For Something To Do for Tonite- How About Trainwrecks?


Well-known Member
How about some of the little problems you've overcome over the years...???



There was a picture on here just a day or two ago - a grain truck hoplessly covered in grain, when pulling out of elevator/grain dump. Someone find that and add it here?
I don't have a picture but 50 years ago or so the grandsons of the Justice of the Peace in Rockford threw the switch and sent a train into a siding bumper--the things trains back up against at the end of the rails. Stood up a couple of box cars.

My Uncle Charlie drove a train for the B & O railroad. My cousin, also an engineer, got a ticket fore speeding with a train. He arrived too much ahead of schedule.

Back in the mid 90s I was traveling on a freeway in Ohio and there was a wide grassy median. Well.....This driver was going to fast it seems with his truck/trailer and he was hauling 1/2 of a pre-fab house. And wouldnt you know it, the house fell off the trailer and was just a pile of splinters and wallboard for 1/2 a mile long all down the median.
I bet that to be homeowner was pizzed off.
Speaking of train wrecks I had to go and clean one up in Capac Mi last year. The scrap company I worked for got the call at 7 pm and said get it done no matter the cost. A coal car lost a wheel and took 5 more with it. We had to back a mile down the side of the track with the roll offs. Let me tell you it is a SOBERING feeling when a train go's by at 65mph and your 7 ft from it! Didn't need coffee all night!
knock the ends outta that silage wagon and they'd have a covered bridge...the john deere looks like it's witching for water
I had a 122 Deere chuckwagon run off like that years ago,if it had only been six more inches to the right it would have missed the tree. Score one for the tree and zero for wagon.LOL
I had a wagon load of straw blow out of the barn and over the hill when we had the wind storm(Deracho?) on June 29th. It went over the hill tongue first. The ground was so dry it did not drive the tongue in the ground and tear it off. Just skipped along in front of the wagon. Did not hurt the wagon one bit. Unloaded the wagon and broke about 10 bales.

We had a big Miller wagon take off about five or six years ago Missed another one parked at the bottom of the hill by inches, hit a rut where a truck had been digging going up the hill, went airbourne, and came down in the track alongside the first. Spindles and whole front end collapsed. And half of that load went out the front also.....
Pic #3 happened down the road from where I live 14 miles. Took 2 big cranes to lift that rig off that bridge. County road bridge was to narrow to fit and he decided to go through the bridge between the fields. It is across a irrigation canal and was probably put in in between 1948 and 1955. They sure didn't build it for that kind of wieght!
It is amazing how far silage comes out the front of a wagon when it stops real fast.If the Deere was your second wagon to run away remind me never to loan you any of mine.LOL Maybe it is like my wife's brother,he had a silo in his barnyard.He slid a wagon into a gate post and it was my fault becase I overfilled it,not his for not first scrapping six inches of manure out of it. I have another 122 that I bought that went down over a very steep bank,so steep that the top beater and roof got against a tree before any damage was done to the rest of the wagon.It bent the beater bars and broke the angle on the front of the roof. It did not go fast just over the bank if it had missed the tree next stop was 150 ft. strait down to the stream.
A buddy of mine had one of his liquid manure semitankers literally hit by a train. It hit it dead on center of the full tanker trailer. Split it in half. Kind of made a big mess. Sorry, no photo.
Not my trainwreck! This Jeep was passing us on I 80 between Lincoln and Omaha. I could see a flame underneath it! I hit my brakes so he would pass me sooner, opened my window and started to scream 'pull over'! Two guys just got out when it went BOOM! They had been 'on the river beach' for the weekend, some Jeep Jamboree thing. Figured the sand had poked a hole in the tank, it was dripping on the exhaust system. The monster tires blew one at a time, and that portable tank you see went 50' straight up before landing there!


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