Apologizing on earelier post day off

Mark W.

Wish I could remove the prior post i put on about taking the day off. What good would that do now? I received plenty of criticism on my grammar and spelling. My intentions were not to start a war either for or against teachers. This site has always been a friendly, low key respite for me and I feel that I have criticized others as well as been criticized. Those were not my intentions. I never, ever, complained about my profession. I love teaching. All I was stating is that I am taking, or was taking, a day off to help my father that is in very poor health. Never smoked, drank, or did any illegal drugs of sorts. My message was misconstrued by many and turned into a grammar/spelling debate. Again, not my intentions. Just wanted to vent a little and hope to get some support. Many of you did and I thank you! Please, no comments on spelling or grammar. I am done posting for quite some time.
Aw,don't stop. I've had some buzzards come down on me and make me want to sit it out,but I ain't one to let somebody else get the best of me and you shouldn't be either. Just keep posting and change the subject.
Mark W I also am in the same boat as you. When ever a make a post about any topic I get some good replies and some a$$holes wanting to stir the pot. I wish those people would just leave the site.
Hope your Dad gets well.
Ignore the posters who were negative.
That is their issue not yours.

Wish I lived closer, I"d come over and help with your Dad"s farm.

Only working part time here and regret never having at least bought enough acres to "pretend to farm".

many of time i have posted some statement or comment and then wished i had not done so. later i realized that is the way i felt, i had not been unduly rude and i had the right to post as such. i realize also that others have the same right to their thoughts and comments. so, instead of getting my feelings hurt or feel the need to get in the last word, i just tuck my tail, wait it out and then insert foot in mouth again on some other subject. also i find that grammer and spelling is what keeps us pretty much on common ground.
That's because you posted on 'tractor talk' insted of 'tractor tales'. Measurements must be precise and stated in either centimeters or thousanths of an inch, been here, done that. I still read it daily.
But on talers, you are OK if talking about the same continent.... and everyone down there spells everything wrong because the keys on the laptop are too small for thier hooves... I mean paws... I mean... anyway, tell me more about this day off idea? I like days off, I would like to collect some 'day off' ideas....
Now please excuse me, although tractor talk is very education, I am trying to memorize every line of every Mad Max film.... the bits for that Anna Goanna chick is hard to get down right...
I don't know what your original post was about, but I just read this one. How can a teacher have poor grammar and spelling?? I'm not saying anything wrong with it, just wondering. Good luck with your dad. And yes being there for him
Is job 1.

Nothing to apologize about in your earlier post. Some guys were kidding around. Hey, i'm a retired teacher, I have nothing to apologize for, if I make errors in posting its because my fingers stumbled typing or old age has made me forget some of the fine points of spelling. I never bother to correct anyone's grammer, this IS the internet for crying out loud. Errors are common and abbreviations more common.

Mark, read your earlier post. Looked good to me. Take the day off, help your dad, will be a day you'll not regret. Hope he's better, soon.
In my view, there was only one person who walked this earth who was perfect. I think you know who he was. Jim (ps. it wasn't me!!!!)
Never apologize for doing the right thing. I admire and respect what you see as your main priority at this time. I hope to see more posts from you in the future as it is people with values like you that make this forum an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Well your priority is right on for wanting to help your father. It's very obvious he raised you the right way. Jim
Don't go away Mark, some days this site requires a pretty thick skin - but it still contains a bunch of great folks like yourself.
My wife is a teacher, please take me out and shoot me if I ever want to do that!! She has done it done more than 30 years. Usually leaves around 7:15. Gets home about 6:30. No breaks from the kids she even has to eat lunch with them. If she needs a bathroom break, she has to call down to the office and get someone to be in the room. 32 kids this year. Once home we will have supper and then it is back to school work. Grading papers, calling parents, doing lesson plans, (no planning periods now, those were lost in the cost cutbacks a few years back} She will go to bed most nights about 11. Also usually works 8-10 hours over the weekend. When she wants to take a day off I certainly don't say anything!!
Most of the folks who spoke ill of your grammar or you taking the day off probably can't manage their own affairs, but sure know how to solve every one else's problems.

Do what makes you and yours feel right and the heck with the rest. God bless you and yours.
Don't feel bad at all. You were talking YT laguage. The people who post negativly, have nothing to do with their life other than be misirible and make those around them the same way. Shrug the Trolls of and take to heart what the majority of the posters said. Sometimes all of us get off on tangents and ramble. Take that into consideration. There have been many Trolls here over the years, but it generally doesn't take long for them to leave. They are good at dishing out insults, but they don't accept them well.
Loren the Acg.
Take the day off, take care of your family.
Take two or more if you need them!
Their is nothing more important than family.
BTW, I ain't go no good grammar neither. ;)
I did not catch the earlier post, but take care of what you have to and do not let others bother you. I wish you good luck with your dad, went through a few years of it myself.
Nothing wrong with taking a day off to help your dad. A lot of people have problems with the school system and I think that's why they come down a little on a teacher who posts grammar or spelling mistakes, thinking they should know better. No need to apologize but maybe it would be an idea to proof read your posts before posting them so you don't add an extra E in earlier?

Just recently there was respected teacher, with over 25 years under his belt, fired here(Edmonton)for giving a zero to a student who didn't hand in an assignment. It was/is big news and despite 99% of people agreeing with the teacher, he was fired because it was against school policy to give out a zero. That's could help explain why people are disillusioned with the school system.
In your Topic by saying "of" instead of "off" may have given some the wrong impression, however it is commendable you are going to help the Family when times are not ideal.My motto "Don't let the bast###s get you down". I have noticed people in the USA use "Off of" which to my mind is unnecessary but I may be wrong also.

In the Post on the exam paper, the paling, feet x feet, cost at $s per metre?, would the student be expected to know there are 3.28084 feet in one metre without a reference chart seeing the Country still has the imperial system. excluding the monetary system.A little pot pourii.
Mark,dont go!!!Ignore the idiots who critisize yourgrammar/spelling.This is a 'tractor' forum,not an "english" forum.I am glad could and were inclined to help your father.Hope he is doing well.Hope to hear from you soon!!Steve
After I check for email and if there isn't any to respond to, this is my favorite site. I'm betting it's that way for many. Don't give up on this place, it's a stress reliever (i.e.fun-- especially fun to share and see others' pictures!) BTW, I've wondered, what if huge masses of people discovered this site and it got "swamped"?
Wow, I spelled earlier wrong in the topic. I just noticed. My mind is all over and not working correctly.Thanks for the support. Prayers for my dad would be appreciated.
Mark I don't speak for the others on here but what a lot of folks have a problem with is the way teachers are set up with a Union that gives them no reason to excel in their occupation, and your post was a way for them to express their frustration. Maybe you can get one of your fellow teachers to tell you about Spell Check. Oh and we don't like external_link lovers as most teachers seem to preach to their classes.

Just my thoughts on your situation.

dont worry about them thar perfectionist. Theys are good peller cause they got thier 400lbs ask in front of the puter all day. The only exercise they get is going to the fridge and theys prolly have ta take a rest doin that.

Guess what folks! aint nobody perfect.
Mark, I read your earlier post but I didn't reply, but I will now. The way I see it, a man does what he has to do. He doesn't explain or apologize and he needs no ones approval. If you're happy with your decision then so be it and the rest of the world be damed. Prayers and good thoughts for your dad. RW
I only read your other message, saw it had a lot of replies and didn't want to get involved...

However. :)

My mom and sis were teachers, it's a demading proffession, good to the many who put in the dedication and effort to be the outstanding teachers we have.

Like all jobs, including farmers, the few poor ones sometimes stand out and get more attention than all the other good ones.

I can't speell worth a dern, I'll be the last one to critize anyone on that! I can still diagram sentences from my high school teacher's efforts to drill that into us, but I got no skills at all to figure out spelling....

You take care of your family and your life, and come back here soon and help us all solve all the world's problems again, ok? :)

Mark dont worry about it, Do what you heart tells you to do. You are no diffrent than anyone else working a job, Things happen. In my book family comes first and my job is second! Take care of your family and help them out, If you dont it will allways bother you that you didnt. You have alot on your mind and we are here to suport you and you family in any way we can. We will say a prayer for your family and hope for the best. Bandit
I guess some folks think that pointing out others faults seems to make them feel smarter some how. I feel it sure does make someone look stupid.

Coments that are nasty does give a person a true reflection of their personalites in general.

We had a teacher who thought that correcting notes from home to the teacher in red ink, and returning them to mom and dad was her duty. The problrm is this is a small town, and the teacher left town after one year because she just did not fit in so well. Small towns can find fault with even perfect teachers.

Helping dad, and not missing work in years speaks well of you. Saying you are sorry to perfect folks probably has little efect on a gifted perfect person any way.
I only responded with the spelling corrections because you asked for the corrections. If you hadn"t asked I would not have said anything.

I see nothing wrong with taking time off to help your father, I have used PTO to bale my parents' hay.
Taking some time off to help an ailing parent is okay. As you may see from my handle I'm in Wisconsin, after the ruckus on the capitol lawn 1 1/2 years ago teachers here don't have a real good name. Several school districts had to cancel school because some teachers thought it was okay to call in sick so they could go and protest the governor and his budget repair plan (and do several hundreds of thousand of dollars damage to the state capitol and grounds). Oh yes some of their good union buddies found Doctor's (unionized State employees) to forge Doctor's excuses and the teacher's union threatened legal action if the forged excuses weren't accepted. A local teacher here found out getting drunk and using your school e-mail account to curse out and threaten our local state representative and the Governor wasn't the best idea he had. He was a good teacher and I witnessed some of his work that caused some students to reach out and go farther than they thought they could, but he crossed a line and is no longer in education, maybe if his union hadn't overstated the effect the Governor's changes would have in his job and compensation he might of not gotten so upset that he did something stupid and he'd still be making a difference in some of his student's lives. I have no doubt that some teachers work hard and are worth a lot more than they are paid, but their are quite a few that if they were only paid minimum wage it'd still be about twice what they're worth. In our neighboring state the unions are trying to get a constitutional amendment passed that would prevent firing teachers found drunk while in the classroom. The various teacher's unions really need to get a grip on something the world calls reality and realize they need the support of their communities and going out on strike and demanding a 29% wage hike over three years in the worst economy in 60 years isn't the way to get it. Here in Wisconsin we are lucky to have good schools, but I think it's more of a function of the number of Catholic and Lutheran parochial schools, the public schools have to compete and the competition seems to make the public schools stronger. The teacher's union makes a lot of waves about needing more money for the schools but most of the parochial schools are producing the same or better results and in some cases at 1/2 the cost/student. About your spelling and grammar (oh by the way you didn't capitalize I in this post) I too have a college degree, let's say let those who have not sinned cast the first stone, and that's all I am going to say about that. Because of your profession some are going to jump on you, some because of the lunacy many teacher's unions are trying to force on us, others maybe because they feel a teacher messed them over at some time in the past and they still want to get even and some because of the blind faith and support teacher's unions give our current president and the far left in general. Socialism and communism has failed anywhere it has been tried, the scientific method would indicate that it's not going to work, so why do we keep trying it? Some psychologists define doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results as insanity.
(quoted from post at 17:46:43 10/14/12) Wish I could remove the prior post i put on about taking the day off. What good would that do now? I received plenty of criticism on my grammar and spelling. My intentions were not to start a war either for or against teachers. This site has always been a friendly, low key respite for me and I feel that I have criticized others as well as been criticized. Those were not my intentions. I never, ever, complained about my profession. I love teaching. All I was stating is that I am taking, or was taking, a day off to help my father that is in very poor health. Never smoked, drank, or did any illegal drugs of sorts. My message was misconstrued by many and turned into a grammar/spelling debate. Again, not my intentions. Just wanted to vent a little and hope to get some support. Many of you did and I thank you! Please, no comments on spelling or grammar. I am done posting for quite some time.

Don't sweat it Mark. There's always $hit getting slung in tractor talk. BTO's, truckers, loggers, teachers... the list gets longer One day off in 10 or 15 years? whoopee.
Mark, I had to kinda smile when I went back and read your original post and saw that your most egregious language arts goof was the mix-up of "there/their". I smiled because about a year ago I made the very same error here on this board. I couldn't believe it; I couldn't imagine how I, an excellent speller and one who made a living every day for 45 years putting words on paper, could have possibly confused those two different words. It happens...it just happens. Keep your chin up and remember the saying, "Illigitimi non corborundum".
They can't help it..... They just hain't got no people skills nor nohow........
Only thing you're doin by dramatizin it and leavin is makin them feel a little better about another great accomplishment they've made.......
Get your work done and come back and tell us about it....
DANG, Realy feel fer ya here, Glad I ain't a teacher, They have Me tared and feathered!! don't pay any att. to em, They know not what they doest.
(quoted from post at 00:34:45 10/15/12) If he didn't want commets he shouldn't have posted in the first place and he ran the risk of not everyone posting was going to be a cheerleader for his actions.

I feel that it's my civic duty to point out the fact that you are a total and complete a$$hole and just a little (read a lot) arrogant to boot.......

If I'm wrong, please explain why...
FYI, Don't tell anyone you are a teacher. It's better if they think you are a redneck. The grammer police will leave you alone.
In my opinion, it appears that the critics have been neglecting to take their fiber, so they are just plain full of it!
It bothers me a lot that there are so many
"English Teachers" on this forum, with nothing
else to do than critisize others spelling and
grammer..to those "Perfect People"... This is
not the right forum for you..go someplace else
with your proper ideas!
Sorry you got jumped on. Who ever did it was wrong (my opinion). This is a farm/ranch/tractor forum and correcting someone's grammar/spelling is not appropriate.

For the record - I am a grammar/spelling type person. I have not and will not correct anyone's spelling or grammar on this board unless specifically asked to do so.

As the others have said, go play in the dirt and send pics!!!
There are a few that have to be the ones that cause problem just to be causing problems. As for being a teacher you get a bad rap any how and also for what you do and have to put up with not all that much pay either. But then I know because my dad was a college prof. He would say he had a few students but more knauclk (sp) heads
I think it's a war between left brain and right brain people. Can't remember if left brain people are good at Math and Right brain people are good at English or the other way around. I'm less-dexic (dyslexic), so who cares? :)

Not all the time, but most of the time the people good at English are not as good at Math and people who are good at Math are not as good at English. Mark made the mistake of saying he's a Math teacher. So you would expect an English teacher to jump on him because they don't like math?
you can't be offended by guys like mfpoor (his success depends on govt handouts), buckeyeoliver (he thinks school lasts 6 months a yr) or tradionalfarmer (odd name for a farmer with an off the farm job). plus this is the internet and more than likely you wouldn't know any of us from adam.
(quoted from post at 04:55:05 10/15/12)
(quoted from post at 00:34:45 10/15/12) If he didn't want commets he shouldn't have posted in the first place and he ran the risk of not everyone posting was going to be a cheerleader for his actions.

I feel that it's my civic duty to point out the fact that you are a total and complete a$$hole and just a little (read a lot) arrogant to boot.......

If I'm wrong, please explain why...


We do not agree on many things, but this I could not agree more. Arrogant people are not worth the space they take up on this planet.
I'm sorry, how's that arrogant?

It's stating a fact: If you don't want negative replies to your post, don't post.

In a forum environment it's a fact of life that not everyone is going to:

1. agree with you.
2. appreciate what you do.
3. care about the mundane goings-on in your everyday life.

The OP just needs a little thicker skin. Acknowledge the posts that are helpful/supportive, and disregard the ones that aren't.

The worst thing you can do in a forum is attack someone because you don't like what they said. That's exactly what they're waiting for.

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