Helping a friend harvest

Eric in IL

Well-known Member
I finished my own harvesting earlier this week, so I went to help a friend finish his harvest today. We became buddies in the first grade, which was 45 years ago. I got the privilege of driving his grain cart and had time for a few pictures so here goes.

This was shot as we arrived at the field where the equipment spent the previous night. Time to grease the combine.

And we're off! Only about 35 acres left for today, barring any breakdowns we will finish early today.

Our area had a severe drought this year. Much of my own corn was less than 20 bpa. This field lies in a bottom and the corn was much better than most in our area.

Cart loaded, headed for the trucks.

Yep, that is mud. Where was it this summer?

More mud with trucks waiting near the trees.

Loading time.

After a few more trips it was lunch time. Thanks to my wife it was homemade vegetable/beef soup, deer salami with cheese on crackers and an apple. Mighty fine!

This is my buddies dad checking on my loading job. He is a very young 80 something and can out work many men half his age.

Another set of watchful eyes to keep me in line. Old Pedro has a bobbed tail, and when he wags it, he moves it up and down instead of sideways. Funny to watch.

Then with one more load left to haul--KERBOOM ! Sounded like a cannon. May need a new tire for next year. Thanks for lookin.
Great pics Eric, thanks for sharing!
Mighty nice of you to help out a friend and neighbor like that too.
We need more of that these days.
Great pics and story. How do you get the
descriptions to go with the pics. I can't figure out
how that's done. Thanks
Thanks for the harvest pics. They always nice to see. It is always a great feeling knowing you are helping someone when it is needed. I bet your friend really appreciated all you did for him. My hat is off to you for that.
Kow Farmer (Kurt)
On multiple pictures I write what I want about the first one, hit enter twice, then paste the picture IMG. Then hit enter twice again, write what I want, hit enter twice, paste the IMG code for next picture. This can go on for as long as you have patience!!! Remember to preview, as this will show you if you did it right. If so, submit!
I used to go help my uncle & cousin after we finished harvest, although it really wasn't that much fun to get on a dirty 21A Massey. It was an improvement when they got 3 new 55 JD's (that was before larger combines came out). In later years, my cousin did it all with one IH rotary combine.
My method:

1) Use modern view

2) Hit new topic and fill in subject line

3) I typed in a few lines to appear at top of post

4) Scroll down and use advanced posting tool to upload photo #1

5) Scroll back up to message box and if picture upload was successful, you will see a line of "jibberish" that is your picture. This "jibberish" needs to be on a line by itself. You may have to move it.

6) Then start a new line and type the text you want to appear under that picture.

7) Go back to step #4 and repeat 4,5,and 6 for multiple pictures.

8) When finished hit preview. If the post looks good hit submit.

On multiple picture tries, start with only two. This will save you headaches and lost effort. After you can do two, the "sky is the limit".

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