It does not pay to help today's younger generation out!!!


Well-known Member
The younger people in the 20-30 age bracket are just too selfish to really be helped out. I got slammed by two different ones today.

1) A older fellow I sold equipment to in Jones County died five years ago. He had slowly over the years sold his equipment. He still had the last new tractor he ever bought. It was a JD 1972 3020, diesel, wide front end, Power shift, and dual SCVs. Real sharp tractor with just over 4000 hours on it. His widow called me to come and see her. We had always been as much friends as business acquaintances. She wanted me to have her husband's tractor. She said none of the kids really wanted it so she wanted me to buy it. I had often told him I would really like to own that tractor. So I had two other dealers look at it and we came up with a price. The average was $13,000. She would not take that as she said I had helped them over the years. She would only take $10,000. I paid her on the spot. I took the tractor home. It needed very little to have it in factory original shape. I did put new tires all the way around. It never was wet after I got it. I kept it inside under a cover. Just used it on baby jobs to have fun.

So fast forward to last year. She passed away 18 months ago. The family split the farm into 8 different tracts. One for each kid/grand kids. One of the boys got the house and bought out two of his relatives. He has around forty acres of ground plus the original homestead. He came to me and told me he really wanted his Grand Dad's tractor. He asked to buy it back. I told him I would sell it back to him on one condition. That was if he ever got hard up for money that I would get first chance at buying it back. So I sold it to him last Dec. for exactly want I had in it the $10,000 plus the tires. It came up to $11,500. He paid me and I told him he was getting a deal because his Grand Mother had given me one. I never heard any more about the tractor. Today I was at a local consignment auction. The kid was there. I was busy right then and did not have time to talk right then. He looked me up toward the end of the sale. He had boughten a junk 1964 JD 3020 gas, narrow front, single SCVs, and mismatched worn out tires. He wanted me to fix it up for him. I asked him why he was buying it.

Here is what he had done. First he sold his grand father's tractor to a collector out in CA. His "city wife" had looked up on the Internet how Late model 3020s where selling real high. She thought it would be just great to sell "his" and buy one of the much cheaper ones she saw advertised. They got $19,500 for his grand fathers tractor. One month after he had bought it off me. He never called me. I asked him about that and he said he did not think I would be able to pay that much since I was just a "farmer/mechanic". What the heck???? I could buy this little snot with my pocket money. He is in to hock up to his eye balls. His wife and him where just ecstatic that they had cleared $14,000 on the tractor trade. They used the money to buy themselves a new car. Correction make the down payment on a new car. Their new one has one of those three letter names, BMW. I was so mad I could have spit nails. I politely told him to NEVER talk to me again. I would never work on any thing of his again. I also told him how he had PI$$ed on his Grand father and Grand Mother's memories by what he had done. I asked him if he really thought his Grand Mother was stupid enough to not know that the tractor was valuable??? She wanted her husband and his grand father's memory to live on through that tractor. I always was telling the story to people of how I got that tractor. I really wanted to just shoot the brain dead pair of them!!!!

2) Then to just make the day finish out even better. Local kid, 20 years old. He has been wanting to get started farming. He is the same age as my youngest son. They kind of hang out together. So he rented some ground a few miles away from me. He came and helped with the planting and we planted his fifty acres for his labor. He was wanting to start buying some equipment. I had found a deal on two Parker 2600 gravity wagons. These where the same as new. A dealer buddy had gotten then in on trade. Super sharp wagons. So I took the kid with me to get them. He really wanted to buy them. So we cut a deal. He would buy them for my cost, $2750 each. I then would let him use one of my tractors to haul his corn and he would help us haul ours. If he helped us all fall, between his town job, I told him we would harvest his corn and dry it in return for his help. He got lucky and caught a few rains we did not get. His corn is going to make 160-180 BPA. So we would be harvesting the corn: 50 acres X $27.50 = $1375 plus 170 bushels X 50 X 25 cents = $2125 for a total of $3500 value to him. That is not too bad for just him and his two wagons on my tractor this fall.

So here is what he did. Another one of his buddies is the son of one of the local BTO, real little punk that is always in trouble with the law that his Daddy bails him out of. Anyway this "buddy" tells the kid that he is not getting a good enough deal for all of his labor. What the he!!??? $3000-3500 to a kid that makes $8 at the local lumber yard. He does not make 15K a year at his "job". So the BTO told him he would pay him and harvest his crop. Plus that those little old wagons he bought where nothing but junk so he had better sell them because they where useless to a "real" farmer. That is exactly what they told him. So he takes the wagons and sells them at the sale today. I did not notice the wagons and the kid did not even go to the sale. He went to work. He came by after work and told my son that he would not be able to help us this fall as he had a job with a "real" farmer. He got $3700 each out of the wagons. He owned them three weeks. He told my son that he is going to start trading some equipment since the money is so easy. That is a laugh. He had to borrow the money for the wagons on his credit card. He did not tell me that at the time but he told my son that this evening.

Well he will not be farming long. First his line of credit at the local Coop was tied to mine. He will be COD in the morning after I call them. The BTO he thinks is great has been COD for the last five years after he went bankrupt and stuck a bunch of local people for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Second his rented ground will not be his for long. The owner hates the BTO with a passion. When the BTO shows up to harvest the crop the sparks are going to fly!!!

So basically I tried to help out two different guys and got screwed over by them both. So I am done helping non family members in this way.
a while ago didnt a young man get mad at you when you purchased one of his relatives tractors at a sale? It sounds like the first guy in your story listens to his wife too much,he is not going to do good farming!
The first guy will never be a farmer. He is educated way beyond common sense. LOL He is an INVESTMENT broker. He is working at one of the regional mega banks. They are trying to sucker their old customers to letting the bank handle all of their money even their stocks and bonds. I have heard form several of the banks customers that the program is a failure. The rate of return has been terrible compared with several other local investment companies. Guess who runs the banks program??? You got it MR. Smarty. LOL

You have a good memory. The local kid that was mad at me is no longer a problem. His Meth habit got him 10-15 in the Federal pen. He was making it and selling it in Chicago. Got busted. Real winner. His family is having a real fight with the Feds as he was making the Meth on the farm. The Feds are trying to take the farm.
Can't make a generalization like that... Sorry you just can't. I'm 21 full time college student, have 3 tractors, all my own equipment, bought with ALL of my own money. Never asked for help. I still live with my mom and dad in the summer but the other 9 months I'm at school. I am also paying for school with a summer job and because I did a lot of scholarships. Just because some people are arrogant you can't blame the whole generation. WE get enough crap from everyone else. I know you had to vent but make sure you don't generalize everyone like that.
JDseller, first off I will say that I agree with what your saying, they are both wrong for the way they handled the situation. But I'll play on dave2's side for a minute. 1). A guy bought a tractor for $11,500 and nearly immediately sold it for 19,500(which is not a 14,000 profit, but an 8000 profit) Be honest with yourself, you may be able to afford to pay 19,500+ for that tractor but the fact of the matter is you wouldn't(not likely anyways), because it makes no sense to do so. All he did was help captalism live on, how is it any of your business what he did with his property ad his money? 2). A kid buys 2 wagons for 2750(5500) and sells them for 3700(7400). You can't even blame the kid for this one. You never told him to keep the wagons, though it was understood what he was to do with them. Again that's just captalism. He saw a chance to make some money(captalism) and went for it. Dont' even worry about him trading equipment. If there's no money in it, he'll find out in a hurry, and it won't lkely do his credit any good. Again it's just captalism. Captalism is the excuse for all things that don't follow principles and idealism. I'm not actually against captalism, given the other choices.
Dave Neither of the real issues are money related other than the fact that I tried to help each of them out in a financial way.

The first kid sold his Grand Father's tractor. It was not a money issue. That tractor was priceless to me!!! That old man would be heart broken if he knew his grand son sold him out. He kept that tractor as a family heirloom. Be kind of like your wife selling her wedding ring because gold was up.

The second kid is going to miss out on his farming dream. I know what the BTO is going to cause in hardship to this kid. His land lord is going to blow up when he tries to have the BTO harvest his crop. He will end up in court. Not many will rent to him after this.

If I was worried about a profit in either deal I could have easily have made profit at several times in either deal.
I here you. 13 years ago I was 25 trying to get a start. 3 other guys around my age were getting oppurtunities handed to them left and right and pissing them down their leg in the same fashion. I kept my head down and just dealt with people that I had long standing relations with, because quite frankly I didn't have alot of confidence in my abilities and wanted to keep my exposure minimum. Not these other 3. Blowing big stories to anybody that would listen, buying stuff on promise-to-pay-later terms. After about 3 years all but one are done. The 3rd one had his new wife die very tragically,it made national news, leaving him alone with a new baby. The local community donated a lifetime of money to him, so he is still going.

During that time I asked a guy about a piece of hayland that he owned. I noticed he didn't cut that year and I saw someone else had cut the ditches on the land he rented from a elderly couple. He looked me square in the eye and said, Yes he was looking for some one to do it but it wasn't gonna be some young guy like me. We are all just a flash in the pan. He was looking for someone that was gonna be doing it for many years. I said thanks and went on my way. Found out later his brother got burnt by one of the wanna be BTOs.

I was a indirect victim of them other 3 a-holes pissing everyone off. I totally understand your reasoning for your decision but I still to this day harbor a bad taste about that guy cuz of what he said that day. So my advice is try not to let your dis-taste show.
I hate to tell you that is not just a generalization. I have dealt with all ages of people. This current young one is the worst I have ever dealt with. Most are selfish beyond all description. I will add my youngest son to that stack. A promise from him is way more conditional than his three older brothers. It will get done if it is to his benefit. If it goes south he may or may not follow through. I have tried to change him since he came of age and it does not stick.

I can go on about many others that have done this type of thing. I am just tired of it and will watch out for myself better in the future. I don't want or need extra drama in my life at my age. Younger guys are going to have to meet a stricter set of rules from me in the future.
Dave send me an email. If you noticed I edited my earlier posting about the time you where posting. Want to talk off forum for a moment.
wow--i just got done reading and understand why you posted you wont come on for awhile.
20-30yr olds are morons....i work with some.
i think you went above and beyond. noone has helped me like that.
The younger generation are idiots.
One of my wives friends screwed us over for $300, she was down on her luck and couldnt make her car payment, so the wife and I loaned her $300, We dont know where she is now. This woman is 35 with 2 kids. (I aint helping anyone anymore)
Who owned the tractor in the first story?

Who owned the wagons in the second story?

Seems to me, once a person owns a piece of property, whether real estate or personal property, it is the OWNER who has the right to decide what to do with it.

If you wanted to exercise control over the property, you should have retained ownership and never sold them to begin with. While your intentions are more than honorable...getting angry because someone sold a piece of property that was THEIRS, without consulting YOU for permission, seems to be a little out of line to me.

The guy who sold me my home 18 years ago has NO SAY over what I do here anymore; and so it is with the young men you mention. The previous owner of my house didn't get a say in my decision to replace the 30+ year old aluminum siding with vinyl, or about the new guttering, soffiting, or replacement windows I installed. WHY? Because it's no longer HIS house, and HE isn't paying MY bills. Now, perhaps these young men didn't make the WISEST moves; but their wisdom, or lack thereof, is ALL you really have any RIGHT to question.

So I would calmly suggest that you GET OVER IT and move on. Just because these two young men didn't do what YOU wanted them to do with THEIR OWN PROPERTY is really none of your business. "Trying to help someone" does NOT give you control over what they decide to do with property YOU NO LONGER OWN...that's the BOTTOM LINE.

THAT's what's wrong with the younger generation; they think that, because THEY own something, THEY have the right to decide whether to keep it or sell it, and how to use it...right? Because that's what this is all about: you being able to tell someone else what to do with something they own. That crap MIGHT work with family, but rarely does it go very far with non-relatives.
I've loaned money and given money to family members over the years. Only 3 of about 7 did good with the money. My youngest brother, one neophew and one niece used the money wisely; the rest were just a waste of the money -including my older brother who is just as irresponsible at age 81 as he was at age 18.

Age seldom makes a person wiser, just older. I've lost count; he's either on his 3rd or 4th wife.
I'm 30 years old and I take extreme offense to being called a moron. Morons come in all ages. I would bet some of the the older crowd (50+) was not thought to be the most intelligent by there elders back in the day. Just because the young people in these stories made poor decisions doesn't mean they will not learn from them in the future. Thank you.
Gotta add, I'm gonna be 28 this october and I take offense to your generalization. Yes there are idiots but it's the generation that raised them that made them.

I don't have my own operation yet but I help my parents with their farm and short of deciding what seed to buy I make most decisions on the fields and i'm proud to say that this last year is the first year ever that they haven't had to buy feed. They had corn silage all the way through the last day of august. Normally they may have had it until june, or maybe into july but not any longer.

I helped make the choices that led to such a great year. And I didn't burn anyone in the process.

Donovan from Wisconsin
JD seller I don"t think people realize your intention of giving the 3020 back was to make the situation whole again, doing your part, made you feel good, the people who sold the tractor, are different in many ways, you are in a whole different class, there should be no misunderstanding, of your intentions, congratulations, for your effort.
What a load of bullhockey, downgrade an entire generation because a couple of young men did not act exactly as you would have wanted them to. I have two sons in their twenties and they are good men and would be good men in any age. The same tired accusation you have made against the current younger generation has been made against every generation since time immerorial and has been proven wrong time after time. If you want to single out a generation thet has done irreparable harm to the USA and continues to do so then start with our own, the baby boom generation is the most spoiled and self serving in history and has almost destroyed the moral character of this great nation.
(quoted from post at 01:07:13 09/06/12)
1) A older fellow I sold equipment to in Jones County died five years ago. He had slowly over the years sold his equipment. He still had the last new tractor he ever bought. It was a JD 1972 3020, diesel, wide front end, Power shift, and dual SCVs. Real sharp tractor with just over 4000 hours on it. His widow called me to come and see her. We had always been as much friends as business acquaintances. She wanted me to have her husband's tractor. She said none of the kids really wanted it so she wanted me to buy it. I had often told him I would really like to own that tractor. So I had two other dealers look at it and we came up with a price. The average was $13,000. She would not take that as she said I had helped them over the years. She would only take $10,000. I paid her on the spot. I took the tractor home. It needed very little to have it in factory original shape. I did put new tires all the way around. It never was wet after I got it. I kept it inside under a cover. Just used it on baby jobs to have fun.

I could not stand to see grandfather's tractors go away with so little fanfare... Just ridiculous. Some kids. :x
JDSeller, I am 27 years old. I am a self employed electrical contractor, farming part time with my wife and parents. I fit your age bracket, but not the sterotype....with that said.....I agree with your sterotype. Not all of us are that way....BUT THE MAJORITY ARE! Everyone wants something for nothing, now, for as little as possible!!
JD I have been there and done that a couple of times myself.

Help a guy out and he turns around and stabs you in the back.

One was my brother. Told him to help me after work and he could use my machinery to put in and takeout his crop with me there running the equipment as well. As long as he helped me on my acres when he could. Didn"t see a lot of him but I made it work for 10 years or so.

He made enough money with his job and no machine cost to buy another 80acres, a tractor and a few pieces of equipment. I told him I was gonna start charging for combining since he had more acres as I wasn"t getting much labor out of him.

What does he do but go out and buy an old combine so he does not have to give me any money.

Tilled his land and planted it for 10 years, combined it for 15 years and never received a dime. Some times my equipment did not even get filled with fuel before it left his place because his tank was to low to reach my taller equipment. Rarely did he replace the twine I used to roll up his hay.

Both farms were offered to me that he bought and I turned him unto them because I had just bought and was sretched thin enough at the time.

So it is not only the younger generation that will stab ya. It could be anyone.

The word is "loyalty", wheather we are talking about your Grandpa, friends, neighbors or country. the younger generation doesn't have it period.
I agree with you JD. Some people can't be trusted. I think that is what you are really saying. Same story in my town.
My son had a wreck. Called the local wrecker driver that I USED to use. We made a deal. He would hold the car and title until we could find someone. To buy is as a parts car. Nothing would be removed and he would be paid when we sold it. Shook hands on it.

I found a buyer. Called him and told him I need the title before they will pick it up. Took me two weeks to get it from him.Had an excuse for not giving it to me. Every time I asked. Got the title. Called the buyer.

Went to get the car. Found parts gone that cost me money on the sale.Then to top it all off. The Sheriff shows up to arrest my son for theft. Seems the wrecker driver filed charges of trespassing,failure to pay for service,theft of property.

I went through the roof. Told the Sheriff. The reason he did not get paid. Is because we could not find him. I also explained the deal we had.They dropped all charges. But you can believe the people know what really happened.

It is not just some of the young. You can't trust.
I hate to agree with JD but I've passed on several things because of younger guys.

1. I really need a place to work in the winter. I was offered on contract for deed a small piece with a trailer house and almost new small shop building. Thing is the seller wanted me to buy it then rent the trailer to a young guy that I know. He isn't the problem, it's his circle of buddies who can't be trusted. No way I can leave thousands of dollars on tools there. The price of the place puts it so that I can afford it but with only 11 tillable I would have to rent the trailer to make it profitable. Just isn't in the cards.

2. I've helped a lot of younger folks from time to time most often getting stabbed in the back for my efforts. Not saying that all younger folks are that but the numbers are on the rise as far as I can see. I have a nephew who falls into that low life group. He has 2 kids. His wife works full time and he does concrete contracting on a small scale and as little as he can do. He moved into his grand others house when she went into assisted living on my BIL's farm. He will not help on the farm at all. Grandma passed. He thinks he should be given the farm and my BIL and his brother should rent it from him so will not have to work because he is witnesses at his church and is "doing Gods work".

But I've seen it go the other way too with guys my age too.

You know what's bad - I've seen similar stories about guys 50, 60, and 70 years old too.

People don't seem to realize that men (and women) that are low lifes and arseholes in their teens and twenties are still low lifes and arseholes no matter how old they get. Age doesn't change who a person is, usually they just get better at hiding it.
It may be the property owner's prerogative to do what they see fit with their own property, but it doesn't mean that you have to be happy about it!!!
The worst I had received at being took was by a man in his 60's and his son. There are some things that have happened around here (not to me) that make your stories pretty tame. The guy that took me the worst is no longer among us but there are a few that are bad if not worse that are still in the community but I have no (intentional) contact with them. Sorry to hear about being done over but you surely are not alone.
I had lot's of help from guys like you growing up. Never did them wrong intentionally.

I have multiple stories like yours. I still do lots of those scenarios because I want to. Makes me feel good. It doesn't take long to weed out the bad ones and keep helping the ones that do it right and watch them grow.

I get great satisfaction in telling the bad ones no when they come back for seconds. It's even better when I get to tell their buddies yes to a proposal and give an example of what not to do without using names.
In general you have some good points.

In this specific cases, from the one side we hear, the fella was giving the kids some real deals - mentoring them, helping them out, giving them that step up at his own expense.

With such a deal the reciever of the deal often is considered to have some obligation back; return the favor.

He tried to help them farm a little better/ quicker/ more solid footing. The kids saw imeadiate dollar signs and threw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak, throwing away that sound footing and start they had been offered.

Certainly their choice to make, but it's frustrating to see that happen when you work hard to try to help them out.

I think your points - good ones many times - don't so closely apply to this situation?

Otherwise, to follow your thoughts closely, there never would be a reason to ever give anyone a hand, ever help anyone out, ever mentor or advise anyone?

This situation was about helping someone out, and having that help thrown away.

I can understand the frustration of it but it doesn't make all or even most young people crooks or untrustworthy. I see alot of older people who drive like total idiots but I cannot label all baby boomers as not knowing how to drive. In both of these cases it does not sound any different than how a company would work or a well versed businessman. When you go to sell something, do you yourself want to lose money? I'm betting they get their BMW repossessed so who wins in the long run anyway. They could have gone about selling them differently but after you sold them its theirs.
(quoted from post at 16:17:29 09/06/12) I can understand the frustration of it but it doesn't make all or even most young people crooks or untrustworthy. I see alot of older people who drive like total idiots but I cannot label all baby boomers as not knowing how to drive. In both of these cases it does not sound any different than how a company would work or a well versed businessman. When you go to sell something, do you yourself want to lose money? I'm betting they get their BMW repossessed so who wins in the long run anyway. They could have gone about selling them differently but after you sold them its theirs.

You are so right, Buckeye; you'll make yourself crazy if you fixate on everything that doesn't go how 'you' would have done it. I been down that same road with both friends and family, and until I convinced myself that it was theirs to do with whatever they wanted, I missed sleep, angered over trivial things and generally was just miserable to be around.
Read, recently that from the time we are teens and even younger, that because of the rapid body growth we experience, our brain wiring can get scrambled. This often does not straighten out until we are about 25. Of course this varies a lot between people. A lot of us do fool things when we are young and later are very reliable. Others, like me keep right on our whole lives being foolish. The two young men described may not make it farming but likely could have successful careers at Bain Capital.
I'm 25 and have learned somethings. I never got anything handed to me by anyone, no deals nothing. Rather pay the proper price. Made me a better man. Others that had been given a break by members of YOUR GENERATION are the ones that use and abuse other people. Its called spoiled. At least I can say I got my things fair and square .
Over the last 10 years I built multiple houses, barns and farm infrasture. Therefore I had to deal with dozens of sub-contractors.

During the first year I found out that the guys that dwelled on their religion, how much they went to church, how much they gave to the church, were the ones to lookout for. After a while I realized that with a few shady charaters all that religious talk is a smoke screen for double dealing.

Conversely, I've had many really fine, honest, reliable sub-contractors that only later, I found out were very religious, but they never mentioned it, just practiced their religion quietly.

Age of the contractor had nothing to do with it.

It was an interesting (and sometimes expensive) lesson for me. It waves a red flag when I hear it especially when he is angling to get the job.
I can agree to a point about the title of this subject. I personally would opiene that about 80% of generation Y are becoming more greedy by the day & most of there actions are knee-jerk & without honor. The other 20% seem to have a grasp on what it takes to be a responsible individual. Then there are the converts who, A: Don't understand why they have to put so much effort into things & B: Eventually understand that's no way to live & vice-versa. If you look back through the generations, the numbers indeed change.... for the better, mind you. Turn the clock forward & things will be getting worse. Bad enough that I chuckle at the thought of the question, "Why, how much worse cant it be?". You'll see, hee hee! You'll see!

So, in the mean time, while the world goes to heck & further, keep your eyes peeled for that nth percent. It may get to the point where there's only one person that lives with honor & hopefully they will teach someone.

OR maybe I'm just Crazy.


P.S. Take care of that back of yours!
Man Edd you got that right. Whenever we had a church bus come in the shop. We would run and lock up our tool boxes. I had a set of micromiters stolen by some of the good folks. Amazing what they would steal. Buddy of mine lost his impact wrench and a 1/4 inch socket to them.
It really surprises me that NO one has (yet) bothered to mention anything about the "one condition" under which JDseller sold the tractor to the kid.

JDseller:.... "He asked to buy it back. I told him I would sell it back to him on [b:5d308bc12b]one condition[/b:5d308bc12b]. That was if he ever got hard up for money that I would get first chance at buying it back."

At my age, a man's "word" is worth more to me than his money.
The bottom line to me is both these "kids" made a deal albeit a verbal one. Rationalizations about capitalism don't count. For most people they would have to break their word once and that would be it. The word of the misdeed would spread like wildfire. The crooks that operate on the basis that you can only hold them to what you have on paper will find a way to delay justice. They are the ones that have their lawyer on speed dial for "slander."
You know that seems to be the point Dave 2 was getting at earlier yet everbody kept jumping him about and calling him socialist.
Please don't read my question as any kind of attack or being aggressive. I mean zero disrespect. It's just a question. What part of "without honor" did you miss in my post? In both of JDsellers instances, neither kid had any common sense or respect. Indeed it is their (the kids) right to sell & do as they please, but it's one of those freedoms that's a catch-22 & is usually cashed-in on by those who are more greedy & a bit sharper. Not that there's a whole hill of honor there, either & the kids may or may not have learned something.

I also agree with your statement of ""word" is worth more to me than money". It sounds a bit like my perspective that a person's worth is what they know & do & the amount of respect they have. Not what's in there pocket.

The biggest shyster that I ever worked for began every meeting with a prayer to bless him and the company - and then immediately would start plotting how to cheat the customers, stockholders (most of them family), creditors, employees and banks.
(quoted from post at 09:43:41 09/06/12) It really surprises me that NO one has (yet) bothered to mention anything about the "one condition" under which JDseller sold the tractor to the kid.

JDseller:.... "He asked to buy it back. I told him I would sell it back to him on [b:21d9d8154c]one condition[/b:21d9d8154c]. That was if he ever got hard up for money that I would get first chance at buying it back."

But, the condition was; 'if he got hard up for money'. Apparently, he wasn't hard up the money and just wanted to make a nice profit.

i.e., the CONDITION wasn't met.
I've found over 73 years that the "it's-all-about-me" folks are found in all age groups, walks of life,and income levels. When they show their hand to me or someone I know I just avoid them from then on.

I sorta agree with you as lately I seem to see more of these folks in that age group.
Your title should read that it does not pay to help "SOME" of todays younger generation. As in every generation, some are garbage and some are very good people.

Be confident that you did the right thing to honor the old folks, but the two air heads did the dishonor to you and the parents / grandparents.
Dont let a few experiences like this harden your heart to the good young people, their are plenty of them out there.

Whats even worse is that a few times I have been used and abused by jerks like that, and I have turned my anger on the next young guy to show up, and more often than not he got a verbal beating or treatment that he did not deserve. Now I was the jerk and felt even worse.

All you can do is try to get a fair idea of the persons character from that first encounter and try to act accordingly, knowing that your going to deal with a lot of good folks and a few real jerks.
Just do not let the jerks bother you so much that you begain to treat everyone as a jerk, thats bad for you and bad for the good guys.

Im 63 years old, and that is how my life has settled in.
When you give a gift, it belongs to the recipient. If it doesn't belong to them, to do with as they choose, then you didn't really GIVE it to them.

When you sell an item, once it's paid for, it belongs to the buyer. If it doesn't belong to them, to do with as they choose, then you didn't really SELL it to them; you only "rented" or "leased" it to them.

And people make judgement calls that we may not agree with every day. It's their lives, not ours, and their place to make their mistakes. We can advise them, we can offer to help them...but I still think that if they choose not to take our advice, or our offer of help...if we get all mad about it and run off and either pout or pizz and moan, it reflects badly on US, for not handling the situation like the mature adults we allegedly are.

Now, if it was family members involved...then you might have a right to be irritated if they don't take your advice or your offer of help. Outside the family, last I heard, this was AMERICA, and we had the RIGHT to choose our own course on most things...and we even have the RIGHT to be WRONG, last I heard.

The wise man doesn't make a "federal case" of it if someone hurts his "widdle feelings" like this; he simply keeps his mouth shut, learns from it, and doesn't offer that same person the same generosity in the future. Crying over spilled milk--especially SOMEONE ELSE'S milk--may signify that we haven't managed to grow up yet, and to mind our own business when the message is that clear that our "help" isn't wanted.

Don't get mad, don't get even...just get wiser, and move on. THAT was my point. No matter HOW generous an offer is to "mentor" or "help" someone else, they are usually under NO OBLIGATION to take the offer, simply because it's offered.
I think some of you are missing the point. JD put time, money and effort in doing something for someone else. When I do that I expect them to at least acknowledge it. Anything less is disrespectful. I've gone out of my way to help people to have in turn slight me in some way or another. I can understand JD being upset about it. It's not just young people. But I see more young people doing it than older ones. You get one chance with me then you are on your own. And yes sometimes you just need to vent.

The tractor I see as a bum deal - the fella sold it to the kid at a big discount under the condition he gets to buy it back before anyone else.

That seems a real argument to me?

The fella with the 2 wagons is just going down the wrong path a bit, and it's disappointing to see that when you tried to help him, I can understand venting on that a little? But you are right on this one, it's just water under the bridge, everyone will move on and see how things go.

For the most part I understand what you are saying and a good way to look at things.

Save maybe on that tractor deal, that was wrong, kid went back on his word as the deal is presented to us. What I'm hearing you say maybe is the fella should have offered to sell the ttractor to the kid for full value or pound sand, whatever the kid wanted. I'm not sure that woulda been a real good situation either, tho fair enough.

I bought a Ford 5000 tractor at auction a few years ago, 2 nephews came over & told me a few things about the tractor; one kid came over & said 'Take good care of grandpa's tractor' as I was strating it up.

That kinda sticks with me every time I change oil or look it over. :)

"Piggy backing" JD Seller's line of credit at the Co-op is no small favor in my mind. The 3020 could have gone to some jerk that would have said : "too bad but I am not selling." He's got every right to be upset regardless of what some may say.
I wanted to add that I do feel bad for JD. He did put himself out there and got taken advantage of. That will happen with any generation. But it's not just us youngins. Keith- 21 full time college student and part time "farmer"
(quoted from post at 10:21:34 09/06/12) You know that seems to be the point Dave 2 was getting at earlier yet everbody kept jumping him about and calling him socialist.

Don't bother........ They'll just all jump in and tell ya just how the two situations are different.......... Let em shower their pitty and praise on those that silicate it....
I take offense the the generalization that the younger generation is worthless. I started my current job at the age of 19 I am now 26 will be 27 in November. I also started milking cows and 14. My current job is a union mechanic job working for a fairly large trucking company that is nationwide. I currently own 5 older tractors a skid loader and closed on my first house and 4ac last year on November 18. So i think I'm doing pretty well. Have 2 pickups one paid off and has been for 3yrs the other one has a couple years left but is paid up to December. The credit cars is paid off completely almost every month. I would love to start farming more then just the small amount of hay I'm doing now have somewhat of a plan for that but gonna take a little time have things that have to come first and probably going to start milking cows again for extra money to pay for the start into farming

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