90 wt. oil price?!

I need to put 13 gallons of 90 wt or 80-90. I honesty don't care at
this point but at $70 for 5 gallons I might let the tractor sit till I
can find it cheaper. Any one know where to get it cheaper? Thanks

twice (plus) that here... We watch ebay and scarf up whatever we can find on oil and antifreeze....

You might try government surplus but I doubt you'll find any small quantities....

What's wrong with what you have? Can you filter and reuse?
The old owner mixed 90 weight and used motor oil. It was black
and way to thin. Leaked around the rear axel. Plus I figure I'm
"fixing" my tractor (not restoring) so I want to do it right and
change all fluids
Holy Slickems Batman!!!!!!!!! I just looked on Amazon.com and 70 bucks is CHEAP for 5 gallons...... Gotta be a better way..

But, $3.50 a quart is cheaper than what I can buy in the PX (tax free) here...
Keith, I looked all over for 90wt cheaper than $70 and could not find it...I bought 13 gallons of 80-90wt at Napa (same price as tractor supply and I trust Napa products more). I was talking with an old farmer here in upstate New York and he said when he was buying Farmalls back in the day (mainly M's, Super M's, and an MTA) that the dealers were recommending that you you mix different weight gear oil so you didnt have to suppliment with kerosene during the winter, so I wouldnt worry about the 80-90wt
check and see if tsc is having a sale on this week, i was in there buying a couple of bolts,and 2-3 guys were hauling 5 gallon jugs out five and six at a time. I didnt check the price but maybe i should have.
If you can wait awhile, try auctions. I got about 6 different jugs for a couple dollars. One was 80-90. Not much in it though.
In my area Auto Zone is selling 80-90 gear oil for $55.00 a 5 gallon bucket and Tractor Supply is selling it for $65.00 a 5 Gallon bucket.
There was a long thread on this, that I started on the Harry Ferguson forum by asking about lift pumps, and it went off into oils. 80-90 and 90 mineral are 2 different animals, atleast in winter, and if you are going thru 13 gallons of whatever this fast, you are far better off taking a few hours and fixing the leak, cause it sounds serious. At prices nowdays, you will be saving alot in the long run.

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