Rust in my Diesel Transfer Tank

I have a 100 gallon transfer tank mounted on my truck with an electric pump to fuel my tractors. It is a rectangular shape from TSC and was almost new when I bought it. Apparently it had been used for a month or so to transport gasoline.

Now it has a lot of rust particles in the bottom. It has been increasingly worse to the extent the screen on the pump is getting clogged so it will not pump fuel. The filter sometimes has a rust colored tinge when I change it also.

My question is whether there is a way to stop the rust? Also how is the best way to clean out the accumulated rust? I have thought about putting the truck in a tilted position where the remaining fuel will be in a corner and then somehow pump or vacuum out the rest of the contents. But I wouldn't have any way to make the rest of the rust go down to the corner unless I had a source to pump fuel in there to make it run down.

Any ideas short of just taking the tank out and starting over. Thanks.

I couldn't believe how much rust I got out of a thirty gal. tractor tank after having it upside down for repair. I have had very good luck cleaning rust and crap from tanks by siphoning with a semi-rigid tube like the three dollar transfer units have. Would it be possible to slow the rusting by installing additional venting to reduce condensation?
My Dad had a 300 gallon above ground gas tank that he had quit using and it sat beside the machine shed for about 30 years before I decided to get rid of it. Scrap yard said they'd take it but it needed a foot square hole in the side so they could look into it. I took a cold chisel and a hammer and starteded cutting. That tank had a coating of rust inside that I couldn't believe. By the time I'd finished pounding away the rust was all on the bottom of the tank and the inside of the tank was as shinny as a new dime. Could have vacummed it out and used it if it hadn't been for the foot square hole in the side of it. Needless to say, the inside of the tank was very dry when I did this.

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