12 million gallons of free gas for New York City residents

He can't win this one because he will LOSE more votes from unfortunate ones still waiting for help and compensation in Louisiana and Katrina stricken areas. He can't blame HIS 4 years of ineptness concerning this issue on Bush. Bush was out 4 yrs ago. NOTHING has stopped "Barry" from making it right with these people accept he would rather give it to banks and auto factories etc. He will lose the votes of at least 3 states down there because of this , and just maybe will get New Jersey and/or New York instead. If you were a black from Katrina land would you vote for him after what he is going to do for the New York/ New Jersey Yacht and Boardwalk Club as he tries to do a one-up on Bush in disaster relief??? The man just doesn't think well at all.Those people down there still waiting WILL vote and it counts just as much as the man who just lost his yacht and beach front condo. AND HE CRITICIZES ROMNEY FOR FAVORING ONLY THE RICH!!!!! What a " RICHARD"
Like Paul Harvey said,if you're gonna have a disaster,make sure you have it in an election year.
I agree ... no I disagree ... No wait .... Anyway
That argument might work if the gas was being delivered to Florida. Do really think external_link is remotely worried about losing New York? Polls indicate a 100.0% probability he'll win NY, and New Jersey stands at only 99.8%. Check the "State-by-State Probabilities" at Five Thirty Eight, below.

Oh by the way, Brownie didn't do such a great job after all. Two words: FEMA trailers.
Five thirty eight blog
I don't understand the reasoning of giving it away for free. I thought supply was the problem and not empty wallets? Why the heck should the rest of us taxpayers be sponsoring a "free" gasoline give-away? If people want to live in a way that is 100% dependent on the infrastructure - let them pay for stuff when things get tough.

On the subject of vote-bait - New York is so rabidly abundant, external_link doesn't even run campaign commercials here. At least I haven't seen any. I just got back from northern Maine and while there - I saw my first Romney and external_link commercials. I was also in northern Michigan lately and it was there that I witnessed my first negative external_link comments in a local print newspaper. For the most part, accurate reporting is dead.

Odd thing though here in central NY. NO external_link signs in people's front lawns. At the dawn of "hope and change" during the last election - they were all over the place. Romney signs all over the place but no Little Barry signs.

My Regan-Bush bumper-sticker has finally become unreadable on my truck bumper. Held up pretty good.
I can't believe it's true but maybe so. Iowa is one of the swing states, so we have been listening to negative political ads from both sides for weeks and weeks. Maybe that's why I popped my cork a little last night. I sure would like to hear both sides explain why their ideas are good instead of why the other side is a failure.

I have a brother-in-law who is as red blooded conservative Missouri Synod Lutheran, black hating as you can get. I'm neutral, both sides have their qualities. I really enjoy talking politics with him cause even though he's as one sided as they come, he backs his talk with solid facts instead of just sitting there and grumbling about how bad the other side is. I'd better shut up! Jim
I use the local radio station site for my home page with the idea of getting a little local news here in the Fingerlakes. Unfortunately they use CNN, and the external_link ads/pictures have been constant.
Isn't it ironic that this evil fuel is what everybody seems to need and want right now?
Agree 1000%

I don't get why it's free??? People can AFFORD it - they just can't FIND it.

Which - when you give it away free, isn't that going to put a NEW rush on the gas stations???

You offer most people free $10 bills they'll walk a block and stand in line for it for maybe 5 minutes.

You offer $10 of free gas to people, and they get stupid. They'll drive 100 miles and wait 5 hours in line for it.

Offering free gas in NY ESPECIALLY at a time like this is just - well - like throwing gasoline on a fire.
Same here JD, 4 years ago idiots had signs all over for the boogie, now I dont see any, and I'm talking about in Albany !! Lol,, my neighbor became a permanat resident of Florida, but still has his house here, he told me he had to get to Florida before the election to vote down there, he said it's a swing state, up here in NY ur vote don't mean crap???
if you want political crap, come to Ohio. it has been going on for months.getting very tiring. also noticed not a lot of the obamer signs this time around.
Nowadays when the power goes off no one has any access to their "electronic" money.You have to be a relic like me to still use cash.
The people on this web site are the most gullible I have found anywhere on the internet. Please, do a little homework, google the headline, think a little about the subject.
If you are proud of being an easily lead sheep...just keep on swallowing every headline.
That is how Hitler took over Germany.

Example: free gas is a stupid idea...but it is probably not true. Even if it was, it is $32.50 per car owning family, but Most do not own cars!. What the hell else can you give them for $32 that will make them forget the fact that the power has been off and they have been freezing in the dark for 5 days?
Maybe they will use the gas to go buy food instead of waiting for the govt to deliver it?

Cuomo, Bloomberg and Christie are not idiots.
You would be a lot more vocal, crazy and critical if your power had been off for 5 days.

Even in Iowa, Tennessee or PA.
Well there's 8 million people in New York City. So do a little math with the 12 million gallons of gas. There's still 2.5 million without power and it's getting cold there. Folks have to go to work and can't do that without gas. As a tax payer I sure don't have a problem with giving them the gas as long as I have to help pay 60% of crop insurance premiums for farmers. Now one might say they should have prepared for this storm and if so one can also say farmers should have been prepared with irrigation systems to grow their crops.

So get over it. Been enough bit-ch-ing here the last few days. Maybe one day a hurricane will still be a cat 2 or 3 in the center of the country. Then you'll know what it's all about. Big difference in 1 mile wide destruction compared to 900 mile wide destruction. And if you think they need to move be ready to give up more farm land for them to buy and live on.

BTW for all I know the state may be paying for the gas. I really don't give a rip flip. Get gas to them and they can run generators and get warm.
Really don"t think bama is going to win pa either the only signs I see of his are hanging from trees. I think the people are trying to send a message just a hunch though
Yep. Bet you got a lot of realistic, ideas to fix the nation ads? Nope, just the super negative no idea crap from both sides.

Wow, we can replace one old no-idea guy with a new no-idea guy.
You ought to do a little homework yourself and you would discover that 0 has been bragging on T.V. about giving free gasoline and diesel fuel out all day, as well as opening up the strategic reserve to provide free heating oil. As far as freezing to death in the dark, you have to do some things for yourself. About 16 years ago a big ice storm knocked the power out at my house for over a week, we live about as rural as you can get, my wife was home alone with three young children, she went to the store the first morning and bought extra milk and bread and flashlight batteries before everything was gone off the shelves, she filled up her vehicle with gas then she went home and sealed off three rooms in the house that could be heated with the fireplace and made pallets for the kids to sleep on, we had butane for cooking, she drew up several pails of water and filled the bath tubs, the boys helped her with firewood and feeding the livestock, they made it just fine with zero government or any other help. At the time, I was offshore west africa with no way to call or be called and never even knew there had been a problem until I got home that hitch.
I'm in Mi but I run to Central ohio 4 days a week.Like you say very few O signs. And the radio ads are non stop. Cleveland a Columbus stations are are really bad.
(quoted from post at 18:43:21 11/03/12) Well there's 8 million people in New York City. So do a little math with the 12 million gallons of gas. There's still 2.5 million without power and it's getting cold there. Folks have to go to work and can't do that without gas.

RM, the vast, vast majority of people in NYC don't go to work by car. They walk, take the bus or subway. They don't own cars for the most part. Not that it matters.
(quoted from post at 17:25:25 11/03/12) Same here JD, 4 years ago idiots had signs all over for the boogie, now I dont see any, and I'm talking about in Albany !! Lol,, my neighbor became a permanat resident of Florida, but still has his house here, he told me he had to get to Florida before the election to vote down there, he said it's a swing state, up here in NY ur vote don't mean crap???
The only way a non-nnalert vote is going to matter in NYS is if we started divying up our Electoral College votes by percentage of the vote. I'd like to see us do that. My votes are almost always wasted.

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