Awwww, nuts.............What to do with the cans?


Well-known Member
We go through a lot of mixed nuts around my place.
So much so we buy them in the coffee can sized cans like below.
Yes, it's a nutty family. LOL
Can't mix paint in the cans because it eats through the cardboard sides.
They work Ok to store some things in.
They hold parts for torn apart tractors until they're put back together.
Even makes a pretty good coin bank.
Any other good ideas? Besides having our cholesterol checked!

Well they both are just the right size to store an emergency roll of toilet paper in. The plastic coffee can is a little better at bouncing around in the truck.
Small brass fittings, valve stems and cores, Tire patching stuff, A box of bandaids (walgreens extra long cloth type)some Antibacterial ointment, and sharp pointed sliver tweezers.
Use google images to find pictures of the stuff, print out a page and cut and use clear boxing tape to put on a "icon" Label.
I sit here eating smoked almonds.
Nuts are not high in the bad cholesterol, and anti-oxidants, they are good protein, and fiber. They do have calories, but so does homemade ice cream and who would stop eating that. Jim
Can't eat nuts, don't have enough teeth. And no, I ain't from West Va. either! But, speaking of containers, several years ago we bought ketchup and mustard in seven pound containers, (about three quarts or so) saved about 30% over the small containers, then we would transfer it to smaller containers for table use. One day I got this idea and stretched a cap over one to dry. I, like most of you, I am sure, have several caps and when one or two get dirty I toss them in the washer, then stretch them over one of those containers to dry. Works real well for me.
Jim! I like that solution, about the Icons. I generate, and use in the shop, a lot of those red Folgers cans, but it gets confusing as to which has what in them, and you can't see thru the darned sides. It should work well for me, cant read worth a darned anyway, but can look at the pictures!
Royce, For years when we work on a project, we toss any good nuts, washers, a couple of large bins, day comes ya need something quick, grab it either wire wheel it or stick it in the spark plug blaster bag to clean it and reuse it...problem is that there are so many in there that now it takes longer to dig around n find the right one than it does to run to the store and get new ones. Or sometimes when one of us is at TSC and they have a sale on bulk hardware, we'll grab a lb or two of commom sizes and throw them in there. So my plan is to use all the Folgers cans I been saving to sort by diameter and thread. I'm gonna label each can with a sharpie. I realize it's gonna use up a lil more shelf space in teh shop, and will still require a lil diggin as I won't sort by length, but will hopefully help a lil. AND I feel better about keepin' those cans around that just seem too useful to toss, but ya can't really find a use for!
I made a wall rack that holds coffee cans at a slight angle for a parts bin works good and alot cheaper than store bought bins .
I fill them with old nuts and bolts

But I have a unique talent for saving only the shapes and sizes that are very close to ones I need for future projects, but never quite right.

Oh if I had a dollar for every time I've uttered

"... all these nuts and bolts and I can't find ONE ..."
I've used soup cans but those would work:

Cut the bottom off too and mount them on the wall in the shop. I have about a half dozen that way. I never have to find a grease gun cause they are always hanging on the wall in the old cans.

REALLY like the TP idea in the pickup or tractor.
I use a plastic coffee can to keep an extra pair of dry gloves, dry socks, notebook and pen, chapstick, a clean rag, mosquito repelant, hand warmers, safety glasses, aspirin, bandages, snacks, etc. together and easy to find. I don't use them often, but it's handy when I do need them. The plastic cans don't rattle around as much as the metal ones.

The TP is a good idea.

They can also hold emergency items for in the car. In the boat they hold ropes and odd-ball fishing tackle. Worst case I can bail some water out of the boat with the can.

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