Being Tolerant of Others


Well-known Member
A while back my Wife forgot something major around the house. I can't remember what it was paying a bill or forgetting to get something from the store. Our 13 year old Son was watching and spoke to Me later about why I did not make a big deal about it. So I explained to him. I was not perfect and forgot things and made mistakes every day.But I was working being perfect and when I arrive I was going to give everyone that made mistakes a real hard time. He thought about it for a few seconds then replied "Dad if You do that you won't be perfect". I told him that's the point none of us are. That is why we need to be tolerant of others.
Whether it be spelling, grammar, or if we post in the wrong place I think we all could be a little more forgiving.
those teaching moments don't come as often as we parents would like them to. From his thoughtful reply sounds like you're doing a fine job!
I agree. This is not an English, grammar or journalism forum. Its a place where people can ask questions, share stories and experiences.

Many of the people on this forum have advanced college degrees, many don"t. Not holding a college degree does not make you stupid.

As I said in one of the earlier posts about the self-appointed grammar police, while I am good at English and grammar (not so good at typing), its not my place, nor am I interested in correcting any of the grammar and I spelling errors I see on this forum.

The folks that post here get their message across and that"s really the point. So just let it be.
(quoted from post at 06:57:39 09/03/12) The folks that post here get their message across and that"s really the point. So just let it be.

Well said Nancy. If I believe that I can add input to their question, I will answer their post, regardless of spelling or grammar.

As I had posted before, "I could care less how anyone spells or the type of grammar used on this board". I worry about myself.

Kinda like teacher who was sick. A kid sent her a real nice hand written sympathy letter. Teacher sent it back with spelling etc. corrected.
You get bonus points for that attitude! Good on ya!

There is a mindset in this country of late, "tolerance toward others, so long as they're just like me". Liberals accuse conservatives, and conservatives accuse liberals. Push comes to shove, NO ONE POLITICAL VIEW or social class seems to be totally immune to this ailment. It's up to us as individuals to set a good example and rise above the name calling and finger pointing. If someone feels they're just so danged perfect that they cannot tolerate faults of others, THEY THEMSELVES have problems that others may find intolerable.

ie....Look at one's self in the mirror before criticizing others.
I believe in live and let live and to each their own. If a person asks a question I try to be respectful and helpful and NOT embark on a personal attack if the spelling is incorrect or the question isnt perfect THERES NO SUCH THING AS A DUMB QUESTION, ONLY A DUMB ANSWER LOL.

You can always tell who is loosing an argument, thats the one who starts personal attacks and name calling instead of addressing the actual issue and making a logical argument. Such as ""well youre just a racist bigot or homophobe"" end of discussion, no more discussion on the merits, subject CLOSED...

I also believe if a person owns a tractor or whatever its their tractor, their money and their own choice as to how a certain thing is done NOT ANYONE ELSES

The abundant progressives are often the people who preach about tolerance and respect for opposing views and that we should celebrate diversity and NOT impose our values on others, but that was my thinking long before all that rhetoric. I wouldnt impose my values on them and hope in return I'm treated the same.

Soooooo yall take care now n God Bless

John T
WHATT??? Out a bunch of stuff on a tractor board that is full of life lessons and good stuff. The world just may end. Where is Dave 2??
[b:04629c7c9e][color=red:04629c7c9e]You can always tell who is loosing an argument, thats the one who starts personal attacks and name calling[/color:04629c7c9e][/b:04629c7c9e] instead of addressing the actual issue and making a logical argument. Such as ""well youre just a racist bigot or homophobe"" end of discussion, no more discussion on the merits, subject CLOSED...
John T

I agree ....... Like this post........

[color=blue:04629c7c9e]I bet your parents are real proud, do us a favor tie an anchor to your dumbazz and jump in a lake our lives will be much simpler if you and people like you would take this advise.[/color:04629c7c9e]
Just how is this "TRACTOR RELATED?"

Ahhh c"mon ya know someone had to say it, I was just first is all.
the direct casualty of 'tolerance' toward everything, is public shame. Public shame was a method our society used to keep people from doing harmful things that did not require arrest or incarceration. Public shame got labeled as bullying. Now gov. legislation is expected to do the job. Right. So, use your tolerance wisely. For every action, there is an equal but opposite re-action.

I was about 10 and sent a postcard to my Grandmother once. I received an earful when I saw her the next time due to: poor sentence structure and incomplete sentences. The fact that I was trying to write as much as possible in a small area wasn't a good enough excuse. On that note, we once went to Nathan Hale's homestead (American revolutionary spy), and I got to listen to Gram explain to the tour woman that he was hanged and not hung to death.

sammy, I think the other post was becoming too personal in attacks. Personally, I thought it was becoming old and pointless.

RBinSC: Right on man. You are like my relatives in SC. I can only try. At 68, may be a little late to start. Dave
Great parenting moment. Good job on the husbanding as well - for not losing your cool.

Agreed 100% regarding people's spelling. It does not matter one fig to me if someone is a poor speller or a poor keyboardist. I just enjoy the discussion. I would not correct someone's spelling, nor would I correct their pronounciation if conversing with them in person.
AGREE..I am a poor speller, and don't always us the correct grammer. But I can do about anything else, and all my friends and neighbors still say thanks you, and I also say thank you to them. Heck I use to be good looking, but that is one change that did happen.
Been saying that for years. The best way to breed more generations of stupid people is for others to be afraid to speek up when they see someone doing something stupid for fear of hurting their feelings. It's better to hurt their feelings and them to realize what they are doing is wrong, and change their behaviour, than to keep doing wrong and become just plain stupid...because they don't know any better.....
I'm pretty tolerant of people as long as they don't make a lot of noise, trespass on my property or try to get money from me.

[u:27b2de65e1][b:27b2de65e1]Don’t shoot! [/b:27b2de65e1][/u:27b2de65e1] I type this with one finger on the keyboard, my tongue in my cheek, and the frequent use of “spell check”. :)

I try not to be judgmental or bigoted but if I posted a question concerning a fluid power system on my Tractor and there are two answers, one of them diagnosing the fault in detail with a “spot on fix” that will quickly and inexpensively solve my problem but the poster spelled Hydraulic (Hydrolic) along with committing several other deadly sins regarding spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Next along comes the second response written by Dr. I Spell Good professor of creative writing.

This word smith not only spells hydraulic correctly but the entire manuscript is so well written it seems to weave a tapestry in ink, and it brings tears of joy to my eyes; my first instinct is to frame this work of literary art and hang it in a place of honor on my living room wall.

The good Doctors lengthy dissertation includes the use of cutting torches, very large hammers, and preferably a large Track Hoe to invert the entire tractor while applying seemly brutal maneuvers to the radiator.

Now my dilemma is whose advice am I going to heed?

I tell you what good folks; I got to spend some serious thinking time on this problem and maybe I should look up my old college textbook “Problem solving through Analytical thinking”. :?

Agreement on issues is not the point, or always even a desirable conclusion. It is not even necessary to respect others opinions; but it is important that we respect everyone right to have their opinions. :!:
Given the great expense, effort, time and sacrifice. To run a posting through the spell checker prior to hitting the send button.........................
I have stayed out of this type of bull honkey. I am 83 yrs old and have alwqy been a horrible speller with correct gramar, puncuation following close behind. The computer and internet are outlets provide a feeling of still being s little useful. Spell check is wonderful, but does not help your ability to spell. Then has years have gone by you find that your finger decterity is gone. They keep moving the location of the buttons on the keyboard and you have all of the double hits. My wife of 62 years has spent the time trying to get my spelling and grammar correct She has not succeeded we love each other and go down the road together. TAKE A DUTCHMAN FOR WHAT HE MEANS NOT WHAT HE SAYS. gitrib
(quoted from post at 19:36:43 09/03/12)
[u:baf4d22b97][b:baf4d22b97]Don’t shoot! [/b:baf4d22b97][/u:baf4d22b97] I type this with one finger on the keyboard, my tongue in my cheek, and the frequent use of “spell check”. :)

I try not to be judgmental or bigoted but if I posted a question concerning a fluid power system on my Tractor and there are two answers, one of them diagnosing the fault in detail with a “spot on fix” that will quickly and inexpensively solve my problem but the poster spelled Hydraulic (Hydrolic) along with committing several other deadly sins regarding spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Next along comes the second response written by Dr. I Spell Good professor of creative writing.

This word smith not only spells hydraulic correctly but the entire manuscript is so well written it seems to weave a tapestry in ink, and it brings tears of joy to my eyes; my first instinct is to frame this work of literary art and hang it in a place of honor on my living room wall.

The good Doctors lengthy dissertation includes the use of cutting torches, very large hammers, and preferably a large Track Hoe to invert the entire tractor while applying seemly brutal maneuvers to the radiator.

Now my dilemma is whose advice am I going to heed?

I tell you what good folks; I got to spend some serious thinking time on this problem and maybe I should look up my old college textbook “Problem solving through Analytical thinking”. :?

Agreement on issues is not the point, or always even a desirable conclusion. It is not even necessary to respect others opinions; but it is important that we respect everyone right to have their opinions. :!:
Just exactly why isn't turn about fair play? Why aren't the abundant/progressives "tolerant" of the judgmental and bigoted among us??? If not, then I will not be tolerant of them either!
(quoted from post at 03:37:28 09/04/12)

Just exactly why isn't turn about fair play? Why aren't the abundant/progressives "tolerant" of the judgmental and bigoted among us??? If not, then I will not be tolerant of them either!

I just believe that the posts should retain at least what I call “Coffee Shop Civility”, in other words if we post as we would talk to one another in the coffee shop and not resort to name calling then the post usually has some intrinsic value. I cannot remember any of your posts that violated the coffee shop civility principle so I don’t believe your “intolerance” is running amuck. Another peccadillo I do notice in passing, is people that try to hide their regular posting handle by posting as a guest, again I don’t think that is your style. :)

At this time I don’t feel qualified to answer the “[color=red:7ba97b6aa2]Why aren't the abundant/progressives tolerant[/color:7ba97b6aa2]” I guess I thought the terms [color=red:7ba97b6aa2]“abundant/progressives” [/color:7ba97b6aa2] and[color=red:7ba97b6aa2] “tolerant” [/color:7ba97b6aa2]were mutually exclusive terms so I beg your indulgence while I research that part of the question. :lol:

[color=red:7ba97b6aa2]“Just exactly why isn't turn about fair play?” [/color:7ba97b6aa2] I think that to sink to the level of intolerance shown by some of the posters would not make us respect our selves very much.

There are people who post here that give some very good advice in many areas; but their ego tempts them in to posting about things that are outside of their field of knowledge; but their posting track record has earned my respect enough, that I am going to read their posts with due diligence.

When two or more of these types of posters disagree and get into a running gun battle, we can all follow along and maybe do a little extraneous research. Many times I will come away learning something new. Disagreements often lead to discovery. Yes even as a 73 year old washed up has been learning something new still excites me.

When the intelligence gets drained out of the conversation and the name calling starts all that I glean out of those posts is that Mr. X thinks that Mr. Y is a big jerk and a moron, and that Mr.Y thinks that Mr. X couldn’t spell “Cat” correctly with his eyes shut so he is an illiterate moron. There is not really much that I can learn there, most of those name I have already heard or been called, so it just not a learning experience for me, just a pointless waste of time and bandwidth.

I expressed my general thinking on Spelling, punctuation, and grammar in a previous topic a few days ago.

Respectfully yours ex 450 owner. (An elderly, conservative Midwest dweller and darn proud of it).

P.S. I am off to look for that Pony in some of the other postings; I just know he is in there somewhere.

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