thanks for all the kind responses

I would like to apologize the way I wrote a post the other night,. I have no right to complain at all ,and I know its not a good excuse,but many things have happened over this summer,things I cant really talk about on the site . The one thing I said the other night that I am sure I was right in saying was what a great site this is,and I am honored to be part of it ,.
Glad ur back Larry, everybody has troubles of one sort or another, chin up, don't let it get to you. We all look forward to your posts. Whatever problems you have you can change it. Good luck.
Hang in there buddy, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we forget to take off our sunglasses and we miss it, but it's there. It will get better. Think positive, your days will go by much easier.
My Dad is 89 and has bladder cancer. He called me today and asked when I would be by again (I was there yesterday). I said I can come when you need me too, just say the word. He said how about Monday, we need to talk about some things (we've done that several times already, but he always wants to be sure everything is clear and on the table). So tomorrow will be a difficult day for me again, but I do my best to keep him in a positive frame of mind although it's becoming increasingly difficult. When I lost my Mom 6+ years ago I thought he wouldn't last 6 months, but because of me keeping him positive and his lady friend visiting daily and cooking dinner often he's made it along pretty darn well and continues to live by himself.
So............think of it this way (I do often), you may think your problems are devestating but there is always someone else (actually many many someone else's) out there that are one he11 of a lot worse off than you! OK, how about a hug now? ((88)) That is all I could come up with for a long distance hug! After all, it's a loooooong way from the tip of Texas to Jerzee!
I've been thinking what to write you since you wrote that post; so here's my 2 cents, and you'll probably owe me 1 cent.
Many of us, maybe most of us, come to this site because we enjoy old tractors and the outdoors.
And whether it's old tractors or old trains, antique cars or whatever, there's something about that whole ball of wax that we have in common. It's a good commonality for all of us.
Your pictures are the best, not just because of your eye, but because what you share with the people on this board.
It is real and sincere and good.
That's why I read this forum, I don't write much; I mostly enjoy.
There are people who would be envious of your life.
I was talking with one of my son in laws last night; explaining that: even though I like my toys (tools?) tractors, fishing rods, choo choos, etc, the only thing I really care about is family.
It will be the only thing I leave that matters.
Larry, I think you get that priority. I think you get that far better than the average bear.
Money's important because it allows us to do stuff, but there's more.
Oh wait, I just found's perfect!
It's good for the soul to unload on a friend once-in-awhile. A good friend not only helps with a person's material or physical needs but with the spiritual needs too. We'll be here for you. Keep on posting the pics. I've never seen the eastern U.S. so your pics are always interesting to me. Jim
Glad to see you back Larry. I always enjoy your posts. Tough times don't last forever so keep your chin up! You have alot of friends here.

It is good to get somethings off your chest once in a while.Didn't bother me a bit and you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Larry; I look forward to your great pictures. You are a person loves the garden, your family and life.You know the value of true wealth.
always enjoyed your posts and pics, dont stop, you have friend here you didnt even know. Remember, the ones that matter dont mind and the ones that mind dont matter. take care my brother and happy days to you and yours.
All your friends came to bat for you Larry. Great bunch here. I don't post much but it's my evening habit to keep up on posts and learn something. keep the pics flowing
I saw something a few days back, didn't look like much to bother about, and won't go looking for anything else.

Always like your pics around here, and messages.

You know, those of us who sit here on comuters and type on forums and share stories and sometimes arguments probably have a lot more in common that we'd admit?

Lot of things and stuff go on in life, and it's nice to come here and visit friends away from that all. But - some days we come here with a chip on our shoulder, and ready to chew someone's head off - or just feeling down & out, and a message or 2 hits us wrong, and we get on kind of a rant of one sort or another....

I bet more of us are similar than different on that sort of stuff........

Sometimes we get down in the dumps,
'Cause each day brings it's lumps and bumps,
Before you hang your head and cry,
Remember, there are many upon whom you can rely.
Dang, now ya got me writin' poetry!
Hey Larry, I can't improve upon anything that has already been said, but I for one know that there will be hard times and good times, and may the good times prevail!
I don't post much, mostly due to working the evening shift, (most everything has been said by the time I get online), but I read the forum EVERY night and always enjoy your all posts, wether they be pics of the farm or new lyrics to old songs!
So keep the good times rolling and keep your chin up during the bad times.

HMM, I'm gonna have ta try to practice what I preach!
Larry, I always look forward to tour post. You are a great, loving and compassionate guy. You have a wonderful love of mankind as shown by the way you are always helping people. Whether it is by taking your homegrown vegetables to them or just going by to visit with them. I seem to recall that you have some elderly friends that cant garden any more so you raise some sort of vegetable that they had not had in awhile and shared with them.

Life sometimes gets to all of us but not for long. I think of sharing as you do as a ministry.
It may not seem like much to you but it is really big deal to the ones on the receiving side.

To quote Dr. Robert Schuler " Tough times never last. Tough people do."

May God continue to richly bless you and your family.

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