OT - Pumpkin crop


Well-known Member
I planted a pumpkin patch so the nephews could come out and pick their own pumpkins for halloween this year, rather than going to the "pumpkin store."

Most of the pumpkins are orange, and the vines are dying off. Halloween's still two months away...

Will they make it that long?
They did a news story about that here just the other night. A grower had a whole field that was orange. He said he thought they were going to be alright. Said some varieties will last better than others though.
If the vines are dying, go out and cut the stems free of the vines now on all mature pumpkins. If the weather gets wet disease will enter through the vines as they break down . Protect the pumpkins from hard freezes if that is a possibility in you area. They should cure fine in the field till you want to pick them. I grew pumpkins as a crop for quite a while untill the deer began getting more of them than me.
You may lose some to rot, but most should be ok. My brother got his in really early this year and his are ready now but he doesn't open until mid september. he's already losing some to rot and it's only gonna get worse for him.

That said he's got a great looking crop this year and has lots of big pumpkins.

Donovan from Wisconsin
If your are like the ones I had no they will not last that long. I had 8 nice size pumpkins. 3 got eaten by he wood Chuck 2 rotted on the vine and the rest I baked and then froze for later
You will have some that won't make it. If the wheather would stay cool and some what dry they hold better. We raised them for 24 years and the one thing we hated to see was a rainy fall because our field was mostly flat they would rot where they touched the ground. Several years we pick all the nice ones and put them in a large barn with a dirt floor. It saved the best of the crop. It is always fun to see the little kids get all excited to see so many pumpkins.
My better half scratches GK names in the growing pumpkins when they are still soft, before they turn orange. They can check progress of "their" pumpkin each time they visit.
(quoted from post at 06:04:58 08/31/12) I planted a pumpkin patch so the nephews could come out and pick their own pumpkins for halloween this year, rather than going to the "pumpkin store."

Most of the pumpkins are orange, and the vines are dying off. Halloween's still two months away...

Will they make it that long?

They will not last if the vines are dying from powdery mildew. I would pick and put them some place out of the sun.

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