8 X 4 = 23#-9OZ Garden pics

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
Well I put 4 Yukon golds, 4 Red Pontiacs, 4 Turnips,4 ears if corn, 4 Big Boy Mators, 4 Onions, 4 Garlic Bulbs, and 4 Beets in a box on the scale. They weighed 23# 9ozs. Our gardening season has peaked and we are well into harvesting canning, drying, freezing, pickling, and dehydrating. The green bean crop was harvested for the last time last week,but we're waighting on the dried beans. the tators and beets were dug. Onions and garlic has been drying for two weeks now. The summer squash and zuccini are all but history. The Mators are ripening slow, but the "big boys" we planted are huge, many a # each. We put up around 100qts. of V8.5 juice each year. The cabage is ready to harvest and make slaw and krout from. Our red bell peppers are now turning red also, and the Kohrobie is softball size. They and the celery should be ready when the maters ripen to make juice. We have plenty of stewed mators and sauce left from last year. The winter squash "hubbards, and hubernuts" are putting on the lbs. daily. The wifey and her sister have been fishing in the farm ponds, and we have about 20 meals of bass and trout in the freezer as well. If we're lucky, we will also have some venison to carry us through. We don't plan on spending much for food at the grocery this comuming year, although that other things we need from there are still spendy. I'm going to have to grow some hops and talk the uncles on the farm into growing some barley next year so I can make my own Barley Pop next year. LOL
Life is good Loren, the Acg.








very nice, glad to see such a bountiful harvest. My wife would like your V8.5 recipe if you care to share! email is open.
really nice! you live the life that most of us dream about,! When you make the v8 juice does it have to be pressure canned? I only have a water bath canner,,,,, Thanks for the nice pictures and so glad to see all is well,its always nice to see your pictures they are inspirational!!!
Great looking produce . Looks like you will be eating real well this Fall & winter .
Especially if you get your Deer .

That's a big haul. Looks like your set. Your wife fishes and prepares dinner from said fish? Hmmmm...never heard of that.
You are good to go with your HWB canner. The wifey and I just finished freezing 16 qts of corn from our two 4X12' boxes that we planted. We have been picking a few ears each night to have for suppers this week, also. The remainder will probably be nubbies, but they fit in my belly also. LOL
Tell me thats a can of Genesee Beer in the last picture!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, all the vegetable pictures are look good too. Very nice gardens. Just finished my first batch of pickled zucchini. Will be doing more soon.

That;s a Genny all right, the lifes blood of northern NY, or at least it used to be. These days you can get other brands cheaper so the roadsides aren't littered with "red bullseyes" so much.

Very nice! Boy, you and your wife keep busy. These pics make me wish you were my mom and dad... figuring you must share with the kids!

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