Tomato problems


Well-known Member
Having a little issue with my tomatoes and needing some help. They are doing very well and the plants are huge with tons of tomatoes on. Problem is ad they start to turn red, the bottoms turn black and rot out. Is this from not getting enough water? Kind of like a dry rot or something else?

Thanks, Brett
I wonder if it's the plant variety. I've had the same other years, this year I have Early Girl tomatoes and no bottom rot.

They need Calcium...

Dilute Milk about 4:1 and sprinkle around the root area of the plants...
Wet it in well and the rot should stop..

I will try the milk. I bought different ones than I normally buy and have never had this problem.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
I had that problem a few years ago, told it was blight, caused from water hitting the ground and splashing back up to the bottom of the tomato..Bob
We have had to water ours a lot this summer. Our well water is quite hard with calcium. Do you think that will prevent it? They are all green right now.
That's blossom end rot. Its caused by sudden changes in moisture which messes with the plants ability to take up calcium. Consistent watering and mulching are the best way to prevent it. I don't know if adding calcium salts after it starts will help or not. I've found eventually you'll get good tomatoes after the early ones are tossed out. I've got same problem with mine and I'm now starting to see some good ones getting ripe.
A handful of garden lime in the hole you plant them in. Too late now but do it next year. That will prevent the problem.
Bottom end rot - as said below, inconsistent watering. But I think it is more than just that, I think treated water with the clorine and fluoride don't help no matter how consistent you try to be. Once again why I won't fight a drought with a garden hose. You just can't beat a good ole' thunderstorm with lightning. We are trying to fight it with calcium too!
No that doesn't sound familiar. Beefsteaks, Romas, and something else but can't remember. So far only only the beefsteaks, not on the cherries.
(quoted from post at 01:42:33 07/22/12) Having a little issue with my tomatoes and needing some help. They are doing very well and the plants are huge with tons of tomatoes on. Problem is ad they start to turn red, the bottoms turn black and rot out. Is this from not getting enough water? Kind of like a dry rot or something else?

Thanks, Brett

When I plant i add a hand full of bone meal to each hole ( a tip I read here),,, that ended blossom end rot issues :D As stated it will get better I have not found anything that would help if you have it (even tried milk and dry milk) other than to wight it out...

Side note,,, dry milk is something poor folks get for free,,, its pricy... to rich for me... I think a box is $10 :shock:
end rot can be caused by this dry weather and you need to water them on a regular basses. I water every other night so as to not have water and sun at the same time and do not have any problems like that
hI. the problem is the soil needs calcium. buy a bottle of tumes crush them up in a sprinkler bucket with water. water your tomato plants with it . then water in good with garden hose. this will fix the end rot. you can also feed with ebson salts. makes them gro like mad.. J Patton Ohio. :D

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