Glued Meat A Product Of Our Global Economy?

Mark - IN.

Well-known Member
Someone sent me this YouTube video link showing what looks to be a legal process of gluing meat scraps, so to speak, together. Have any of you heard of this? It appears to be for real, and apparently is not a problem, unless you like your meat, beef, rare like I do. Then, apparently it has a potential problem because is not thoroughly cooked glue. Global economy a dangerous thing?

Is this for real? Anyone heard of this?

First pink slime, now glued meat?
'Pink slime' was very, very bad reporting by the news media to kill off a safe, good product that was what it was claimed to be.

Glued meat is a real problem, because it's represented as whole beef cuts. But it is not. Bacteria does not get 'in' meat, but it is 'on' meat, so as long as you sear the outside of a slab of beef, you are killing all the bacteria, doesn't matter if the inside is pink, no bacteria there.

But the glued meat can have bacteria on all the joints, and those joints don't get cooked in rare or even medium cooking. Thus, you get exposed to ptential bacteria.

There wouldn't be anything so wrong with the glue; but it's the way meat is handled, we cook ground up meat different than we cook slabs of meat. The glued meat is bits of meat but sold as a whole piece, and that will mess people up.

We farmers that sell beef should be a little more vocal in all this, and not allow our products to be manipulated in ways that hurt people.

We shoulda kept 'pink slime' and we shoulda got rid of 'glued meat'.

But, this is the society we live in, and of course the media does it backwards.

Either pink slime or glued meat are legal meat products that have their place in the market place. The only problem I have is when they are represented as something they are not. Even if I don't eat these products I do derive some benefit from them in the fact that they increase the yield from a beef cow, that increased yield should in theory mean more dollars for the producer or cheaper prices for the consumer
"Glued" meat is no more hazardous than hamburger, it has the same problems with bacteria being worked down into the patty or meatloaf as glued meat does. A steak or roast, etc. will only have bacteria on surface, but with hamburger it can be throughout the meat, so complete cooking is necessary , not just searing.
OK now that the "farmers" who are enjoying record profits from thier meat animals have been heard from.......what are they eating??? Meat that they got at the store or an animal they had butchered??????? Real easy to defend something that you are not eating when it's putting money in your pocket. Kinda like the GMO stuff!

Not surprising. they were trying to get two tooth branded as lamb,,$$$$$$, It is always lamb in the Supermarket, marvellous how large they grow.
Much ado about nothing, the media need some bogey man to distract from the real bogey man, that is stealing us blind- big government! Pressed chicken breast, sliced chopped ham, all of the products mentioned, have been around for years, and many are actually lower fat, than the whole cuts. Ban these, and meat prices will rise. I see nothing wrong, unless an unscrupulous butcher labels it as a whole cut. Butchers got nothing on the media, and politicians, when it comes to crookedness!
Glued meat (pink slime) has been around for decades. While it does not sound good I would challenge anyone to produce scientific evedence of harmful effects. The media is very good at manipulating your brain. If you believe the media crap you need a shrink.
Tanker, since you like to make baseless charges, provide proof anyone posting here on this subject is a person "enjoying record profits from thier (sic) meat animals".
When you train a public to want perfect uniform food products, then you get pressure to make all food uniform.

I think we're getting a bit far from our parents and grandparents times through the depression where they learned what was really important.
(quoted from post at 04:34:43 07/23/12) Tanker, since you like to make baseless charges, provide proof anyone posting here on this subject is a person "enjoying record profits from thier (sic) meat animals".

Bret you are right, should have said record prices, didn't think about the much increased operating cost.

I'm not blaming the farmer here, it's the ag business, food processors and FDA that I don't trust.

Lets put videos of sausage being made and see how many raise cane about that. What people have to realize is that there is a whole segment of society out there that think we all can be vegetarians/vegans. Plus hold hands with wild grizzly bears and wild wolves. They don't produce any of their own food. Could not grow anything but they are all "experts" on how it should be done.

Not one of them knows the real truth that if we all turned into vegetarians that there is not enough tillable land in the world to feed us. Humans have a terrible feed ratio.

It is real easy to complain about food stuff when you never have been hungry. There really has not been anyone starving in this country since the Great depression in the 1930s. I have seen several studies that the current campaign is BS that people are going hungry in the US. We have records numbers of US people that are over weight. I have not seen any starving kids in the news here in the US.

I have traveled in countries in the world where those people would be GLAD to have "pink slime" or glued meat. I have seen families that have not eat in a week.

I rescued four Vietnamese girls that where starving. The only thing they had to eat in weeks where a few snakes and some bugs. The oldest was 14 at the time. She weighted 42 lbs. Their parents and older brother where dead. None of the neighbors had food to share. The north would destroy all of the crops to force the villages to come to them for food. I bet none of you ever saw old Hanoi Jane talking about that on TV with Comrade Cronkite.
(quoted from post at 05:09:07 07/23/12) Sounds nasty who in the World would want to eat something like that,at least the Glue Snifers could snort before a meal.

Yup, they glue the meat together with JB WELD!

Get a grip. Whatever the "glue" is it's probably nothing more than simple collagen, which is in every piece of meat you buy.
We no longer butcher our own hogs of beeves but do buy pork shoulders to make our own sausage. If you have ever ground your own sausage you would realize that gound pork tends to self glue itself together without anything being added to it. If ground very fine, it glues back together to the the point of being hard and even tough.

People tend to complain the loudest about what they know the least about. Network news and newspapers are not the best places to get the true facts. They both thrive on sensationalism and half truths, not facts. Remember the Alar scam a few years ago, the news media like to destroy people and industries they don't agree with. Joe
'pink slime' is the sensationalized media buzz word for bits of red meat that comes from real fatty meat. It gets added to hamburger. It is pretty much the leaner part of hamburger pulled out of fatty waste, and not made any different than hamburger or chicken or so forth. It was a pretty good deal, but no more.

'glued meat' is smaller bits of meat held together with cologen to make a bigger piece of meat. Nothing at all bad about that in and of itself; except we in the USA are conditioned to not have to cook bigger slabs of meat very well. So the glued meat sets up a bit of a trap for unsuspecting people. You think you got a steak and prepare accordingly, when you actually have cubed steak held together. If you try to make rare or medium rare grilled steak out of the cubed stuff, you aren't preparing your meat properly. Consumers might not know.

It just goes to show you, if you want something done right, do it yourself. Don't be lazy, get off your @ss and do the work, be it sourcing good beef from a local, partner up with a few friends, go in on shares, or raise your own, personally, I won't deal with this crap, supermarket beef is something rarely bought in this house.

Besides the glue,(is it harmful or not) the point is, misrepresentation, are you getting 1 piece of meat, that you can cook like a steak or are you getting large chunk hamburger, that you think is steak, that you might grill, treat like steak and get nailed by bacteria or what have you, because it was not cooked through or treated like ground meat, because its label says steak. People "messin" with your food, I'd not want to be in your shoes if you sold me that and told me it was something different than it was, about the same as playing russian roulette with bacteria, highly disrespectful and to me that is the same as facing a combatant in a life or death situation, biologically, but the same in principle !

I assume this video originates from Australia ?

Don't matter, do the above, grow what you can in your garden, go to a farmers market and so on, who needs this mass produced garbage, especially when there is a resurgence of farmers markets, locally grown produce, livestock, sold in townships, and cities, both happen here and are the same distance as the darned supermarket! Heck, I have a beautiful farm stand near me, family owned, one of them own property adjacent, farmers market on Saturday in the town, and in the nearby city which is nice to go to. Near the other farm 30 miles north of here on the same road a local farmer has a tiny little store in an attached building, dairy and meats, locally grown, packaged, self serve, honor system, he leaves a till drawer, make your own change, camera is on ya tho, probably shoot you before you got off the premises if you stole, I think its awesome we have these things available to us, we did not before, what does that say about what people want ? Great thing is I can hit that place on the way home, kind of hidden and obscure, but I have met people coming over 30 miles to buy from them !

Problem is supermarkets make it too easy, and years back, we had an old school butcher who opened a shop, brand new building, he spent his life savings on it, rented half of the building out, offered the best quality meat you could buy, and one lousy supermarket right down the road put him out,of course there could have been other factors too, as I think now, but he did not give up, sold the building moved further out in the rural area, son followed in his footsteps, they have a meat locker, cutting area set up like a pro and butcher deer seasonally, and provide a good service for those who bring beef to him.

We do have some great local butcher shops again now though, and also a few that will process your venison, reasonably, with quality ingredients. Hot dogs, (frankfurters)are supposed to be made with the best meat, not filler by products, the butcher that makes them for me from venison adds pork, resulting in the best tasting dog, vacuum packed, $3 something a pound, bring him 15 pounds of venison, you get 30lbs of dogs for $60, better than any mass produced store bought dogs. Same with sausage. Maybe its not perfect, venison a little different than beef, but the easiest way for me to fill a freezer is filling all my tags, butcher each one immediately and freeze, there is my red meat for a year, and if for some reason it goes to waste, or I don't consume all of it, the deer are to the nuisance level. I do plant forage, they seem to finish nicely, I see what its in the stomach contents, grasses like oats that I have planted. I don't have to mend fences, have vet bill, worry about hay or feed. That source gets tainted, then I'd have to raise my own or buy from a local, either or, that eliminates this crap the way I see it.

People have to change their mentality and do the darned work.

The thing with vegans, as mentioned below, ah well, some are a little odd, some are sensible and there is a lot of health benefit, we have one in the family, but she's not an extremist, and will delve in other things because life is also too short not too, its more about being health conscious, within reason, some take it to a whole other level, into such orthodox manners about it, hard to comprehend living like that. If I could grow fresh produce year round, I would consume lots of it, who the heck can trust what you get in the store, red bell pepper, 13 different pesticide/herbicide, what about greens contaminated with salmonella or e-coli, you never know when the next batch of that comes out and where, I won't buy the stuff. This business model of mass produced food, with these now inherent risks, to me is broken and dysfunctional !

Farmers Markets, butcher shops, and similar have circumnavigated the garbage that can be found in a supermarket, just like craft beer did to mass produced brewers, they took high notice didn't they ? Many people don't want that crap anymore, some of the older generations are so used to it, they balk at it, don't give me any of that "funny beer", friends mom is like that, because that is all there was. Well its proven out, craft brewing is thriving right now, people will spend money on it to enjoy it at home, and not let a watering hole dictate what you can have and charge you double for it.

People need to wake up, you can put what you want on the table if you want to do the work, gee we see it all the time here, all the gardens and canning, sets a perfect example and is something I admire, also you can tell how proud people are of what they produce, that is what this country used to be about !!!!!!!!
Our Government is our protector and provider. Do you honestly think they would allow anything to harm us?.....................boohahahahahaha!
I think some people if the Industrial Ag and USDA said cowpiles are good to eat would head to the pasture field with a loaf of bread and a jar of mayo to make a sandwich.Things like this, growth hormones, GMOs and the like are why many people will pay a premium for Organic.Anyway it suits me I'm not eating the suff and I guess some will be eating cowpiles since it came from a cow it must be beef(LOL)
I guess its hard to complain about a Model T if one has had to walk all their life but still I don't want to drive a Model T I expect better today.Same with food for some reason Industrial Ag companies and apparently some farmers think they can force anything they want on the American Consumer whatever happened to "The customer is King"? If I don't want to buy a product all the reason I have to have is just that I don't want it.And millions are turning away from what mainstream Ag has to offer in the USA as witnessed by the explosion of the numbers of local food outlets being created where consumers can meet the producer and fine out how their food was raised and handled.Most organic and non GMO seed companies were sold out early this year and their biggest problem is keeping up with demand.
(quoted from post at 06:55:00 07/23/12)Not one of them knows the real truth that if we all turned into vegetarians that there is not enough tillable land in the world to feed us. Humans have a terrible feed ratio.

Are you trying to tell me that you actually BELIEVE that running corn through a feeder at a 7 to 1 conversion ratio makes the food system more efficient and yields us more food?!? Fact is that we could be far more efficient if we ate considerably less or no meat. You may not like to hear it, but it's true. That ground that grows feed grade corn and beans can also grow food grade corn and beans (or potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, cukes, whatever). We CHOOSE to eat the way we do - considerably more meat per capita than previous generations. Frankly, considerably more food in general per capita AND considerably less work than previous generations.

The connective tissue that is processed into lean finely textured beef (pink slime) was used in DOG food until they figured out a way to process it into human food. Meat glue is used to make $3 worth of stew meat into a $20 piece of "steak". Does that benefit you?

I'm not giving up beef, pork, poultry. I have 8300 laying hens on the farm and butcher some of the spent hens on site for my own use. I raise up my own hog to be butchered in the fall. I get a half of beef from my dad's farm whenever I need it (soon, I'll be buying my own to raise up). A large segment of the population cannot do this. They have to depend on the large processors that supply supermarkets. The more the large processors try to get away with, the more people are gonna find out about these tricks. The less people trust them, the stronger Animal Rightists will gain a foot hold in people's thinking.

You want to see more and more restrictions and bans in place like HSUS has been working on? Just keep on supporting and defending the "Big Business" side of food production.
If you cannot identify a steak then you probably will be satisfied by a glued up piece of meat.

There was nothing even in that hit piece to say that the product was bad.

Personlly I got sick of trying to find a good steak in this town that I buy the cryovac rib, strip or round and cut my own steaks then vacuum seal.

Last butcher closed up shop ten years ago so BJ's or Sam's supply our beef.

Well FarmerBOY: the feed ratio on a human is about 15 to 1 so yes it is going to take a lot more tons of food to feed everyone a vegan diet. Also you have not seen non fertilized yields. I can remember what we got per acre before commercial fertilizers came about.

I am willing to bet that I have seen a heck of lot more food and meat grow than you. Everyone makes it seem like we have thousands of people dieing from food problems today. When in fact there are very few food related deaths in the US any more. I can remember a milk fever out break when I was a kid. Twenty-five people died and few hundred where made severely sick.

Another big problem is that there is not enough labor to even think about growing the amount of product it would take to feed the whole nation a pure vegetarian diet.

It is easy if you have a high income to tell everyone how great it is to eat this or that. You can afford to spend much more on food than the average Joe. We have the lowest per person food cost in the world and people want to destroy the system that makes it possible.

Lastly, farmer BOY you have 8300 chickens on the farm. So that makes you a FACTORY farm. I think you should have to have everyone of those chickens in a twenty square foot pen by itself. With heat and AC. Now we all would agree that this would be a crazy thing to have to do but this is what is happening to the food supply. Your chicken industry is going to be regulated out of business or the country.
There was a significant thing mentioned in that piece - the fact that now you an have "steak" that has been contaminated throughout with bacteria. That is not a minor issue. As was mentioned before in this thread, real steaks, or any solid piece of meat can only be contaminated on the outside - easy to make safe by cooking. This is no longer true if your "steak" is made of of multiple piece of meat. You haven't heard on e coli issues with anything but hamburger, increased use of meat glue could change that.

But personally, I don't have a problem with meat glue - as long as it clearly labelled. Let the consumer make their own choice, but they can't make an educated choice unless they have the information they need. You should be able to eat any crap you want, BUT you should be able to know what you're eating...

So, you take beef fed at a 7 to 1 ratio and feed it to a human at 15 to 1 and you think that is a net gain? Might want to check to see if you carried the 1... Where'd you get the 15 to 1 anyway? I want a specific source for your number.

As I said, keep blindly defending the large corporations that do underhanded things like turning dog food into low grade human food or gluing stew meat and making it "steak" and see how fast the HSUS gets referendums passed to make me have to have 20 square feet per bird. You defend a low cost food system. A low cost food system doesn't make it a GOOD food system.

My hens have 1.75 square feet per bird in the barn and 2.5 square feet per bird outside the barn. I have the equivalent of a 40 cow dairy here. 8300 birds is the daily mortality number on a factory farm, bud. They have millions of birds on them. Good for you though, to be small minded enough to think you're doing well by making fun of my handle. If it makes you feel like a big man, fire away.

More to the point sir, you have no proof anyone responding is a livestock producer enjoying any kind of profit or involved in any area where their products are used off the farm. It was a baseless charge that had nothing to do with meat producers and seems to have been intended to discredit anyone with a differing opinion by painting them as a fat cat farmer producing unsafe products for maximum profit.
(quoted from post at 09:09:03 07/23/12) Our Government is our protector and provider. Do you honestly think they would allow anything to harm us?.....................boohahahahahaha!

So because the media reports it, it must be bad for us...

Do you honestly think that the media doesn't sensationalize things to make a story out of NOTHING?

Believe NONE of what you hear, and only half of what you see when it comes to the media and government. Think for yourself.
(quoted from post at 15:48:26 07/24/12)
(quoted from post at 09:09:03 07/23/12) Our Government is our protector and provider. Do you honestly think they would allow anything to harm us?.....................boohahahahahaha!

So because the media reports it, it must be bad for us...

Do you honestly think that the media doesn't sensationalize things to make a story out of NOTHING?

Believe NONE of what you hear, and only half of what you see when it comes to the media and government. Think for yourself.
Out of all the comments about meat glue this one is the only one to take to the bank. The rest is senseless panic driven pansy puke. GET A LIFE!

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