen, while facing the class.... I forget which he did, roll up the slow moving screen, or dash to remove Swertie's picture.

A shop I used to frequent had a real joker, and also a guy who was just too easy to play jokes on. Guy 2 was in the crapper, and guy 1 took the "cheeta" tire blaster and filled up the outlet tube with flour. He poked the tube under the stall door and let "er rip. Guy 2 comes out completely white except for his eyes after he took his glasses off. Probably the funniest thing I"ve ever seen. As a bonus, the sudden pressure of the blaster blew the toilet water down, and when it came back up, it soaked the guy"s a$$.
(quoted from post at 22:18:30 02/17/13) A shop I used to frequent had a real joker, and also a guy who was just too easy to play jokes on. Guy 2 was in the crapper, and guy 1 took the "cheeta" tire blaster and filled up the outlet tube with flour. He poked the tube under the stall door and let "er rip. Guy 2 comes out completely white except for his eyes after he took his glasses off. Probably the funniest thing I"ve ever seen. As a bonus, the sudden pressure of the blaster blew the toilet water down, and when it came back up, it soaked the guy"s a$$.

Thats the New Way to Tar and Feather someone! I love it! I have to remember that one. :twisted:
During ground school class on aircraft electrical systems (back in the days when overhead projectors were used) my friend and I rigged up a rope that went completely around the table the projector was on and tied it to each side of the projector so we could, by using the rope concealed under the edge of the table, move the projector from side to side. Room was dark, which helped. The instructor projected the electrical system image on a white board and used flourescent chalk to make marks indicating when certain cicuits opened and closed. While he was talking to us with his back to the board, my friend and I would carefully move the projector so the image would show completely different circuits over his flourescent marks. We really had him puzzled, in fact apologizing to us for his mistakes, but we carried it a little too far and he figured out what was going on. The whole class exploded in laughter and he took us all to coffee. We still laugh about it.
About a year ago we lifted a guy at work's truck up high enough to keep the rear wheels off the ground, but not so high it was noticeable. He went to leave work and couldn't get moving.

HVAC zip-ties (made for about 2' diameter round duct) tied onto a co-worker's drive shaft is pretty funny as well!

A co-worker's hardhat filled with water at lunch is funny once lunch is over!
Before you start feeling sorry for the instructor mentioned above, I have to tell you that he used to play practical jokes on us like throwing rubber chickens at simulator winshields to simulate bird strikes, lighting a fire in a metal trash can to make simulated engine fires seem more realistic, etc. One of the best ground school/simulator instructors I ever had. He hated flying.
one of my favorites... ringing the door bell a bit before the daughters' date is supposed to show up and she's not ready yet. they move pretty fast!
I was on a family trip one year and I got some gum balls that were in the plastic sleeve. They were the sour punch one's, that would about suck the sides of your mouth in they were so sour. Dad hears me with the gumballs and says, "Give me one of them." I was in the back seat and him in mom in the front. I just did as I was asked.

About a minute later the car swerves off to the shoulder. My dad throws the door open and starts spitting. "What the he!! was that? Trying to kill me?"

Mom and I laughed for the rest of the trip. Mom said he should be nicer and should ask nicely next time and I probably would have told him they were sour.
A pack of lit firecrackers slid under the bathroom door when a co worker is taking to long on company time.
Also a single firecracker laid in line with a weld while his helmet is down will wake him up also.
Not me in either case but seen it done.
That one works a little better, if you fold the packet, and stick it
under the bumper, and just put the tiniest pin puncture wound hole in the
packet, pointing up, to spray the ketchup onto the mark's posterior!
Either the cold ketchup landing on the cheek wakes them, or when
they wipe, they think it's blood!
At a place I used to work, there was an outdoor overhang supported by columns.

There was one guy who was always doing little pranks and annoying people. So one day a bunch of us went out and picked his car up and slid it in between two of those columns. One column at the front, one at the back.

Very little room, just enough for him to get his car out by doing what was probably a 300 point turn.

Took him forever.

Long enough that we could come in for a beer, go back out to check on him ever now and then and see how he was doing.

(yeah - the good ol days where 4:30 meant it was within the clocks margin of error to be 5:00, and the free beer in the fridge was available)
I never did it but great sport was to put a paper sack (like you took to school with your lunch) on a guys front porch just after dark full of dung. Set it on fire, ring the door bell and run for the ditch to watch the fun.

All I'd do was to ring the door bell and run. We called it "knock door run". Was great sport and some of the victims got real good at being at the door when we rang the door bell. I got caught, "we" went to my house to tell my mother and that was the end of that.

That reminded me of something a bunch of us in H.S. did back in '58 or '59.
One of the lady teachers had one of those little Renault cars. There was just enuf space between the cars on either side that about six of us were able to pick it up and turn it sideways between those two cars.
'course that was a lot simpler than what you guys did 'cause all she had to do was wait 'til one of the other teachers moved their car.
It was funny tho!
Reminds me of a stunt we pulled down at the firehouse. One of the guys had a new VW, and was pretty peculiar about it, mostly from the ribbing he took. He was out on a call one day, and a bunch of us moved a pool table, then carried the 'bug' into the meeting room, then moved the pool table back into place. When he came back, his car was missing, nobody knew anything, and he called the State Police. Big cop showed up, and started writing down the details about the missing, presumed stolen, vehicle. With engines and men coming back from the fire call, Arch and the trooper decided to vacate the small office and fill out the report in the meeting room. He wasn't happy when he came back out front with the cop laughing his butt off behind him........
Fill an envelope with shaving cream, leave it unsealed, and slip the open end under the door of the intended victims bedroom, dorm room, etc. Stomp the portion of the envelope still exposed on the outside of the door, and you get a pretty good spatter pattern all over the room.

The nice think about it is, once the shaving cream dries in 10 minutes or so, it just pretty much disappears as if nothing had happened.
Switching electric blanket controls between the upper and lower bunks in the unheated sleeping dorm at the frat. The one guy is getting cold, so turns up his blanket- which makes the other guy too hot, so he turns his down, etc., etc.
When I was in high school, one of my classmates drove a Volkswagen van. One day a bunch of us got the bright idea of pushing that VW into the school through the doors at the end of the hall. After we got it half way down the hall, we slid it sideways on the tile so it was completely perpendicular to the direction of the hall. There was very little clearance between the ends of the van and the lockers, only a few inches at each end.

All this happened within a couple of minutes, and then our group scattered to our classes, as the bell was about to ring. A little later the Principal discovered the VW blocking the hall. He got Roger, the driver of the VW out of class and the two of them maneuvered the van out of the school, but it must have taken 10 or 15 minutes and lots of full lock turns. I would have loved to have watched, but I was in class.

There was no damage to anything, and no one snitched about who put the van in the hall. But the Principal made it known that IT BETTER NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!

Roger was a little mad about it for a couple of days, but he got over it. We were all friends of his and admitted the prank to him after he cooled down. But he was careful to always lock the van after that.
When in college, our frat (AGR) had a Barn Dance every spring- we had a bunch of old-timey stuff stored at an alum's place, that we set up on the lawn during "Barn Dance Week"- cedar fence rails, walking plow, outhouse (with crescent moon), and a covered wagon. Freshmen had guard duty shifts, 24-7.

One night, about 10, a flaming arrow came from a second floor window of the ATO house next door- they actually hit the covered wagon, and it catches fire. Instantly, 10 ATO freshman, in breechclouts and war paint, come running out of their house, with buckets of water, put out the fire, and start war-hooping and dancing around the wagon. I hear one of them say "I can't believe we actually hit the dam thing- sure glad somebody thought of the water!"

By now, we're all outside, watching. Then, with great fanfare, a couple of their upperclassmen come out, with full chief's headdresses, buffalo robes, the whole 9 yards. "Want powwow with white man chief"- so we send over our president- Indian chief gives a little speech about wanting to stop the wars with the white man, and ends up inviting us to a ceremony in their chapter room to sign a peace treaty. Naturally, there was a keg involved. Fine time had by all.
buddy and I did this same thing but in the girls restroom at our school, to our supervisor. We put the shoes and a pair of jeans we found which from the door looked like someone was there. He waited around for quite sometime till finally he went in and asked if they were o.k...not getting a response he cautiously looked under to discover the prank.
I learned something a couple of days ago. I have been using the term "the whole 9 yards" my entire life not knowing nor caring as to the origin.

I find out that a full clip of .50 caliber ammunition for a B17 was 9 yards long. So the whole 9 yards meant a whole clip.

How bout dat!!

i worked in a fab shop when i first got into my local, in the summer time it was always like a sweat shop, many times the prank was to squirt some blue line chalk, or sometimes red into someones welding gloves , after putting your sweaty hands in your gloves you wouldnt realize it until the next time you took them off, then you spent some time getting that stuff off, if it came off at all, another was some guys would leave for lunch, we had some clear lenses for our welding hoods that we blacked out with paint, we would switch out their lense then watch them try to find the arc when they lit up. last one. some local kids at the high school found a roadkill deer and ran it up the flag pole at the school, i believe there was a whiskey bottle put in its mouth as well. i enjoyed all the stories, thanks for the laughs!!!!

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