concord grapes

there is a old arbor of them in pa,we never did much with them, Saturday I picked some and looked up a recipe, putting one cup of grapes and 1/4 cup of sugar and fill the qt jar with water and process 40 minutes, let it sit for at least a month ,then strain it you have grape juice, Anybody ever try it? We also did 5 qts of the sweet bell pepper slices this afternoon too.,
i dont know but water grapes sugar = wine will that start to ferment and blow up? just asking or will the processing stop this?
We have done them, makes great grape juice. We still have some left from last year, almost time to make some more.

You will like it. My mom used to make homemade juice and jelly from Concord grapes. Very good stuff!
We tried to make wine from some when we were kids, couln"t wait long But we had some dam fine grape juice.
We have made & canned grape juice for many years using the same method my parents used. Pick & stem the grapes, add to a large pot with about 4" of water and cook until the grapes pop and the whole pot is liquid. Then strain thru an old pillowcase. We hang the pillowcase from the ceiling in the basement because it will drip for a day or so into a pan. Then add sugar to the juice to taste and can it. We usually dilute with water before drinking, just our preference. Makes great stuff, even the kids like it.
You just do not have enough grapes in that jar for a pie, better than the juice but before ours were all gone would squese the grapes to get the seeds out and can the juice and pulp and would make good pies like that. Wish I had some now. Vine has been gone perhaps 15 years, could be longer. No more grapes on the shelf.
I purchased a comercial grade ss juicer, a five gallon bucket of grapes, stems, leaves and green ones are not a problem. Just ten munites {per five gallons of grapes in the raw}, and pure grape juice comes out. A real boys toy if there ever was such a thing.

The lady found them new for around $2,500.00, I got this one at a auction for one hundred and thirty.

I could be wrong, but I think I used the same ratio, and did the same as you, except I warmed the jars in the dishwasher, and then just added boiling hot processing needed. One in fifty did not seal, but it sure cuts down on the effort.

I simply used my uper lip to keep from drinking the grapes (results may varey)

24D took out the grapes a few years ago, so it has been a few years since I did it.

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