

Well-known Member
Been playin' with Facebook for awhile.Kinda 'fun' to connect with old friends,and make 'new' ones(some of you guys are FB friends).True there is some garbage on there,you have to sort thruogh it.Anyway,I just learned how to make 'Photo Albums'.Been haveing some fun doing that.Now I can share some tractor/farming photos with nonfarmers and citydwellers!Maybe I can help teach them something!Steve
My grand kids got me on back in Feb. I spent way too much time on there for the first few weeks. Now I maybe check it once each week. The novelty wore off for me in a few weeks. It was nice to get to see school friends that I have not seen in forty years. I found out I had very little in common with the largest part of them. I have much more in common with the people on here.

They have scattered to the four winds thought. There are a few very successful ones but most are just common folk like myself.

It was amazing how they all looked old. LOL Must have been their camera.
That is something I AM NEVER going to mess with, wish it would go away, same with U-Tube And twitter. Phone will be gone before I mess with that stuff. Anytime somebody posts something on here and it is a link to U-Tube just have to hit back button and forget it, never know what they want to talk about. Computor will not open them.
I like facebook for what I use it for.
It helps me keep up with 2 of my grandkids that live in Germany and a few cousins that live out of state.
I have 2 friends on facebook that I am not related too and I have known both of them for over 30 years.

My wife has a program on her laptop that allows us to talk to my grandkids also. Think it is skype or something like that.
I have met a lot of new fellow farmer friends through FB I enjoy both this site and FB as they have differnet options and I can look up old friends and such I know some people don't like it and thats OK I do and Delta if you like you can look me up be glad to have you on my friend list Thomas C Stanley cnt tom
I am 37 yrs old and enjoy all the advances in instruments for communication. Although for some reason Facebook and Twitter are the two I don't care much for.

For me, I don't get on Facebook because I don't need to read a minute by minute update of someones life :)
I guess Im gonna have to move into modern times sooner or late, maybe later. Still don"t have a cell phone. Old fart.
I like facebook, but they made some changes a while back and it screwed it up for me and several of my friends. One they screwed up was friends birthdays, I don't know anything on most until I see several wishing my friends happy birthday and these were a week or better old.
I agree. I cancelled my Facebook account a year or so ago.

Nothing but a big PITA. Plus, anything you post goes everywhere on the 'Net forever. When you apply for a job, do you really want a prospective employer to see a pic of you chugging a beer that you thought was funny until you sobered up?
I used to be a computer nerd, until times passed me by. Started out on the line printer & mainfraim with handset 300 baud cradle back in school. We all fought for the 13cps printer, faster than the 2 10cps printers. No monitors back then, reams of computer paper....

Love forums like this, and email.

Never got into Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and I hate cellphones, don't have one and resist the idea strongly.

Facebook seems interesting just to keep up with friends and family across the world; but I don't care to update my info and 'friending' folks seems fraught with a certain pecking order I would surely screw up and upset people, so I've not even tried.

I heard once Facebook was to tell lies about yourself to close friends; and Twitter was for telling the truth about your day to total strangers. Thought that was kinda funny.

On the serios side; The whole computer world is going to 'cloud based' stuff, where all your data and info is out there somewhere on someone's server. I'm not comfortable emailing tax stuff to my accountant, or using hard drive backup programs that are 'net-based. Seems like possession is 9/10ths of the law, so those companies all have legal mumbo jumbo they can harvest info about me from such things? Think once that is the only way computers work any more, we will all be in for a rude awakening of what little rights we have any more.....

There's no way in the world I'm getting involved with that site. It's been the cause of more grief than it'll ever be good. Not just here either. Had friends tell me the same thing. Women folks get on there,say things they shouldn't. Others see it,take it wrong and get bent out of shape.
I know darned well if I ever got on there,women I used to know would be sending me chit that would have the wife pizzed off,so no thanks. No way Jose'.
I use fb and u-tube all the time to keep up with old friends and grandaughter. The changes they made in birthdays lost me but like here it's thier site. As for old girlfriends, well they have heard all my lines and just call my wife so that's getting me nowhere. yeah guess I otter quit.

Facebook is an excellent way to reconnect with old acquaintenances, and at the same learn things about those folks that you would just as soon not ever know, so then you block them, and those old acquaintenances are once again lost.
I guess there is nothing inherently wrong with Facebook.

That being said I find it amazing that people allow their young children to post pictures of themselves, their homes and quite involved descriptions of where they live and places they frequent.

A person who intends to do harm to children or a person who is shopping for a place to burglarize could get pretty much what info they need to do their crime.

Security and 'blocking' people is more of a marketing ploy than anything else. Any person with advanced computer skills can eventually break into these programs and manipulate the code to allow access to this info.

Just my 2 cents.

I like to call FB my "I did what???" site..... Some of them girls sure aged like whipped cream :roll: I like it cause I've tracked down some old soldier buddies and some kids from school that I lost track of.... AND, whether I like it or not, get a minute by minute play on some of their lives :roll: Nice part about it is, when I start to feel a little homesick, I get on FB and read some of the stuff they put on there and it cures it quick....

here I is...

I'm on facebook for photos and small chat. See if you can find my link. Or I will look for yours. Some time I have to delete frinds because of all the junk.
FB is for young girls and people who really don't have a normal life. Who really cares when they brush their teeth or other personal functions.One of my grandaughters tells it all on there I'm told.
(quoted from post at 15:42:56 10/13/12) FB is for young girls and people who really don't have a normal life. Who really cares when they brush their teeth or other personal functions.One of my grandaughters tells it all on there I'm told.

Bet the world ends at the end of your driveway too don't it??? :roll:

It ain't just girls that get out of hand on there.... As with anything else, common sense applies.....some have it and a lot don't.....

If you don't mind, share with the class what you consider a "normal life"....
I"m on there. All of my classmates organized our 25th class reunion through facebook. In both schools I went to as a kid. I never post anything about my home or "worthwhile".
(reply to post at 11:07:45 10/13/12)
Lots of folks on FB, including me. Glad you're having fun with it!
I run a computer repair business, so I would like to pass on couple notes of caution.

FaceBook itself is pretty much virus free, yet that's where the majority of my customers get them.
Not from FB itself, but from the links on FB that take you to another legitimate site.
For example, there may be a link on FB that leads to your local weather or news.
Both are clean sites, but the link is dirty.
Better to just type in the address if you want to go to another site.

FaceBook has several times changed their site, and discarded any security settings you had made.
While I agree those settings could be hacked, they're like a padlock. They keep honest people honest.

Anything you put on FB, or any other site for that matter, is public domain.
A picture of your granddaughter in the bath tub may end up on a child porno site.

Chat is recorded. Messages are recorded. Emails are recorded.

As others have said, common sense goes a long way!

Don't miss out on the fun, just think it through.
From Da Wife:

I happen to enjoy facebook for what I use it for: wasting time and staying in touch with people I care about.

I don't like when I get to read everytime my cousin passes wind, so I changed the settings so I wouldn't have to read about her odorous activities! lol

I have found though, that as with the rest of the internet, NOTHING is actually private. Anyone who thinks that there is any privacy on fb or on the internet, is probably fooling themselves.

So, I am careful and selective about what I share.

I have full access to my teens' facebook accounts and boy, you should hear the snarling from those two when they find out that I have removed or edited something!

Nuf said, fb has allowed me to share my 8n photos and the like, with my family who are amazed that I could run the tractor!

Be well!
Ya, all the suckers bought the stock at $32.00 for the ipo, now it's $19.53 lol. I agree wtih you, and I don't use it, heck I don't even use e- mail. Lol!!
I had an account for quite a while, didn't do anything with it. Then when my wife got hurt in August, I found it was an easy way to keep people updated on her condition. I would post there and copy post here and on one other forum for the Luddites that refuse to use Facebook.
Its all here

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