NFL=No Freakin'Lie!!!!


Well-known Member
Just sitting here listening to the big parade they're giving the Ravens team in Baltimore. Of course, here comes Joe Flacco. He was signed as a free agent five years ago, and this was the last year of his contract. He has been labeled as a 'franchise player', which means no trade is likely next year. However, his new contract is ecpected to be in the range of $100,000,000!!!!! Yup, at least $15,000,000 per year. Nickname: Joe Cool Cash......
Who pays the players, the fans do. Wether directly or indirectly the fans foot the bill for the players salaries by paying for tickets, team licensed items, etc, etc. That's why why a ticket for a $5 seat instead costs $50 and a tee shirt that cost $2 runs more like $20 when a teams logo is put on it. Granted there is more to it than this but basically the fans are paying. Then for the more 'famous' players they get even more cash for endorsements....and ultimately it's once again the fans, paying them by buying things endorsed by their favorite player, an also those that couln't care less but like the product for it's on merrits....
Don't have to if they can play football. You need decent grades in college to play sports if there on a scholarship. Quarterbacks are usually very smart. Hal
Yes the salaries are obnoxious, but, remember supply and demand, only so many teams and so many players, so individuals with the talent command and are offered big money. If I had those talents I would not turn down the money because it is a obnoxious amount. AND Harvey 2 your painting alot of people with one broad stroke. jmho gobble
The citizens pay in other ways too.

Baltimore County sibsidizes the rent for the stadium $15 million/year. So the privately owned team can make a fortune and the players can be paid millions.

31 of 32 NFL teams get rent subsidies from their city, count or state.

Cincinnati subsidizes the Bengals about 12 to 16 $Million a year.

Could it be because of all the year round jobs they get from 10 games a year?

And here I thought you guys were against government bailouts?
You are partially right. I'm not a pro football fan at all. I watched one whole play of the stupor bowl. However, I pay their salaries too when I buy a Dodge or one of the other products that was advertised during the game.

(quoted from post at 18:06:11 02/05/13)
Most of them can variably read and write

I'm trying to figure out what that means. I think you meant:
Most of them can [b:c38cb2308e]barely[/b:c38cb2308e] read and write[b:c38cb2308e].[/b:c38cb2308e]
There's also money from the TV networks who pay for the rights to broadcast the games. They in turn get to sell advertising. That's why we have to endure commercials.
NC Wayne,

If you figured out gross money the fans pay I doubt you could cover the QB's salary for the year.Don't for get all the stadium personnel etc. who make it all happen.TV is where all the money is.

I don't even watch it for the commercials. It is a puke waste of time. If you tune in to watch football, forget that, you have all the diversions and popups, and all the know it all announcers with their magic pens and all that crap, old players living off their past.

Personally, I'm glad the lights went out. Question is, why? Were the lights on the www and some clever guy hacked the circuits?

Ha. Ha.
Baltimore County does not subsidise the rent.The Stadium is in Baltimore City,not the same.
Just talked to a friend who went down and was there when the lights went out. He said they had just turned the AC on sometime earlier and it was just starting to cool down. He thinks the AC load may have caused some of the trouble...
Last year I watched and enjoyed pro football, was the year the redskins fielded the alternate team, Them guys were playin for REAL!!!
just for the sake of illustration

the Raven's stadium capacity is 71,000
even if you simplified this to $40 per seat that would be right at $2.8 mill potential revenue per game and $44 million for the regular season.

That doesn't consider the endless amount of other revenue streams associated with the business. Nearly all of it driven by the FANS.

their salaries are a simple function of well manipulated supply and demand.

I won't give them any of my money if I can avoid it.


Don't forget that the city and state gets to tax the salary they make when they are in-state, and that includes the visiting team for the time there too.

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