OT Surgery tomorrow

David G

Well-known Member
Well, it is time to get shoulder fixed. I will connect back up when able. I have to learn how to type with left hand for a while.

We got 4020 apart this weekend, so I do not have to worry about that for a while.
good luck with the surgery. l was left handed for 64+ years and medical circumstances forced me to right handed. typing is ok, eating was/is tougher, amazingly i learned to write quite easily and maybe even a little better.
My father was a "south paw".

In a childhood accident, I lost my left index finger to the second joint at 16 months. Indications up to then had been that I also would be left-handed, but that switched me to being right-handed.

There are, however, things I can do equally well with either hand.
You will find more intimate problems using your left hand if you know what I mean. Seems like a simple task but just not the same using the other hand.
BTDT! Dont get in a hurry on the rehab, It takes time to heal. I broke and dislocated and tore my rotator cup on my right shoulder all at one time. That was not a fun time. Do what the doctor tells you to do and you will do fine. If your right handed and your arms in a sling, The first time you use the rest room is going to be a challange! Have the wife close by. I hope you have a speedy recovery and all gose well. Bandit
i'm a little like my grandmother, she claimed when it came to writing that she was ambidextrous. trouble was, you couldn't read her writing from either hand.
I"m right-handed and broke the right wrist about 30 years ago. (fell off the combine) I learned to "use" the left hand quite quick for "that" job. Never did go back - I still use the left.
My one brother and I are both left handed. I only do three things left handed though and that's throw a ball, eat and write.

Everything else is right handed, I guess because most things are set up for a right hand world.

My dad bought a new 1964 Ford F-350 and the key was on the left side of the dash. Isn't that ironic.
David I also meant to say. I hope your surgery goes well and don't give the nurses too hard of a time.
Good luck with the surgery. BTDT. Typing won't be the only necessary task you'll have to do left handed. Ehem! Jim
Typing will be the least of your troubles. Most of the worst ones will be bathroom related. LOL. I hurt my right wrist many years ago. I darn near had a "Bidet" put in the house. LMAO. I then thought about how long it takes to get hot water to the bathroom and thought that maybe a problem. LOL.

Good luck with your shoulder surgery. The important thing is to follow the restrictions religiously during rehabilitation. The guys that I know who have had problems either did not do their therapy or over did it sooner than the doctor told them to.
I'm right handed and injured my right arm several years ago. I agree with the others.....left handed "paperwork" was kinda difficult.

Do exactly as your doc & therapist say. And keep up the exercises once they release you.
I will agree on that don't get in a hurry on rehab. My Dr. had me wait several weeks to start. While I was there , a gentleman was also there and they told me that it was his second time following his second surgery, his Dr. had him starting a week after the operation and with his rehab he had to have it done over and still his Dr. started him again in a week. Have no idea how he made out the second time but my Dr. would not allow use of the shoulder for some time longer than he was don with his rehab. In the time He was in I still was wearing the hard cover to keep anything from being torn again. This was just 1 year ago in january that I had the rotator cuff done.
years ago i made a callout to a unit in the plant that i didn't normally work at there was a young engineer watching me this equipment was in a tight space the engineer said your ambidextrous well i didn't know what that meant he said you use either hand it was something i had always done. But when i started school i was left handed they tied my left hand and made me use my right hand.
Hope it all goes smoothly and you get much better shoulder function.

Post back how it is after it heals up. Curious because I probably get to have shoulder surgery someday. Injured it about 10 years ago - has never been right since then.
I don't like to remind people how bad the surgery will be. But I did find out something interesting about 'shoulder surgery'. Last fall I was waiting around in an orthopeadic office when I saw some information posted behind glass in the hallway. Not being the kind of guy who can sit still I went over there and read it. The information explained the different surgeries they do and what kind of recovery period can be expected. When I read it I was surprised to find out a rotator cuff/re-attachment surgery has a recovery period that's twice as long as shoulder replacement surgery. So don't get impatient. It will turn out OK, it's just gonna take awhile. It helps to have a good looking therapist too. LOL Jim
Had both done several years ago , before surgery I could hardly lift my arms . After surgery & therapy was really satisfied with the results , The only thing is I don t have any upper arm strength , can t work on anything over my head . I guess thats alright as I don t have to do alot of work above my head .

They repaired mine two years ago. Full recovery will take close to a year or more; mine was done January of 2011 and it still has some soreness now and then, but I have almost full use of it. Do Not push your recovery- exercise reasonably and let healing take it's course. And don't try to overlift until it's healed right.

Get a few pairs of good-fitting Sweat-Pants with elastic at the ankles and waist..makes dressing a lot easier for the 1st couple weeks..

Bet you never noticed that ALL Men's Flies are RIGHT-HANDED..what a pain, when you have Rt Shoulder surgery..!!!
Get your tennis shoes tied, so you can just slip them on and off...you won't be tieing your shoe lases for a couple weeks or more..
Get some Dolcolax (Stool softener)..that Hydrocodone will cause severe constipation....
I just had my 1st Therapy today, from Rt SHOULDER SURGERY (dURNED cap-lock!!)...
Best Wishes and hope it turns out well..

Had my right one done about 4 yearsago. I work in a machine shop, and went back in ten dys, to train a new guy on the grinders. Did paperwork for new set-up files left handed for a week or so, then started helping where I could. Had no trouble , and only took about four pain pills in total. I am lucky in that I can do most things left handed also, so didnot have a lot of trouble with much of anything.
Good luck,and do your therapy, and it will do well.
Me too! Getting my torn rotator cuff operated on Friday. Fortunately it's my left shoulder, not the right, since I am right handed. I know there will be other challenges. Not looking forward to all the down time. They're telling me it will be 3-4 months for a total recovery. Anyone get it done before that? Dang and I just got a new tractor too. Have to reach over with my right arm to shift the shuttle lever from reverse to forward. Can go from forward to reverse with my left arm, no problem. Go figure!

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