OT: What Would You Do? Recap


Well-known Member
Thank you for your comments. I think some of you misunderstood, I asked what "You would do" I was not asking for advice. My daughter reported the incident as soon as She found it. I could not begin to tell all that her Uncle has been doing. Personally I am very angry that He has done all he could to keep her from getting what her grandfather left for her.He campaigned for years till he got me taken out of the will and then bragged about it. I guess it is sour grapes on my part.
This is a phenomenon, that shows itself in families when a person passes away, that I could never understand, its almost as if they predicate their life on receiving money or goods from an estate and so on vs. making their own path, or suddenly their true colors shine true once they (the vulture) lands on the carcass(estate) to claim it. Harsh way of putting it, but it happens all over, some of the underhanded things that go on, greed & selfishness, from the result of enduring manipulation, or just flat out being hoodwinked always does a number on family members, have seen it first hand numerous times. I see another on the horizon within a close friends family, boy how people change when someone dies.
Didn't speak to a brother for almost 30 years over a pair of boots and a belt...
Long story, but the gist of it, dad died and mom had a pair of boots and belt for me when I got home. Brother's wife started on this and that and he didn't correct her. Left the B&B and and figured it good riddance... email my brother now and then, but the wife and the kids they hatched are still just as bad......
it is a federal crime to steal over half a million dollars from any instituition, however

once you gain power of attorney over your mother/father due to their age then change the will to exclude your dead brothers children from their inheritance and give it to your children is perfectly legal

no more christmas cards for my aunt from me, she's gonna have some explaining to do when she meet her maker.......
Having settled several estates in my semi retired country law practice, I can tell you what I have seen happen more then once.

Mary lives next door to mom n works like a slave for years at no charge providing good care of her. Mom dies and kids come to me for legal assistance. Big shot brother from California who never came to visit mom steps in and wants charge of everything tellin everone what they should do and accusing Mary of taking advanatge of the rest of the family!!!!!!!!

I do some elder law practice and advise that Durable Financial Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Powers of Attorney (Appointment of Healthcare Representative) and Wills or Trust (or other methods of estate planning) and Living Wills be well drafted to take care of and avoid the type of situations above. Its one of those situations where a modest amount of money spent up front can save thousandssssssssssss in fighting later.

Take care yall

John T Country lawyer
what i would do is exactly as i said.works for me . wheather right or wrong?anyones guess...what you do after all the dust settles is entirely up to you and your conscience. for myself ,as much as i like them,i tend to stay as far as possible from family.especialy in money matters.
I am in a similar situation, I understand your situation.

One should keep their head up and report mistakes.

I really, really am in an almost exact situation.

Didn't offer any advice before, I see your anger and so you ain't looking for advice, you are looking to vent, and that is cool. Venting is needed from time to time.

I understand.

Friend of mine was farming with his father, and ended up buying the farm from him. No bank, just a legal contract agreed upon by the two of them, drafted by a lawyer, and witnessed by me and another guy.Fast forward about 10 years, his dad dies and his two sisters swoop in and demand that the farm be re-appraised and he get a loan thru a bank. Bear in mind that his mother was still living and SHE inherited the estate, except for what was in the father's will. I don't know exactly how much it cost my friend, but the one sister is still not all that welcome.
I have seen this type of thing happen so many times. I cannot see myself fighting over somethng that never was mine to begin with. I may want and I may need but it still wasn't mine to begin with.

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