OT - Silly Squash Question


Well-known Member
These two squash came off the same plant tonight.
Skin is rough on one, the other smooth as a baby's bottom.
They've been like this all summer. Some very rough,
rougher than corn on the cob. Some smooth. Same plant.
Just wondered if anyone knew why.
They taste the same either way!

did the rough one take longer to mature???
I don't really know.
I haven't paid enough attention to them I guess.
We usually have a look each evening and say something like
"that one should be ready in a day or two" but not much more.
Might have to look more closely!
The lumpy squash was polinated by a bee that visited a lumpy squash first, the smooth ones were polinated by smoothe squash. Just genetics. Jim
You have two different varieties. They have cross pollinated. So you get two different ones on the same plant like Jim stated.

People are the same way... nuttin to worry about...

2 sisters, same parents,one a doll, and the other looks like a mud fence in a hailstorm...... just happens sometimes...
But I have to a agree its most likely
"hey brother from a different mother",
Or they are "step" bro's with different
"Baby Daddies".

Just got back to reading the responses.
That's down right funny UD!
I won't lie, we were setting here laughing our azzes off at it!

PS I'm the honest one, she's the politician!
I'm going to run with the cross pollination theory.
I only have one variety actually. All came from the same seed.
But that doesn't mean that the seed was pure, or that the bee
did not visit the neighbors garden before coming to mine.
Just seemed weird. Same plant, same day, etc.

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