please read this

This was posted earlier, but I think a lot of people didn’t see it , In this post is a response sent by JD Sellar that is in my opinion one of the best stories ever told on tractor talk, I posted it again in case anyone missed it earlier, .... Click on this link....
Spam Not the kind in your email. The original kind.
thank you!!! I just want everyone to read that story,we need people like that to keep posting on this site, wanted him to know how we all feel about him.
No prob. Larry. BTW, I love Spam for various reasons. Had it as a kid since it was cheap, we could actually afford it! The new one with jalapeno in it is wonderful stuff. Dice up to put in scrambled eggs, it's to die for. Also fry it up until it's just crispy, delicious.
When our youngest son went of to college I told him all the wonderful things you can do with Spam. At that point he was just about burnt out on Ramen Noodles so he decided to try some, turns out he liked it. He said it was nice to actually have some meat now and then when living on a very limited income.

I agree. I like to read JD Seller's posts. Hope he returns.

On anther note, here are instructions for posting a link to any web page (or to a YT discussion that you have looked up). It is just a matter of copying and pasting the address from your internet bar into the Optional Link URL box on YT - then you can name the link you supplied in the Link Title boxof YT. Hope this helps.
You're right, Larry, that's one of the best stories I've ever heard, too. JDSeller is a very remarkable man. I hope his absence is not for long, and that his back problem (which I'm thinking is from an old war wound) gets fixed or improved.

An interesting side note about the original topic, SPAM: it played a very significant role in the winning of WW2. The US shipped large quantities of the stuff to the Russian army early on. The Russians kept the Germans busy until we could get geared up for war, and they of course killed a lot of Nazis who never got the opportunity to shoot at American boys.
wow......missed that one. Thanks to larry for re-posting. More important, thanks to JDSeller for serving our country. Also for giving of himself to see that these 4 women had a chance. Isn't thats what this great country is all about?

Thanks JD :)
I was at the Spam museum a few years back and they had an exhibit on Spam's and G.W. Hormel Company's contribution to the war effort. Seems a lot of Spam went out of Austin. On Submarines and PT boats it was a staple and often the crews got burnt out if their cook wasn't that creative. One WWII Admiral begrudgingly admitted the only fault was something to the extent "did you have to send us so darn much of the stuff?" We used to have it a lot when I was a kid, especially before we moved to the farm. I ate a bit of it when I was overseas simply because we didn't have much commissary support on our detachment and our chow hall had very limited hours and our commander wasn't big on us buying fresh meat on the economy. Don't get it much anymore as the wife isn't Spam (or corned beef) friendly.
If you guys believe that BS story I have great deal for you on some beachfront property in Arizona. That is just not the ways things were over there.
RVN 1971
dhs: Well you can call me a liar, as it is easy on the Internet. You posted you where in Vietnam in 1971. You say you where a Marine. Where and what did you do??? I had fellow Marines in Force recon units and they smuggled things in and out of Nam all of the time. The main line units where in tighter controlled bases. The Special units where not. The men in them where not the most friendly toward the command structure.

Well I was there form 1969 until 1973 and then in Laos until 1974
I was in the 75th Ranger Infantry Regiment( Airborne)
In May 1969 I was stationed in Vietnam. I was moved in to a LRRP platoon for in country final training.
In June 1969, I was assigned to Company "E" within the 173 Airborne Brigade.
In July 1970, my Platoon was transfered to Company "H" under the the 1st. Calvary unit. We where there until they pulled out in mid 1972.

My platoon was then still in country but not assigned to any one unit. I think we where "off book" the high ups where "hiding" combat units as the politicians where driving the combat numbers down.

As for what happened. It happened like I said. Those girls where on the base for almost six months. They stayed in the nurse"s tent. The base command structure turned a blind eye unless you really got stupid. Younger women where frowned upon. Kids where never worried about. Most of the commanders knew they where asking us to do stuff that no man should have to do. So when we where back on base very few messed with us. Those that did PAID for it. I mean even officers. Ever see what a brick of C-4 will do to a Officer"s jeep??? We did wait until he was out of it but not by much. He got the message. The next time we would not have waited. We where in the mind set that we would do what we where ordered in the field but other than that leave us alone.

At the end of the six months( late 1972) the war was being spun down. There was just about a regular stream of kids snuck out on Air force flights. I could get a kid to the Philippines or Guam easier that I could get a three day pass. There where enough of the fly boys that the LRRPs had rescued from the Vietcong that they would do some crazy stuff for us.

The nurses made some generic uniforms with no rank or name on them for the girls. Just military green. They carried a back pack with civilian cloths in them. They walked right on a troop transport with a company being reassigned. The base commander made sure they got on the plane fine. My platoon owed him a favor.(That favor all most got the whole platoon killed but we did it gladly) They then where taken to Guam. There a group of returning nurses took them with them to Hawaii. There My Grand Father walked right on the air field and walked the girls off the base. There again the Base commander watched to make sure that things went as they should.

The units that where in the actual hot seat racked up favors from many places. You drop in and help keep a base from being over ran. Maybe get to a down flier before the VC could get him and what do you think he would do for you??? Maybe the young officer you kept from getting killed was the son, nephew or something of some high up. Think that meant anything???

So I will tell you this. There are guys that could ask me for anything I have and I do mean anything an it would be theirs. There are men that feel that way about me as well. There are bonds formed in those type of battles that are stronger than any marriage on this earth.

Plus another thing that helped then. We all knew what was going to happen when the US pulled out of South Vietnam. The Russians and Chinese where going to make the North win. When that happened any one that had much to do with the US was DEAD!!! Did not make any different as to age or gender.

If you say that did not happen then I KNOW you never where in anything other than major unit battles, if that. I have helped bury whole villages killed just because they would not help the Vietcong. I do mean the whole village. Men, women and the children. I will not tell you how many of them died. Lets just say I can still see it in my mind now.

So for the guys supporting me on here. Thanks but I really don"t need it or even want it. I am tied of being called a liar and arguing with people. Life is too short. My life could end right now and I am at peace with my maker and that is all that matters.

Larry send me an email I need your address. I have some stuff I want to send you.

To the rest I will be back but not for a while. I need the time to get my mind straight on many things.
(quoted from post at 08:43:07 09/11/12) dhs: Well you can call me a liar, as it is easy on the Internet. You posted you where in Vietnam in 1971. You say you where a Marine. Where and what did you do??? I had fellow Marines in Force recon units and they smuggled things in and out of Nam all of the time. The main line unit where in tighter controlled bases. The Special units where not. The men in them where not the most friendly toward the command structure.

Well I was there form 1968 until 1973 and then in Laos until 1974
I was in the 75th Ranger Infantry Regiment( Airborne)
In May 1969 I was stationed in Vietnam. I was moved in to a LRRP platoon for in country final training.
In June 1969, I was assigned to Company "E" within the 173 Airborne Brigade.
In July 1970, my Platoon was transfered to Company "H" under the the 1st. Calvary unit. We where there until they pulled out in mid 1972.

My platoon was then still in country but not assigned to any one unit. I think we where "off book" the high ups where "hiding" combat units as the politicians where driving the combat numbers down.

As for what happened. It happened like I said. Those girls where on the base for almost six months. They stayed in the nurse"s tent. The base command structure turned a blind eye unless you really got stupid. Younger women where frowned upon. Kids where never worried about. Most of the commanders knew they where asking us to do stuff that no man should have to do. So when we where back on base very few messed with us. Those that did PAID for it. I mean even officers. Ever see what a brick of C-4 will do to a Officer"s jeep??? We did wait until he was out of it but not by much. He got the message. The next time we would not wait. We where in the mind set that we would do what we where ordered in the field but other than that leave us alone.

At the end of the six months( late 1972) the war was being spun down. There was just about a regular stream of kids snuck out on Air force flights. I could get a kid to the Philippines or Guam easier that I could get a three day pass. There where enough of the fly boys that the LRRPs had rescued from the Vietcong that they would do some crazy stuff for us.

The nurses made some generic uniforms with no rank or name on them for the girls. Just military green. They carried a back pack with civilian cloths in them. They walked right on a troop transport with a company being reassigned. The base commander made sure they got on the plane fine. My platoon owed him a favor.(That favor all most got the whole platoon killed but We did it gladly) They then where taken to Guam. There a group of returning nurses took them with them to Hawaii. There My Grand Father walked right on the air field and walked the girls of the base. There again the Base commander watched to make sure that things went as they should.

The units that where in the actual hot seat racked up favors from many places. You drop in and help keep a base from being over ran. Maybe get to a down flier before the VC could get him and what do you think he would do for you??? Maybe the young officer you kept from getting killed was the son, nephew or something of some high up. Think that meant anything???

So I will tell you this. There are guys that could ask me for anything I have and I do mean anything an it would be theirs. There are men that feel that way about me as well. There are bonds formed in those type of battles that are stronger than any marriage on this earth.

Plus another thing that helped then. We all knew what was going to happen when the US pulled out of South Vietnam. The Russians and Chinese where going to make the North win. When that happened any one that had much to do with the US where DEAD!!! Did not make any different as to age or gender.

If you say that did not happen then I KNOW you never where in anything other than major unit battles if that. I have helped bury whole villages killed just because they would not help the Vietcong. I do mean the whole village. Men, women and the children. I will not tell you how many of them died. Lets just say I can still see it in my mind now.

So for the guys supporting me on here. Thanks but I really don"t need it or even want it. I am tied of being called a liar and arguing with people. Life is too short. My life could end right now and I am at peace with my maker and that is all that matters.

Larry send me an email I need your address. I have some stuff I want to send you.

To the rest I will be back but not for a while. I need the time to get my mind straight on many things.

Don't do anything stupid............. Stick around. I's a good therapist. Where'dya think Dr Phil got his people skills from????

Don't bother arguing with folks. If you're right, you're right, let em do/say what they want...
There was a farmer in the neighborhood who did a similar thing, don't know much detail he married a woman from there, they had 2 daughters, he somehow got her out, he has passed on, not sure about her or her whereabouts. It was a beautiful old farm, one of 13 farms on that road, some of the barns are still standing there was 2 farmsteads on the place. Other barns were standing but were taken down and moved. I've worked the surrounding fields and remember his daughters from school, I suppose the details of how she arrived are not important, very nice place to live compared to where her origins were.
Seller, We have had our go rounds on parts...even though I love my deeres and agree everyone elses parts are just about as bad, and after market parts. well they almost fit, but what a great story! We have never butted heads politically, and I think your stories and info on Deeres are the best, but after that post yu will always get the most respect even when we disagree! LOL TY for your service and say hi to those lucky kids...well successful adults now!
I was a 95B (MP US Army) served active duty back in the days of 2 year enlistments and an AMERIVAN President. I was gung ho...wanted to get in on something (I guess that"s whey people volunteer for armed service, other wise they"d join the Peace Corps!), we still had some Viet Nam Vets in service and they were Gods to us. We (I) tend to thinks somehow I missed out, after a career in Law Enforcement I went to school to get a history/teaching degree. My area of specialty was post WWII American History, so i sometimes still feel like I missed out. I was classified as a Vet long after I got out when they included Bierut, Granada, Panama etc. so I am NOT a conbat Vet. but I love stories like yours as they keep the perspective: In reality I am glad I never had to go where you went, I now do Emergency mental health so i see 1st hand the results of being "being there and done that," from your war to today"s, but I guess that small part of me that made me put ink to paper and take the oath will always feel a lil left out! Pete
geez my typing sucks...I meant AMERICAN not amerivan, and I made a few other typos, but you get the idea!
(quoted from post at 09:07:30 09/11/12) geez my typing sucks...I meant AMERICAN not amerivan, and I made a few other typos, but you get the idea!

You know what?? In modern view, you can edit.......
Spam was bread and butter for us. I was born in Austin MN. My dad worked for George A. Hormel, and was not sent to war because he was working in an essential industry. Grew up on Spam. Family later moved to NW Iowa where my dad ran the Hygrade plant.
jd, i don't know you but i'm your friend. do not know what you went through in nam nor what your are going through now, however; as in nam, but to a much lesser degree, a lot of FRIENDS banded together to love, encourage and support you. your age, knowledge, wisdom and service to our great country demands the utmost of respect and admiration. do not take that lightly.
JD SELLER If you get to the Garber farm progres show (NEIFAA / Plagman barn) look me up ....near the rock crusher / Bedrock.

I am probably the best looking, best dressed on the grounds. I wear a old cowboy hat with all thirty buttons on it. Im told chicks dig it. I hope we all get a sunburn this week and we can shoot the breeze a bit.

As for the ill remarks made, well.... some know, and others never will. This applies to many that were there also.
Always had Spam around growing up .It went camping with us.I kept a supply on hand when my wife worked a secretary for 20 years.Used to buy it for 1.49 and like products for a buck a can until recently.I kept a stash of it for many years.Still have some on the canned goods shelf.In camp we cut it up into canned beans.I bought a lot of corned beef for 1.59 a can,Its running 5 bucks a can now.

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