Need help getting rid of ground moles


Well-known Member
What is a good and proven way for getting rid of ground moles? Had them last year and tried smoke bombs and traps. Never got any to trip a trap. Smoke bombs didn't seem to work either. Then they all disappeared. Now they are back and with a vengeance.

Please help!!!!!
As has always been stated, you'll have to get rid of the grubs.

I tried all of the granules that are supposed to get rid of grubs, even a triple rate of it with no results. As a last ditch effort I used something off lablel that works GREAT. My moles were gone within 2 weeks or so and have just recently returned. The product is called "force 3G". I believe it is a Syngenta product. It is actually an "in furrow" planting insecticide but seems to work great on bugs of all kinds! It is tough stuff. I breathed a little too much once (enough to burn my lungs). I found only dead ticks on me for about 4 months. Force can be purchased at your local CO-OP or CPS. So far as I know it only comes in 50lb bags and is a little expensive. It only takes about 5 lb per acre ( I applied about double that rate). You'll only apply it maybe twice a year, causing a bag to last you quite some time.

I have zoysia grass. Grubs love Zoysia! Moles love grubs! It was a terrible cycle.

I like to keep razor sharp mower blades. Its tough to do that with mole runs all over the yard!

I'm certian that this is off lablel too, but I have to wonder if a dose of Malathion every couple of weeks would ward off the grubs? If you try it report back and let us know...
Husband has great success with the spear type mole trap. He adjusts it so it triggers easily, then tamps down and active tunnel and sets the trap. When they come back through that area - it spears them. Sometimes it takes a couple attempts, but he gets them all.

Not sure of the brand - but this link looks similar to his with spears like tines from a pitchfork (not wide flat ones).

Here is a picture in case my link does not work. Numerous stores carry them. Good luck. They are annoying little critters.

spear type mole trap
Rural Kings sell a mole trap that works about 95% of the time. It looks like it has two lobster jaws. Mole trips the spring trap the trap and that's the last thing he does. I usually get 20 or more moles a year. Sorry to say, you will never get rid of moles. Mole runs are like highways, moles share them. I've gotten 6 or more moles from the same run in a year. You get rid of yours and the moles from your neighbors will show up in your yard.

I've tried all the tricks, nothing works. When it's dry, the moles aren't very active.

Lots of luck, sure you will need it.
Two components. First is the use of a Mole killing trap Sweeney's mole trap is one, there are very many.
The second is to treat the area with an insecticide and possibly earth worm reduction. The moles eat grubs and worms and will leave an area that has very few. Worms in a lawn do very little good to the lawn. Jim

Don't know if it works or not - never had to try it-- read somewhere if you stick whirly-gigs in the ground they make vibrations in the soil and moles stay away.
I guess I will try and put the traps back out.

Is there a good time of year for insecticides?

I like the whilry gig idea. My 6y/o daughter will think the yard is very prety anyways.

Thanks for all of the advice guys
Does it matter were I plant them? I have never heard of anyone planting them. Just randomly around your yard or aroundbuildings?

Thank you
I just buy grub-tick etc killer at wally World, and spread it every spring(fall would work too). I live in the middle of a 40 ac cornfield and I don t have moles in the yard.

I have tried everything from chewing gum, smoke bombs to broken glass. Also every kind of trap, spear type, hoop trap etc. Most of the grub killers etc. Actually I believe moles eat fish worms not grubs. Oh yea, I tried the rubber worms that come in the sealed foil packets.

The only thing that worked for me was the traps but I never found a trap that was easy to set and actually worked: more aften than not the trap would trip but there was no mole to be found.

My recommendation is a trap called the Mole Eliminator, it is set with your foot and the in the ground part of the trap looks/works like a sissors. One to place buy them is from Gemplers (, item # RMEL at $37.95. I have two of the traps and it is all I have used for the last 5 -10 years. This year after the rains started again I caught 4 moles in 4 trys within 12 hours of setting the trap. That seems to be all for the time being.

Be sure to read the instructions, the trap needs to be in an active straight run. One mole covers 1/2 to 1 acre so after you catch one - thats it for that area - setting more traps in the same area is a waste of time. However, other moles will take over the tunnels with time. One last thing, moles have a keen sense of smell, do not wash the trap or spray it with WD-40 before you put it up for the winter. WD-40 and it no longer workie for a long time.

I am not saying other traps or potions do not work - simply that the Mole eliminator works for me.
If you get it figured out I need a solution for moles in about 50 acres of hayland. A backyard is one thing, but this many acres is something else.
I'm new to the area, and need to learn more, but farmers here have a 3 point single chisle, and I think they gas them. This area is full of them. More in the pastures I side roll irriagate, than in the ones I flood irrigate.
Did you know that Bill Murry is an excellent golfer he plays in the Pebble Beach and always make to the final round.
I got rid of mine by putting cattle in the field. They don't like the noise or something that the cattle do.

I can't tell you what they are. But I got them at my local independently owned hardware store. They are a little spendy, but like I said they have worked very well. It is easy to apply and little goes a long way. I over applied when I did it. I would recommend following instructions, and it takes a week or so for the moles to leave after use. It sure is a lot cheaper and easier than most of the other suggestions.
Just make a bed in a central area and the beans are poison but I've never had any pet that would eat them and grown them for years with no problem.Very beautiful plant if well manured can grow over 10ft tall.
Thank you. As I am told many times when I ask a question like that, "Why don't you google it"? I did and found them. Thanks, might give them a try.

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