Funny Thing Just Happened

Dick L

Well-known Member
I had finished chores and was on my way to the house. I glanced up toward the North pasture where my three miniature mares and a real small mini stallion and saw them running away from the hay feeded where I had minutes ago placed a new bale of hay. I took a few step toward them only to see a large dog close to the size of Nemo the little stallion. He was hot on the heals of one of the mares when I yelled as loud as I could,HEY. The dog as well as all four of the horses stopped dead in their tracks and looked at me. Just as soon as they stopped the horses took after the dog. They ran it back and forth from the front of the pasture two times befroe the dog dove thru the electirc fence and was headed North like it had been shot at. I don't know if the horses would have turned on it if I had not yelled or not but it didn't take them long to think it thru when I yelled. Ten minutes later the horses were at the hay feeded as if nothing had happened.
I've seen cattle go after most anything that gets in the pasture with them. They were all in a circle one time going nuts. They had a woodchuck surrounded. One of'em tried to maul it,but the woodchuck grabbed the cow by the nose. She spun around and had the darned thing hanging right from her nose and she slung it it fair distance. I don't know how the stupid thing finally got away from'em. I got tired of watching and walked away.
Good you got it turned around, nothing worse than a dog running horses into a fence, large or small horses, have to wonder what must have changed their mind. 2 scenarios I hate when working with horses and there are dogs, in the barn and in/around pasture. It is mostly due to the results, being stepped on, spooked while in a stall or confined space, and other injuries related.

I know that in some lines of work with horses, dogs are part of the game, works fine and thats a good thing when partnered like that, but in other situations, say like I've been around a good many years, I absolutely despise and will not tolerate any dog in the barn or anywhere near where I had to lead horses in from pasture, thoroughbreds mind you, might be specific to this breed or similar, but I am just not having it, because when they spook, you are one step away from serious injury. June 2011,I had a dog spook a horse while I was in the stall, I had just brought him in, did the u-turn to have his head facing me and the stall door, when spooked he jammed my left elbow into the flange tip of that metal screen door, I could not feel the pinky/ring finger + half my hand all summer, squashed the ulnar nerve but good. My problem is I do not have patience for stupidity, had I been armed, I would have shot and killed the dog on the spot, without hesitation or care, they do not belong in the barn or near pastures period, any I see would be terminated, I've seen enough flesh off bone from being run into fences, gates and similar, + all the other crazy things that happen when dogs spook them, now it may just be this kind of breed, and dogs are common around barns with show stables, at the shows, I disagree with it, but whenever I am working in the barn, or coming to and from pasture, you let a dog loose, don't restrain yours, or any combination there of, I get caught in the middle of it, be assured one thing, run and hide because no matter what it takes, I will deliver a total thrashing to your hide, law aside, and all the rest, that is one thing that I vehemently hated about working with horses, is all these silly dogs people just have to have, they have their place, a mans best friend, no problem, thats a good thing, just don't bring them near me when working with horses. Also glad I do not for the most part get involved with this work anymore, as this was one of the things in contention, my safety, horses safety, and those that can say yes dogs are ok here,(barns pasture etc.) but don't have to actually work with the 1600 lb beasts, should have no say and should expect the outcome, as mentioned above. I think it goes along with all the other stupidity in the workplace, someone does something foolish that could cost you your life or cause serious injury, makes it difficult to control ones self, latter which can be hard on anyone, so why cause the problem in the first place when its easily prevented ? Oh well......
(quoted from post at 10:14:47 11/23/12) Dumb question time... Do people give rabies shots to cows?
good luck

Actually Cows are one of the top carriers of rabies..........actually more than dogs........when my son was bit by a rabid cat I went on a mission looking and over looking up rabies. Was a scary time..........but everything turned out ok....found that Bats are #1 carrier, skunks, cats, cows, horses, and then dogs are the order yet more dogs are killed and tested than any other. The reason cows are so likely is because one will get bit then they go to water trough and since it is carried by saliva and it gets in tank then all rest drink and viola.......they all get it........weird huh
had my one of my mares who thinks shes a stallion take after a black bear one day. that poor bear is still running south im sure. ive allways been sorry i didnt have a camcorder to film would have been a big hit on you tube.
My wife was scratched by rabid cow when she was young she still remembers the shots in her stomach one side on day the side the next day till sher hurt from head to toe and about as as if she had Rabies.

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