OT: postage stamps


Well-known Member
Anybody hear postage stamps are going up a penny??? Not a lot, but still..Man, everything just keeps going up, but uncle Sam can't seem to reel in his spending, were are we headed from here? If we keep going this way, we"ll be giving 90% of our income to the government, so they can just blow it foolishly, Something really has to change in this country, or the US will tax themselves right into poverty, you can't just keep taxing everything, or raiesing taxes, property tax, school tax, sales tax, income tax, estate tax, capital gains tax, inherenttense tax,, It never ends, I thought we left Europe to get away from
The Brits taxes??? and ya we may be headed across the boarder.
We have by far the cheapest and fastest postal system in the world, I think it's worth a little more. Really, how many stamps do you use? We do most everything on line. If you can be on here complaining, you can do your business on line. We bought some stamps for Christmas cards, that's about it. I just wish they would stop Saturday delivery, what a waste!
I'm quite worried that we haven't seen anything yet is absolutely right. Whats the thing to do now? Stash cash under the mattress? Buy assets that could be sold later? I find myself at a loss when I think about this
I send all my customers bills threw the mail, only a handful get faxed, we prolly use 100 stamps in less than 2 months, are you a goverment employee?
Figure up how much total tax you pay now, everything included from sales tax to income tax. I think most would be really surprised at the percentage
I forgot to mention, 14% self employment tax, employee withholding tax, and there's prolly others I forgot, all I know is it all adds up.
and just wait till they try and get our guns it will be civil war time. and it should start around the 15th of Feb. people are a little slow to react but after they loss a few 100 out of there pay checks and pay more taxes the shi- will hit the fan GOD BLESS ALL

The Post Office is 2 billion in the red each year. They have to constantly beg the congress for money to pay their retirement obligations. a penny per stamp isn't going to help the situation. Just like everything the guberment attempts to run. A disaster. It's a train wreak and we're all in it, like it or not.
Hay-Man you are 180 degrees wrong on Postal retirement. The US Government demands that the USPS funds its retirement 75 years into the future. No other department or business in the US does this,but the PO is mandated by law to do so.
Please if you are going to say something check out the facts before you operate your keyboard.
No I'm not, never have been! I just know we have the best and cheapest postal system in the world!
If you would research the facts maybe you would stop complaining.
I hate to disagree with you but if you are a retired farmer you have social secuity just like I do. Not much but is considered a retirement now I guess.
On January 27, postage stamps go to 46 cents and post cards to 33 cents. Before that date, you can still buy all the forever stamps you want.
I don’t think he was talking about the government paying the retirement but rather them going ever few months to congress to get more operating money which then some goes to the retirement fund. The money covering their losses comes from some where
Wait till you fill 2013 taxes on your savings account and have to pay 3 times more on the princpal than the intrest you received for O'bummer care and remember you paid taxes on this when you earned it
Yehbut, the bank sends us quarterly savings interest statements and what they're paying is way less than the cost of the stamp they mailed it with. How can the gover-in-mint get us for... those few pennies interest? They'll have to go after the principal, oh wait, they're doing that with inflation!
The countries we give foreign aid to that don't even like us probably let washington know that they need a raise in funds we send them this year
It's hard to understand how the Postal Service is in the red, considering hardly a day goes by that I don't get something from Publishers Clearing House.
That alone should keep them solvent.
Yep, and do we have any say or vote for doing that? No, we have no choice. They keep taking our money and blowing it any way they like.
Uh, you left out a few ''facts'' yourself. Its only been since 2006 that congress mandated the USPS to fund their own retirement and they have since defaulted 3 times on their annual payments which required ''bailouts'' from the tax payers, which will never be re-paid, of course. The USPS is broke, their retirement system is broke, it is one of the most grossly mismanaged entitys in existence and when they cease to exist the US tax payers will have to pick up the tab for their employees long term benefits.
Yes I know, everything is going up, will it ever stop? Seems to be going up faster and faster i mean, maybe it's just me and I dident realize it.
Here in Missouri the min wage went up a dime so guess they had to raise the price of every thing to pay for that real big raise in pay. And I will not say anything about the COLA
We buy the forever stamps at current price and the're still good to use after rate increase with no extra postage to add.

Mr. Pitch, this is what I was recalling from the News July 2012:

The USPS is due to make a $5.5 billion payment for retirement accounts. The problem: the USPS does not have the money and needs a bailout. The bigger problem: the USPS needs Congressional action to authorize this latest and so far greatest USPS bailout, however with Congressional recess imminent this won't happen. So are several hundred thousand postal workers about to go postal once they realize that (earmuffs time for all those who love chanting ideological slogans, but have yet to graduate to the abacus) math matters, and every "welfare-funding" entity in the US is ten times broke over? And maybe most importantly: just how will the postal labor union vote in the upcoming election if indeed they suddenly are denied what they had been lied to for years is rightfully theirs?

sound familiar? Reminds me of all the other "funded" entitlement programs that are sucking us dry.
The USPS gets their health care insurance for about 1/2 the rates offered to other Federal Gov. workers for the SAME exact insurance. It has been that way for decades. Someone has been making up that difference.
Also complicating the delima is the fact that ever since the PO went out on strike about 40 years ago, it has been managed by a hybrid Gov.-private enterprise. Don"t know which side botched it up, I excect both had a hand in the pot!!
I was in the same boat for quite a while, but as my clients got used to e-mail years ago they were willing to accept invoices via that route. Now I don"t send any in the mail. It is no wonder the post office needs to raise prices, the only mail I get or send is an occasional package and the junk mail of course. Bills, both receiving and paying, are all on-line. Personal correspondence is e-mail (or twitter/facebook/etc.)

And, we have a Bingo. Their problem is that they still have to send the delivery folks around, and all the other fixed costs, but with UPS and FedEx on the package side, and email and fax on the letter side, they have far less volume to pay for it. Kind of line a reverse economy of scale.

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