Insurance claims


Well-known Member
With massive damage from Hurrican Sandy, it
would be interesting, in the next days and weeks
what insurance company's paid up on claims for
damage to land, structures, equipment,(tractors).
AND what compan'y WEASELED OUT of paying due to
ACT OF GOD and other excuses!
(quoted from post at 20:08:19 10/30/12)
(quoted from post at 21:53:30 10/30/12) Most insurance policies don't cover flooding, unless you have a special flood policy.
o our taxes will end up paying for it. over and over again on the same property

Yep and most flood insurance is under written by the federal government anyway.

One national insurance company weaseled out of some claims down in Mississippi after Katrina. One of the insured sued them and not only won his claim but also a substantial award for the breach of contract. Within a year after that event I had a the local agent calling me, in violation of the no call list, and wanting me to purchase insurance from me. He denied that they ever refused to pay any claims in New Orleans or Mississippi, denied they had been sued and lost and denied that the no call list applied to him. Although I have insurance through USAA I hear they are part of the same class action lawsuit that State Farm settled on. Guess the real problem is we have people of low moral character in the insurance and finance industries and the wonderful folks we elect to our government are unwilling or unable to jail these people and remove them from from these industries. Probably because the insurance and banks give them too much money so they can afford to call and harass us every two years for our votes.
Why most people don't get paid is that they don't bother to read their insurance policies and what is covered and what isn't covered until its too late as in after the event."I got insurance" means nothing really insurance policies are legal contracts and they only cover whats stated in the policy.And BTW I'm not associated with any insurance company in any way other than pay their premiums AND read my policies.With insurance the old saying 'you (only) get what you pay for' goes double.Riders to cover extra things can be very cheap but you have to have them on the policy such as I have a rider to cover anything I loose in my freezers whether its power outage or the freezer breaks down and it only cost $5/year.
(quoted from post at 20:20:55 10/30/12) Guess the real problem is we have people of low moral character in the insurance and finance industries and the wonderful folks we elect to our government are unwilling or unable to jail these people and remove them from from these industries. Probably because the insurance and banks give them too much money so they can afford to call and harass us every two years for our votes.

1. Our folks in government can't just jail people. It's called due process.

2. Insurance is covered by state law. What affects you may not affect me because of where we live. I'm in MN that has many laws that favor the insured. Other states favor the insurance companies.

3. Someone can be of low moral character and work in both the banking or insurance industries. Many of them are right on the edge but don't break any laws. Can't jail em for not breaking laws.


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