yall ever watch

Doomsday Preppers? It's on as I type. My little girl and I watch it from time to time, but not regularly. I like the part at the end when the same experts that likely told passengers that even if the hull were breached the Titanic can not be sunk, tell us the odds that the crisises that these preppers are gearing up for could ever happen. Yes, I realize that some senerios are far less likely then other, but still. I also feel that when prepping, they need to look at the likelihood that other disasters could happen requiring many of the same preps. I kind of enjoy the show.
We watch it at times and yes if is a good idea to be stocked up to get by if and when something happens. Things like in 2003 when this area got hit by tornado's or in 2007 when we had the ice storm had I not been a prepper of sorts it could well have been a lot worse.
I've never watched it, and don't plan to. However, my G-son (8) has told me all about it. Ya see, you only need a shotgun, a pistol and maylay (sp.?) tools. Everyone else will be underground and they're all dead. Then the scientists stuck a needle in the living folks, and they turn into zombies, and then the zombies bite the scientists and turn them into zombies. and when the zombies attack, you just shot their heads off until you run out of shotgun shells, then you shot them with the pistol until you run out of bullets and then you use the maylay tools to chop their heads off. I'm kinda glad now that the world is ending before Christmas. I won't have to go out hunting for maylay tools for him.....
Like I said, I haven't seen many episodes, yet, I haven't seen the one where anyone was preparing for a Zombie Apocolyps. There appear to be two groups of preppers. The first is out there, like you suggest, while the second group is merely preparing for disasters that could happen, even if the extent of such would not likely be as long lasting. In most of the situations that the second group, the ones who appear to be planning for a problem that could actually happen, the problem they predict in every single case is that the problem is prolonged due to a break down of civil order. I could see that happening. It did in New Orleans after Katrina, yet, unless a disaster is nationwide or global, I can't imagine how any foreseeable disaster would take the rest of earth's day's to recover. Those on this show are not prepping for a time span of 6months to two years of affected duration. They are preparing for events to which there is no recovery. Some of these could happen. A global colapse of the economy could result in effects lasting years, yet, a terrorist strike on Houston, being currently shown with a dirty bomb would have a good amount of recovery with reasonable amounts of time. The question is how long they expect a given disaster to preclude their current activities.
Do you remember the old civil defense shelters? We had one in the basement of the office where I worked for a couple years. I guess they were dreamed up in Nikita Khrushchev's time - late 50's mebbe. I remember those "nucular" attack drills, where you'd curl up under your school desk with your forehead on the floor and your hands clasped behind your head. Saving ourselves for a worse fate. And I guess that's when they stocked the emergency rations down in that shelter. I helped clean that place out in the mid 80's. Unopened, rusty, 5 gallon cans of crackers and water. What a waste. We're best motivated by fear, it seems.
Well, I'm done for. The bloody great a pox eclipse will come and go before my cable company gives me NatGeo channel... when I was a kid, I would live for National Geographic specials... now I get a black screen that sez 'not an authorized channel for this package'....
What I like are the ones getting ready for a HUGE earthquake by canning thousands of jars of various things. Funny thing is to see all of those glass jars sitting there on an open front shelf just waiting for that earthquake to shake them into the floor....
There's nothing wrong with prepping. However, I think there is something wrong with people going on a show like that and opening themselves up for the ridicule it brings them. I also think there;s something wrong with the people that find watching something like that just so they can ridicule the people on it.
Never saw the show, but it's just good common sense to be prepared to get by for a time without outside services, electricity, food, etc. especially where winters can be severe. Downside is that those who aren't prepared will be envious of those that are. Recent commentary about how it wasn't fair that some had generators to get by during Sandy, while others did not. So now we're going to punish those who planned ahead? Is that the new logic? I sure hope not!!
I am really disapointed in such a respected organization as National Geographic lending creedance to this dribble from survivalsts. They seem to be only one step from militant malitia and skinheads. Nat Geo must be running out of material or trying to raise their ratings by catering to those fringe organizations. I have lost a lot of respect for them. History channel used to be really great source of intillectual entertainment until they started on gosts and creatures from outer space.
Yea I'll bet many in NY/NJ would have been as arrogant as you are before Sandy hit them too.
With a Gov't thats 16 Trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities in the mega Trillions that can never be paid people had better be ready to fend for themselves because the time is coming when a major castrophe happens and the Calvary won't show up.Even a relative small event in a limited area like Sandy shows the limited response the Gov't is capable of.Just like the Ant and the Grasshopper the Grasshopper laughed at the Ant until he realized it was too late to save himself.
I am a dairy farmer with a standby generator. I have enough ahead so I only have go to the grocery store monthly, so I could get by for a while on my own. Preping for something longer makes no sence as if there was a total meltdown and everybody took to the streets looking for food, no one would be running out infrastructure. Nuclear powerplants would soon melt down and we would have the equilivent of a slow motion nuclear war. No plant groth or food production for a couple of generations. unless you are prepared to spend the next 30 to 50 years underground you will not survive anyway. I just don't want to live like a mole.

I'll bet they're being paid to be ridiculed. I get ridiculed almost everyday from SWMBO and my really good friends for nothing. Where do I sign up to get paid for it?
We have livel about all our lives on a farm and are used to what is called prepping. My 300 gallon gasoline tank is filled for the winter in case of another 10 day power outage. Winters wood is stacked in the dry, the 1000 gallon LP tank is filled, there is enough food in the freezer and canned veggies to more than last to spring. As long as we had livestock there was enough feed for them stored away for the winter, so I guess we have been preppers all our lives, just didn't know it. Joe
I have watched the show once. Kinda silly.
I personally think that being ready for a disaster, like a tornado or hurricane or earthquake or a massive snow storm is normal. Getting ready for a massive crime wave and you would have to shoot 100 people is downright wrong thinking, besides you wouldnt last long against a mob of others trying loot/steal/kill you. Society as a whole would have to be degraded to the point of no police force, the majority of everyone throwing their morals and common sense away and deciding to go on a smash and grab looting crime spree. (I just dont see it happening)

I must mention though that several years ago there was 2 day long power outage. The local grocery store, and it is good size had to throw away freezers full of pizzas, meat, TV dinners, you name it. They didnt have a generator. I went into that store the day after the power was back on and it was an eerie sight, all the freezers were empty.....Made me think for a minute, what if.
(quoted from post at 06:06:20 12/05/12) I am really disapointed in such a respected organization as National Geographic lending creedance to this dribble from survivalsts. They seem to be only one step from militant malitia and skinheads. Nat Geo must be running out of material or trying to raise their ratings by catering to those fringe organizations. I have lost a lot of respect for them. History channel used to be really great source of intillectual entertainment until they started on gosts and creatures from outer space.

Uh, I'm something of a prepper. Do I look like a skin head neo-nazi? I also have something of a soft spot for the militia movement, the real ones anyway. But I'm neither anti-Semitic or militant and spent over 20 years as a cop. I may be in the fringe, but most anyone seems to be at the fringe of something these days.

Maybe instead of watching MSNBC and taking advice from Current TV and Al Gore you should do some research before jumping to conclusions.

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