Too old for cattle


Well-known Member
I'm getting too senile for this stuff. I was loading manure before supper and it started raining. I finished loading the load,opened the gate and ran the loader tractor in the barn where the chute and scale are. The gate's centered pretty good so it returns to the closed position,and it did. I fiddled around in the barn for just a minute then went right out the other door without chaining the gate I guess. I got in the cab of the other tractor and took the load out,then went in the house.
I'm assuming that's what happened anyway,because the wife went out for a smoke and hollered back in and said "there's cows out!". GREAT! They'd pushed the gate open and were in the yard,in the dark of course,in a drizzling rain. I hope they're all back in. If I hear squeeling tires I'll know they aren't. Gonna have to get that helper monkey one of these days so I can find my way home.
I was feeding a couple weeks ago and went out with the loader, closed the gate and put the loader in the shed. I didn't chain the gate since I planned to go back and put out some mineral. I got side tracked, went home and ate supper and about 830 the wife called, she was on the way home from work and saw the cows out along the road. I hopped in the p.u. and ran up there with a bucket of feed, got em all filed into the lot and feed, got the spotlight out and was one short. Got to searching around the yard and around the hay stack and low and behold one of them had gotten stuck about 30 bales into the stack, had to get the loader out and dig her out. Finally got back in around 10. Not my finest moment.
Don't know about rain, but my neighbors always got out at 2:00a.m. Had some really fun moments getting them in and making it to work the next day.
Does this little guy look familiar Eric? That's my son's dog Kyle.
About 20 some years ago, I tried to bench press a TD9 and got laid up for some time. Iwas still hobbleing around on crutches, and went down to the shed we'd built and had the SIL building a loading chute on. Nosy. Coming back out, I figured I'd go down later and just hung the gate chain over a nail on the post. But the long walk did me in, and I never made it back down. About 2AM we got a phone call. SWMBO amswered it. "Do you have cows" Yes. "Are they black" Yes. "They're in the middle of the road"

The next morning was opening day, and we all jumped up and pulled some warm clothes on. I started the loader tractor, and went out and got a bale of hay on the forks. Half of the herd followed me back down to the barn, where they had pushed the chain off the nail I hung it on. They were easy. A neighbor heard the ruckus and pitched in. SWMBO, the neighbor and daugther went after the other half the herd, which headed for a development that sits next to the farm. The cows circled back towards the pasture via a woods that sits between us and the developement. Another bale of hay and they followed me back into the pasture with the neighbor and our daughter hot on their tails. When the gate got closed, we were only missing the Boss. She showed up a few minutes later and was madder than all geddown. "How'd them d--- cows get through that fence? I was chasing them and got hung up in it. I thought I'd never get out. I thought you'd find a skeleton next spring." What fence? "That split rail fence up in the back of that development". That's just a few sections of an ornamental fence someone put up, why didn't you just go around it? When she saw it the next morning, she still didn't see any humor in it. She had tried to go though it and got the hammer ring on the carharts hung on something on the fence, and thought she'd never get loose again....she still doesn't like chasing cows.
For something that's supposed to be dumb those darn cows have a way of pointing out your mistakes to you and do a pretty good job of keeping you on your toes.
I think it's their nature to get out. Sometimes mine sneak out and as soon as they get through the gate they stop and wait for me to see them; kinda loiter around.

I holler at them to get their .... back in that lot and they turn around and get back where they know full well they belong.

ive sold most of mine ,due to the weather. it was time..took my wife out to eat the other day,and she told me she had a presription to be filled.was exactly two blocks from the pharmacy,in a town ive lived in or had a place in since 63. Six miles later i got to the pharmacy.dont know where i was going,but i sure took the long way around!
I hate when that happens. When I was drop a round bale for the critters, I go in/out the pasture gate and then in the barnyard gate to put the tractor in the barn. Come out and get in the gator close the barnyard gate, then stop and close the pasture gate on the way up the road to the house. Have done that about 1000 times. The other day I drove right by the open pasture gate - not sure where my head was at. 20 minutes later I'm getting a call from my sister in law up the road - she's got cows everywhere. I'm speeding up the road truing to figure out which piece of fence they demolished this time when I see the open gate! Doh!

The only thing good about it was it was easier closing the gate than fixing fence...
> Got to searching around the yard and around the hay stack and low and behold one of them had gotten stuck about 30 bales into the stack

Haha. I had one do the same exact thing happen last winter. The gap between a couple of rows of bales just happened to form a nice choke point right in the middle and she wedged herself right in there and couldn't move in either direction. I thought it was kind of funny until I realized she wasn't going to free herself and that I had to make a nice mess digging her out of there.

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