Classic sounds you don't want to hear in the shop

Uh-oh is what you really don't want to hear coming from the kitchen!
When we still had a young son here, he and I both heard an uh-oh coming from the kitchen- over one of Ma's homemade soup concoctions.
He and I both quietly requested sandwiches, or something hopefully safe.
I suppose uh-oh is really bad in an operating room, but chances are you won't be hearing anyhow.
That funky sound of a hammer hitting flesh ....... temporarily down to three working fingers on my left hand. Well at least its only temporary! :)
There's also that all-too-familiar "zing" that a fan blade makes on fingernails or screw drivers.
The crunch of the hood when someone forgets to lower it prior to raising the car on the lift. Once you hear it, you never forget it...

(German neighbor kid thinking to himself)... Oh god what does he want now! I sure wish he could learn how to fix his stuff himself.
Fire (department) pager going off ...means someone will be at a loss, really big loss if I don't hurry along with fellow FFs..!!
Tornado sirens, ...leaves you so helpless, nothing you can do besides going underground into the shelter...!
The solid stop of the engine the first time you turn it over after putting it all back together. Then thinking where it that 9/16 socket.
In the shop, in the field, it doesn't matter, the sound of a rod going through the side of a block is never a good sound.......
The sound of your heart going thump,thump when you pull seat out pickup freshly cut with cutting torch to find .22 shells in the crud inches from cutting torch flame was.Scott
Sound of turbocharger chunks hitting the metal roof, and the slow tick of cooling metal, after a failed dyno run.
When I worked at Sharpe Army Depot during Vietnam War we got bunch of D7 Cats back and we were scraping them pulling engines to save. I would cut the bolts with the torch to save time and about every other seat was piled up with lost shells of all kinds. These things made a loud bang right in your left ear.
WASSUP!!! (How my Bro-in-law usually announces his entry) That word usually indicates some of my tools are about to disappear.
Sound of one of the front crank pulley bolts coming out and hitting fan as the engine is reved to determine where the knock is coming from. Found it!
The sudden very loud BANG that could resemble that of both barrels of a 10 gauge shotgun, but turns out to be a battery exploding, acid covering you and everthing within 50 feet!
Telling someone to "shut it off" and then hearing "I DID" then the wind up of a run away diesel to 4-5000 rpms. Had to cut the plastic fuel line to stop it. That was a heart racer for 60 seconds.
Not in the shop, but could have been. The sound of a fan blade piece going through the hood, never to be found. That's why I never stand in next to a fan, while revving a motor. Stan
Somebody saying "Hello? Anybody here?" And then recognize the voice as being the town crook or lowlife.
James had to cut a battery cable once to shut off the starter to one of our tractors. Things were starting to smoke. That was a heart stopper, too.
My Mom used to hate it when one of us kids called home in the middle of the night. Was "is dad there" right after she said hello.

OK I admit it was only me that did that. :oops:

Or the one we kids used to hear " wait till your father gets home".

OK it was mostly me too. :shock:

It meant the Chit was going to hit the fan, because the sound he hated the most was "do you know what your kids did today?" in the most nastiest tone of voice she could muster.

Was the first thing out of her mouth, right after he walked in the door from a 45 mile commute from work. He already had a chapped azz, and we had the raw azz, right shortly there after. LOL

Lost Momma three months ago to cancer. But we used to laugh and laugh over that stuff, when ever we would get together for the Holidays
Cell phone ringing when my hands are full of grease or a wrench or whatever contortionist position I find myself in when the stupid thing starts ringing, and it's SWMBO or one of the kids with a stupid question.....
My sister asking if I will keep any eye on my 10 year old nephew while she goes to town for an hour or so and stays gone 8 hr.

Last time I had him sweep up and then he spent the rest of the day looking for a sky hook and elbow grease. He called my bluff on the lumber stretcher.
Just came in from the shop working on a combine part. Just had set down the side grinder and heard a very loud POP. Thought one of my 118 cans of potatoes exploded. Walked back to the rear and saw what was left of a 60 watt light bulb laying on the floor. At my age I don't need things to go POP.
Richard in NW SC
The "ping" of the check ball and spring flying across the shop and bouncing off the wall, when you take out an innocent-looking bolt on the tractor.
the words "I'll set it right up here so we'll know where it is"! around my place that means youll never see it until theres absolutly no way youll ever need that part again. then it goes into the "better keep it in case i need one box" that you have to move everytime to get to the part you need now.
My daughter started her car while she was talking to me on her cell phone. She was concerned because the check engine light had just come on. She got out of the car and I could hear a tapping sound. I got a flushed feeling and told her to turn it off. She did and I could still hear the tapping sound. It was raining and water was dripping on to something near the car. Oh what a relief that was. 355 miles away.
slightly off subject.
I lost the spring and the ball from a hydraulic jack. I still have it just incase I find the parts.
Ouch is the most common in my garage. Second would be I just set that there. Third is the sound of me setting a bolt, screw, spring, on the bench and then the ping as it falls and bounces 1400 different directions.
The sound of the windshield cracking as you work on the car.

Happened yesterday.
It's the sound of silence.....

Springs flying out....and never hearing the landing
Nut slipping out of your fingers, and you're in the tall grass
Torque wrench failing to register it's reading....cause the fastener just rotates
Seeing the bubbles in the tire tank, after you have repatched the patch.
Retracing your last steps in order to find that tool that you...set....right...(where?)
Running through your head, all the time lost due to a wrong part arriving
The brain gears spinning as you read the 15psi on the compression tester
Drain plugs taking a dive to the bottom of the bucket, make almost no sound

Ahhh...the joys of mechanical ownership! :shock:

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