
We had a plow day in our area last Saturday, 28 tracters showed up and we plowed 30 acres in 2 hours. Then BBQed burgers and hot dogs and lots of pies and cakes. Lots of visiting to. I took some pictures but they didnt turn out very good. Its always fun to see city guys plowing, my Dad would have had a fit seeing the s curves they made
Yea the older generation prided themselves with straight furrows. I remember when I was a kid and Dad had to do a lot of plowing after dark. He mounted some big car headlights on the front of the tractor so he could see all the way across the field to keep the furrows straight. Seemed to be unnecessary, but yet was great to see they prided themselves to do the very best job they could.
believe it or not thats a hold over from the old horse farming days. most everyone can hold a tractor straight, but plowing straight using ahorse and walking plow is not real raise up to plow deeper,down for shallower, any raising or lowering of one handle or the other makes it veer off left or right.its an art i never did ever get good at!LOL straightest rows ive ever seen plowed anywhere was by a little twelve year old mennenite girl.
When I was a youngster we had a neighbor woman who said "You can plant more in a crooked row than a straight one".
I have a couple of stories about strikeouts.

#1: We had a neighbor that used to plow at night. When he had to make a new strike out one night, he hung a lantern on the neighbor's clothes line so he could line up from the other end of the 1/2 mile field and make a new strikeout. The neighbor went out and slowly moved the lantern back and forth the length of the long clothes line while the guy was making his strikeout. The plow guy got quite a razzing from the neighbors when they saw those furrows the next morning.

#2. When I was young, I stayed out very late with a girl. A half hour after I crawled in bed, Dad called me to get up and go plowing. When I got to the field, I couldn't even see the other end of the 1/2 mile field, let alone sight on something a mile away. I got razzed and chewed out both about that strike out! (I've forgotten the girl, but not that strike-out.)
Can remember my father alway had a certain team of horses he would use on the corn planter. Seemed certain teams walked a straighter line together. gitrib
yep,believe it or not my grandad traded a matched team of horses for nearly 500 acres in 1935 ( middle of dustbowl) he swore till the day he died the horses were worth more! take a matched team of the same hieght everything worked easier.
Shortly after we were married and I was still working in construction, I had to plow at night as well. My wife would go to the far end of the field and hold a flashlight for me to sight on. Didn't turn out too bad, field was right along the road and the neighbours were quite surprised how straight the furrows were. Got lucky for sure.
Plowing at night brings back memories. Like plowing in a long field (about a half mile) and the mind played tricks, seemed like if I thought about it I could confuse myself about "being lost" such as which way I was going etc. It was neat seeing the muffler glowing red.

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