Garden Stuff

Going to be some blackberry pies this winter. ;-)
Looks great, no blackberries or rasberries at all for us this year. Only thing worth talking about for our garden is the tomatoes. However the fruit trees have done really well. Crabapples are getting close- will make some good wine.
(quoted from post at 02:57:37 07/23/12) Blackberries around here about the size of your little fingernail--no rain. Those look great.

Guess I should have explained the berries. They are tame berries that my cousin has in his garden. They were watered. Our wild ones didn't do much around here either do to the lack of rain.


PS: my wife is a pretty good pie maker! ;-)
The black berries in this area have long since dried up and are now getting to the point that they are dieing off fast. Now a month ago we where picking a gallon a day or more and I will be doing some black berry jam in the next few week I hope. Just did 10.5 pints of jalapeno jelly today
Just a question about berries: down here in my area (NW La.)we have what we call "dewberries". They look like the ones in the photo, they get about the size of your thumbnail, they're sweet and juicy---my favorite of any berry, bar none. They ripen in mid-May, and they grow wild on vines that run close to the ground. The best ones are usually hidden under the vines, down in the grass.

About a month later we have blackberries----also wild, but they grow up on canes. Big as your pinkie nail, and tart.

Just wondering how of you folks have dewberries, and far north they grow.
Dewberry is closely related to the blackberry according to Wiki.

also use the leaves for Tea.
I'm in SW Michigan and have tooooo many dewberries. I hate those vines!! Plan to get rid of some this fall. Dogs don't even like to walk through them.

Here are some tomatoes my wife grew in her Earth boxes. My garden looks terrible from the drought. If I get any tomatoes from the garden it will be later. Sure glad I'm not back on the farm. Your garden is producing well. Hal
it was a good year for blackberries here in Va - we picked a pile of them until the big storms hit. Most of our good patches were on power lines and got ran over by the crews fixing wires.

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