Timing is everything.....


Well-known Member
Ha!!!!!! Ditch 3ft deep and 50ft long for the new frostfree hydrant wasn't digging itself... Planned to rent a little hoe and do it myself (never ran one) in the next couple weeks (??)... Was finishing the loop with the horses and saw a crew at a building site with a little digger... Never hurts to ask.... They were waiting on electric and water people to get there that wouldn't come til after lunch.... Boss said they were already being paid, so sent me two guys with the digger and told me to take a McDonalds order from him and the crew and bring a case of beer..... Line's in, covered except enough of the end to install the hydrant and gravel bed, all fed and waitin on the utility folks and I'm out about 60 bucks. Would've cost 100 plus a big deposit and cleaning/transport fees to rent one then figure out how to use it.....
Yep the timing.

Friends father"s horse of many years died. He called me to come bury it with my backhoe. It"s about 10 miles away and I was busy planting corn.

I said call me back if you can"t find anyone else and I"ll come in the morning. About the time he got off the phone the county pulled up to clean out road ditches. They reached over the fence and dug a hole in about 2 minutes with that big excavator and it was done.

His 92 year old father was very happy. And so was I.

Don"t tell anyone what they did on tax payers time.

In the late '40s/'50s, all the local county roads were gravel.........except for the large percentage that were dirt. The county started a massive rebuilding program, blacktopping some of the graveled ones and graveling the dirt ones. The roads had to be widened, the trees removed, etc. It was all done with D-6 Cats; almost EVERY farmer....on every road....got a new pond dug 'under the table', using county equipment/operators.
Now that we have large trailers, we have to swing wide getting up the driveway at the farm and the edge is very rough.

Had a crew installing a new water line down the road in front of the house. Wanted to offer them a home cooked pot roast lunch/dinner if they would smooth it out, but didn't. Bad decision on my part.

Bet those guys would have done it in a heart beat for a pot roast dinner.
(quoted from post at 14:38:31 09/25/12) In the late '40s/'50s, all the local county roads were gravel.........except for the large percentage that were dirt. The county started a massive rebuilding program, blacktopping some of the graveled ones and graveling the dirt ones. The roads had to be widened, the trees removed, etc. It was all done with D-6 Cats; almost EVERY farmer....on every road....got a new pond dug 'under the table', using county equipment/operators.

My Grandpa worked for the county road dept. back in the 50-60's. Most all our roads were gravel. Often it was cheaper to leave the county owned equiptment on a farm near where they working than drive everything back to county road station. You wouldn't believe how much private work was done on the taxpayers dime, everything from upgrading field roads to building ponds, especially over the weekends. I loved going to his house when the county eqpt. was parked there, I'd get in the dragline or on the dozer and pretend I was moving dirt. This was back when farmers really helped each other out and folks minded their own business. I'll guarantee such things would never be gotten away with today.
The county probably increased the taxes because the pond was an "improvement to the land", so the farmers probably paid for it in the long run.
Dave ya ahould have rented one and had the wife get it on vid :shock: :shock: ......youtubed it :eek: :eek: ....the entertainment value alone would have been worth the cost :lol: :lol: ! I think it would have been like that monkey and that football :twisted: :twisted: !

Actually they are not hard to run or figure out. I'd never been on a hoe bofore I got mine 2 years ago this month.

Had a similar situation once... I was finishing up building our house and a couple of young guys came to bury the cable tv line. I had been planning to bury the power cable from the house out to the shop and was going to rent a small trencher.
Asked the guys what they would charge to bury the line after they finished the tv cable...short story is that one looked at the other and said "LUNCH"
I followed them to the local Golden Corral and told the manager(a friend) to feed the guys whatever they wanted and give me the bill. If I remember correctly (after 25 years) it was $21.00 for two of the biggest steaks he had..Good times.
Sure beat the heck out of doing it myself in 95 degree heat.
(quoted from post at 14:39:10 09/25/12) Dave ya ahould have rented one and had the wife get it on vid :shock: :shock: ......youtubed it :eek: :eek: ....the entertainment value alone would have been worth the cost :lol: :lol: ! I think it would have been like that monkey and that football :twisted: :twisted: !

Actually they are not hard to run or figure out. I'd never been on a hoe bofore I got mine 2 years ago this month.

ep! Would have been priceless....Dave, man-purse & trencher. :lol:

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